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Vasile Teodorovici din Montreal (...@videotron.ca, IP: 70.81.7...)
2005-07-24 17:06
Multiculturalismul a fost islamic

Articolul din "22" ("Victoria, regina scuzelor") este politically corect. Autorul acelui articol da de inteles ca islamicii au inventat si au profitat, inclusiv financiar, de multiculturalism, pentru a da nastere la terorismul islamic. Poate ca a venit timpul ca altii sa profite de pe urma acestei idei generoase.

geek-a-contra din lume (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.2.201...)
2005-07-24 17:26
Re: Multiculturalismul a fost islamic

La 2005-07-24 17:06:11, Vasile Teodorovici a scris:

> Articolul din "22" ("Victoria, regina scuzelor")
> este politically corect. Autorul acelui articol da de inteles ca
> islamicii au inventat si au profitat, inclusiv financiar, de
> multiculturalism, pentru a da nastere la terorismul islamic. Poate ca
> a venit timpul ca altii sa profite de pe urma acestei idei generoase.

ia zi, in sua, canada, australia si in toate celelelate state de imigratie imigrantii de varii rase, religii si orientari politice nu au beneficiat de multiculturalism? sau numai islamicii?.....

Doro (...@yahoo.com, IP: 199.174.243...)
2005-07-24 17:33
Re: Multiculturalismul a fost islamic

La 2005-07-24 17:06:11, Vasile Teodorovici a scris:

> Articolul din "22" ("Victoria, regina scuzelor")
> este politically corect. Autorul acelui articol da de inteles ca
> islamicii au inventat si au profitat, inclusiv financiar, de
> multiculturalism, pentru a da nastere la terorismul islamic. Poate ca
> a venit timpul ca altii sa profite de pe urma acestei idei generoase.
Politica liberala care s-a adoptat dintre care 80% dintr politicienii liberali sunt evrei si asfel s-a ajuns la multiculturalism. Liberalii vin din randul organizatilor neprofitabile iar apoi se lanseaza in politica de stanga producand dementa in randurile celorlanti oameni care doresc sa-si apere proprii cetateni.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 84.228.61...)
2005-07-24 17:41
Re: Multiculturalismul a fost islamic - Vasile


Uite o parte un interview cu Bat Yeor, ca sa intzelegi radacinile multiculturalismului in Europa, promovat in urma aunor acorduri europene cu tzarile arabe meediteraniene. Multiculturalismul nu a patruns ca ceva necontrolat, ci in urma unei decizii luate cu sange race de catre guvernele europene. Contul de plata se plateste astazi la Londra si in alte partzi.

Intregul interview il potzi gasi la:

Bat Ye'or: Eurabia represents a geo-political reality envisaged in 1973 through a system of informal alliances between, on the one hand, the nine countries of the European Community (EC)which, enlarged, became the European Union (EU) in 1992 and on the other hand, the Mediterranean Arab countries. The alliances and agreements were elaborated at the top political level of each EC country with the representative of the European Commission, and their Arab homologues with the Arab League's delegate. This system was synchronised under the roof of an association called the Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD) created in July 1974 in Paris. A working body composed of committees and always presided jointly by a European and an Arab delegate planned the agendas, and organized and monitored the application of the decisions.

The field of Euro-Arab collaboration covered every domain: from economy and policy to immigration. In foreign policy, it backed anti-Americanism, anti-Zionism and Israel's delegitimization; the promotion of the PLO and Arafat; a Euro-Arab associative diplomacy in international forums; and NGO collaboration. In domestic policy, the EAD established a close cooperation between the Arab and European media television, radio, journalists, publishing houses, academia, cultural centers, school textbooks, student and youth associations, tourism. Church interfaith dialogues were determinant in the development of this policy. Eurabia is therefore this strong Euro-Arab network of associations -- a comprehensive symbiosis with cooperation and partnership on policy, economy, demography and culture.

Eurabia is the future of Europe. Its driving force, the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation, was created in Paris in 1974. It now has over six hundred members -- from all major European political parties -- active in their own national parliaments, as well as in the European parliament. The creation of this body and its policy follow the 23 resolutions of the "Second International Conference in Support of the Arab Peoples", held in Cairo in January 1969. Its resolution 15 formulates the Euro-Arab policy and its all-embracing development over thirty years in European domestic and foreign policy.

It stated: "The conference decided to form special parliamentary groups, where they did not exist, and to use the parliamentary platform for promoting support of the Arab people and the Palestinian resistance." In the 1970s, pursuant to the wishes of the Cairo Conference, national groups proclaiming "Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance and the Arab peoples" appeared throughout Europe. These groups belonged to different political families, Gaullists, extreme left or right, communists, neo-Nazis -- but they all shared the same anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism. France has been the key protagonist of this policy, ever since de Gaulle's press conference on 27 November 1967 when he presented France's cooperation with the Arab world as "the fundamental basis of our foreign policy".


La 2005-07-24 17:06:11, Vasile Teodorovici a scris:

> Articolul din "22" ("Victoria, regina scuzelor")
> este politically corect. Autorul acelui articol da de inteles ca
> islamicii au inventat si au profitat, inclusiv financiar, de
> multiculturalism, pentru a da nastere la terorismul islamic. Poate ca
> a venit timpul ca altii sa profite de pe urma acestei idei generoase.

roy (...@hotmail.com, IP: 84.228.61...)
2005-07-24 17:45
Re: Doro

Cunoastem placa ta, omule fara ura. Evreii sant vinovatzi de toate.
La 2005-07-24 17:33:12, Doro a scris:

> La 2005-07-24 17:06:11, Vasile Teodorovici a scris:
> > Articolul din "22" ("Victoria, regina scuzelor")
> > este politically corect. Autorul acelui articol da de inteles ca
> > islamicii au inventat si au profitat, inclusiv financiar, de
> > multiculturalism, pentru a da nastere la terorismul islamic. Poate ca
> > a venit timpul ca altii sa profite de pe urma acestei idei generoase.
> > 
>  Politica liberala care s-a adoptat dintre care 80% dintr
> politicienii liberali sunt evrei si asfel s-a ajuns la
> multiculturalism. Liberalii vin din randul organizatilor
> neprofitabile iar apoi se lanseaza in politica de stanga producand
> dementa in randurile celorlanti oameni care doresc sa-si apere
> proprii cetateni.

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