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Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2005-07-22 23:02
Conflicting Details About UK Police Killng Train Rider


This is clearly, obviously an assassination.

"....Passengers said they saw police pursuing a man who appeared to be of Pakistani or Indian descent. Some said police pursued him into a subway car and shot him when he tripped.

But one witness said police "pushed him onto the floor and unloaded five shots into him."

"He looked like a cornered fox. He looked petrified," Mark Whitby told the British Broadcasting Corp.....


Some reports say he was shot in a bus
Some say he was shot in the subway station
Some say outside the subway station
Some say inside the carrige
Some say his leg got stuck at the door

Well , he is dead. VERY dead. 5 bullets at point blank.

Rather obvious they wanted to be damned sure he would never talk...

Let's see what story THEY will tell us tomorrow


London Police Shoot, Kill Man at Subway Station,
Cordon Off Mosque Following Bomb Threat

The Conservative Voice - London

Police shot to death a man wearing a thick coat at a subway station and cordoned off a mosque on Friday, a day after the city was hit by a second wave of terror attacks in two weeks.

Metropolitan Police said the man died after being shot by officers at the Stockwell subway station in south London.

Passengers said they saw police pursuing a man who appeared to be of Pakistani or Indian descent. Some said police pursued him into a subway car and shot him when he tripped.

But one witness said police "pushed him onto the floor and unloaded five shots into him."

"He looked like a cornered fox. He looked petrified," Mark Whitby told the British Broadcasting Corp.

Police had no immediate details on the situation at the mosque in east London. But a Muslim leader said it was evacuated following a bomb threat.

Mohammed Abdul Bari, chairman of the East London Mosque, said the threat came in a telephone call Friday morning. A bomb squad came was searching the premises.

More than 6,000 people were expected for Friday afternoon prayers but there were only about a dozen people inside at the time of the threat.


marcus din us (...@aol.com, IP: 69.3.144...)
2005-07-22 23:47
Re: Conflicting Details About UK Police Killng Train Rider

La 2005-07-22 23:02:37, Zen a scris:

> 7-22-5
> This is clearly, obviously an assassination.
> "....Passengers said they saw police pursuing a man who appeared
> to be of Pakistani or Indian descent. Some said police pursued him
> into a subway car and shot him when he tripped.
> But one witness said police "pushed him onto the floor and
> unloaded five shots into him."
> "He looked like a cornered fox. He looked petrified," Mark
> Whitby told the British Broadcasting Corp.....
> Some reports say he was shot in a bus
> Some say he was shot in the subway station
> Some say outside the subway station
> Some say inside the carrige
> Some say his leg got stuck at the door
> Well , he is dead. VERY dead. 5 bullets at point blank.
> Rather obvious they wanted to be damned sure he would never talk...
> Let's see what story THEY will tell us tomorrow
> _____
> London Police Shoot, Kill Man at Subway Station,
> Cordon Off Mosque Following Bomb Threat
> The Conservative Voice - London
> 7-22-5
> Police shot to death a man wearing a thick coat at a subway station
> and cordoned off a mosque on Friday, a day after the city was hit by
> a second wave of terror attacks in two weeks.
> Metropolitan Police said the man died after being shot by officers at
> the Stockwell subway station in south London.
> Passengers said they saw police pursuing a man who appeared to be of
> Pakistani or Indian descent. Some said police pursued him into a
> subway car and shot him when he tripped.
> But one witness said police "pushed him onto the floor and
> unloaded five shots into him."
> "He looked like a cornered fox. He looked petrified," Mark
> Whitby told the British Broadcasting Corp.
> Police had no immediate details on the situation at the mosque in east
> London. But a Muslim leader said it was evacuated following a bomb
> threat.
> Mohammed Abdul Bari, chairman of the East London Mosque, said the
> threat came in a telephone call Friday morning. A bomb squad came was
> searching the premises.
> More than 6,000 people were expected for Friday afternoon prayers but
> there were only about a dozen people inside at the time of the
> threat.
> http://www.theconservativevoice.com/ap/articl
> e.html?mi=D8BGD8JG0&apc=9002

din postarile dvs. reiese foarte limpede ca sustineti/protejati teroristii?
Ma gandesc totusi ca nu sunteti in US sau UK!

progitmo din NOT YOUR BUSINESS (...@yahoo.com, IP: 69.10.138...)
2005-07-23 00:49
Ba e in US - si culmea, pare sa fie chiar in NYC. Re: Conflicting Details About UK Police Killng Train Rider

Nenorocirea cea mai mare e ca nu e singurul roman ce traieste in US si are asemenea idoli. Sunt destui care-si arata asemenea sentimente pe tot felul de liste de discutii de pe internet.

Astia aduc un serviciu de nedorit, ca sa nu zic mai mult, romanilor cu capul pe umeri ce traiesc in America. Asta ar mai lipsi, ca din cauza unor nenorociti ca el, autoritatile sa includa si romanii la "terrorist profile"...

La 2005-07-22 23:47:55, marcus a scris:

> La 2005-07-22 23:02:37, Zen a scris:
> >
> > 7-22-5

> din postarile dvs. reiese foarte limpede ca sustineti/protejati
> teroristii?
> Ma gandesc totusi ca nu sunteti in US sau UK!

Codrut din Indianapolis (...@yahoo.com, IP: 149.166.51...)
2005-07-23 01:50
Ba e in US - si culmea, pare sa fie chiar in NYC. Re: Conflicting Details About UK Police Killng Train Rider

Asa este, eu sa fiu in locul americanilor i-as trimite acasa pe astia care tin cu ursul dupa ce mai intai ar face orice numai sa ajunga in America.

La 2005-07-23 00:49:34, progitmo a scris:

> Nenorocirea cea mai mare e ca nu e singurul roman ce traieste in US si
> are asemenea idoli. Sunt destui care-si arata asemenea sentimente pe
> tot felul de liste de discutii de pe internet.
> Astia aduc un serviciu de nedorit, ca sa nu zic mai mult, romanilor cu
> capul pe umeri ce traiesc in America. Asta ar mai lipsi, ca din cauza
> unor nenorociti ca el, autoritatile sa includa si romanii la
> "terrorist profile"...
> La 2005-07-22 23:47:55, marcus a scris:
> > La 2005-07-22 23:02:37, Zen a scris:
> >
> > >
> > > 7-22-5
> > din postarile dvs. reiese foarte limpede ca sustineti/protejati
> > teroristii?
> > Ma gandesc totusi ca nu sunteti in US sau UK!
> >

George W. Bush din White House (...@aol.com, IP: 205.188.116...)
2005-07-23 01:55
Ba e in US - si culmea, pare sa fie chiar in NYC.

ce faci mai paraciosule?il spui lu' tovarasu'?
tu,oricum esti roman fara cap,asa ca no problem;
te arata numai din fatza,ca pa timbru',intr-o dunga.

La 2005-07-23 00:49:34, progitmo a scris:

romanilor cu capul pe umeri ce traiesc in America.
Asta ar mai lipsi, ca din cauza
unor nenorociti ca el, autoritatile sa includa si romanii la
 "terrorist profile"...

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.187.133...)
2005-07-23 01:58
Guantanamo Fan

Sant cu totul si cu totul impresionat pana la lacrimi. Cata acuratetze si bun simtz din partea d-tale. Si descrierea...ce mai...ca-n romane. Sau ca-n telenovele, ca-s la moda.
Dar cum de ti-ai dat seama, Sherlock, ce fel de "idoli" am eu? Ti-ai pipait circumvolutiunile in ultimul timp?...Sau mai bine zis, in cazul tau, ti le-ai pieptanat?

P.S. Lasa-te de psihanalize. Esti total pe dinafara. Iti mai trebuie ceva ani de viatza si ceva mai multi de experientza ca sa te apuci de subiecte sensibile.
In ceea ce priveste logica...hm!...bea Grigore-aghiazma.

Weekend placut, Sherlock!

La 2005-07-23 00:49:34, progitmo a scris:

> Nenorocirea cea mai mare e ca nu e singurul roman ce traieste in US si
> are asemenea idoli. Sunt destui care-si arata asemenea sentimente pe
> tot felul de liste de discutii de pe internet.
> Astia aduc un serviciu de nedorit, ca sa nu zic mai mult, romanilor cu
> capul pe umeri ce traiesc in America. Asta ar mai lipsi, ca din cauza
> unor nenorociti ca el, autoritatile sa includa si romanii la
> "terrorist profile"...
> La 2005-07-22 23:47:55, marcus a scris:
> > La 2005-07-22 23:02:37, Zen a scris:
> >
> > >
> > > 7-22-5
> > din postarile dvs. reiese foarte limpede ca sustineti/protejati
> > teroristii?
> > Ma gandesc totusi ca nu sunteti in US sau UK!
> >

ingineru din vancouver (...@yahoo.com, IP: 207.232.97...)
2005-07-23 02:17
Re: Conflicting Details... 5 gloante-n freza. No conflict here !...:-))...

... buna grupare ! Da' baieti risipitori englezii astia... Mossad-ul s-ar fi multumit doar cu doua... :-))

Aviz amatorilor ! :-)))

La 2005-07-22 23:02:37, Zen a scris:

> 7-22-5
> This is clearly, obviously an assassination.

Zen (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.187.133...)
2005-07-23 02:36
5 gloante-n freza. No conflict here !...:-))...

La 2005-07-23 02:17:38, ingineru a scris:

> ... buna grupare ! Da' baieti risipitori englezii astia... Mossad-ul
> s-ar fi multumit doar cu doua... :-))
> Aviz amatorilor ! :-)))
> La 2005-07-22 23:02:37, Zen a scris:
> > 
> > 7-22-5
> > 
> > 
> > This is clearly, obviously an assassination.
> > 
> >

vasile din SUA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 67.173.91...)
2005-07-23 08:51

> din postarile dvs. reiese foarte limpede ca sustineti/protejati
> teroristii?
> Ma gandesc totusi ca nu sunteti in US sau UK!
Din postarea ta reiese foarte clar ca nu stii despre ce vorbesti....Mai intii invata engleza si apoi incearca sa comentezi ce vezi pe la altii!
De unde tragi tu concluzia ca respectivul sustine teroristii???Ce esti pe vremea militiei ???
Ce s-a intimplat la Londra este foarte simplu, un om a alergat sa prinda trenul si a fost urmarit de niste politisti care l-au prins si l-au pus jos. Apoi a venit unul mai destept, ca sefii de post de la noi si a descarcat pistolul in suspect. O fi vrut sa iasa in evidenta.
De obicei nici in America nu te impusca dupa ce te-a pus la pamint, da' mai este cite un politist mai retardat care nu stii cum reactioneaza. De exemplu, un politist a oprit o masina in care se afla o familie cu 2 copii si un ciine. Le-a ordonat celor din masina sa iasa afara si sa se puna in genunchi linga masina. Pentru ca, ciinele nu l-a ascultat, a scos pistolul si l-a impuscat.
Intre terorism si prostie este o diferenta....

popa ioan11 din Arad (...@walla.com, IP: 82.79.29...)
2005-07-23 10:27
Ba e in US - si culmea, pare sa fie chiar in NYC. Re: Conflicting Details About UK Police Killng Train Rider

Fiecare natie isi are cozile de topor proprii, depinde de numarul de arginti din mana pe care o saruta. Important cati de astia sunt si din nefericire noi romanii avem prea multi.

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