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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 72.89.199...)
2009-08-15 19:05
off: de cel il iubesc pe Obama?

Pentru ca i-a pus pe foc pe spra-boagatzii americi care practica evaziunea fiscala!

"They are very frightened," said Richard Boggs, chief executive of Nationwide Tax Relief, a Los-Angeles-based tax firm that specializes in clients with tax debts exceeding $100,000. "You have the super rich who are not used to being pushed around and they are finding themselves in unfamiliar territory."

The U.S. and Swiss governments announced a court settlement last week in efforts by the IRS to force Zurich-based UBS AG to turn over the names of some 52,000 Americans believed to be hiding nearly $15 billion in assets in secret accounts.

Justice Department and UBS lawyers told a federal judge in Miami in a brief conference call Wednesday they had initialed a final deal. But they did not disclose any details, such as how many of the 52,000 names sought by the IRS will be revealed.

Conan___the___Barbarian din Ghermanistan (...@operamail.com, IP: 213.251.189...)
2009-08-16 02:00
Re: off: de cel il iubesc pe Obama?/ Iubeste-l long, dar nu-l lasa gravida, OK? :-D

Obama, More Polished Than the Last Puppet


Daaaaaa... si Basescu cica zicea ca se baga in hotzi si-n banditzi. Asta INAINTE de caderea lui Tariceanu Cand a scapat de Harley & the PNL-Bandidos -gang, ....... a uitat s-o REplanteze pe Monica Macovei acolo la "masina de treierat hotzi":
Avea nea Base Gondoleru' prea multzi hotzi si "Hell's Angels" in anturajul sau, ca sa-si poata pernite shpagatu' judiciar;-).... Pai daca se tzinea de cuvant, intra guvernnul lui Boc bashca juma PSD & PD-L la parnaie :-))

La 2009-08-15 19:05:49, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> Pentru ca i-a pus pe foc pe spra-boagatzii americi care practica evaziunea fiscala!..........

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