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Giurgiu Crisan (...@msn.com, IP: 217.184.22...)
2008-11-08 11:17
si pogromul de la Iasi si holocaust? Abatorul a disparut?

De abatorul din Bucuresti nu se mai scrie.A?a ,pe shestache s-a scos dupa ce s-a dovedit ca acolo nu au fost ucisi evrei ci adusi legionari omoritzi de armata.
Care holocaust in Romania? Unde sint victimele ingropate.deportarile pot fi numite holocaust? Cei mai multzi au supravietzuit deportarilor. Ceva dovezi sint?
Dom Tesu, venitzi documentat aici,nu aruncatzi vorbe.
Nu conteaza ce scrie intr-un mic ziar.A facut o gafa diplomaticsa Base.Face el curent diverse gafe.Ne-am obisnuit.

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.80...)
2008-11-09 13:08
Re: Nimic n-a disparut, dimpotriva...

pt voi, cei care negati si Auschwitz...

"Earlier Saturday, German daily Bild reported that original plans of Auschwitz, including a gas chamber and crematorium, were found in a Berlin apartment.

The newspaper published copies of some of the 28 plans, which the head of Germany's federal archives, Hans-Dieter Krekamp, called "authentic proof of the systematically planned genocide of the Jews of Europe."

Bild gave no indication of where, when or by whom the plans were found. It said they were dated between 1941 and 1943 and stamped, "Waffen-SS and Police Construction Directorate."

"These things are well known and appear in any serious book which deals with Auschwitz. However, it's still impressive that certain things are confirmed once again," said prof. Gutman, a Holocaust survivor who played an important role in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and survived Auschwitz himself, and serves as an academic adviser to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority.

According to the professor, the great importance of this discovery is the global media's willingness to publish such documents in details.
"I think the mere fact that Bild thought it right to public it is the important thing. This newspaper reaches masses of readers, and this has value," Prof. Gutman stressed.

"There were all kinds of attempts to claim that people were not murdered in Auschwitz and that the country was under Soviet rule at the time," he said. "They claimed it was the USSR's fault, that these things happened inside Poland and that no one can prove these are facts. Today there are no disagreements, perhaps only on the numbers and reasons for the Holocaust."

According to the report, some of the plans were signed by senior SS officials and one initialed by the head of the Nazi ideological corps, Heinrich Himmler.

One plan, drawn by a detainee as early as November 1941, when experiments in eliminating prisoners were already under way, had a gas chamber clearly labeled, Bild said.
Another showed a crematorium with places for ovens marked, and storage space for bodies.

La 2008-11-08 11:17:21, Giurgiu Crisan a scris:

> De abatorul din Bucuresti nu se mai scrie.A?a ,pe shestache s-a scos
> dupa ce s-a dovedit ca acolo nu au fost ucisi evrei ci adusi
> legionari omoritzi de armata.
> Care holocaust in Romania? Unde sint victimele ingropate.deportarile
> pot fi numite holocaust? Cei mai multzi au supravietzuit
> deportarilor. Ceva dovezi sint?
> Dom Tesu, venitzi documentat aici,nu aruncatzi vorbe.
> Nu conteaza ce scrie intr-un mic ziar.A facut o gafa diplomaticsa
> Base.Face el curent diverse gafe.Ne-am obisnuit.

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