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  06:22, sambata, 6 iulie 2024
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Timotei (...@rediffmail.com, IP: 75.68.237...)
2008-09-20 22:27
Si pe Marte era economie sanatoasa, DAR AU AVUT SI EI FINANCIARI SI S-A ALES PRAFU ROSU

At the current metal prices, the pre-1982 copper cent contains 2.65 US cents which makes them an attractive target for melting by people wanting to sell the metal as a profit. The US Mint which is a part of the US Department of the Treasury, in anticipation of the business of melting down US cents (pennies) and US half dimes (nickels) for profit, implemented new regulations[9] on December 14, 2006 which criminalize the melting of cents and nickels and place limits on export of the coins. Violators can be punished with a fine of up to $10,000 USD and/or imprisoned for a maximum of five years.

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