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gogu TIM
2008-02-22 12:33:06

Yeah, right...

"Rusia va folosi forta"... Hai ca chestia asta este patetica! Impotriva cui va folosi Rusia fortza, domnule ambasador?...

BeDeii vechi si NOI
2008-02-22 12:43:38


ONU merge pe principiul ala securist "dai in mine, dai in tine, dai in fabrici si uzine"...diplomatic ne-a zis:" ciocu mik ca si noi suntem la putere..."

2008-02-22 12:59:39

O decizie absolut justa

SUA au recunoscut asa-zisul stat Kosovar, utilizand forta-sfidand toate normele de drept international. Acum, ar fi corect ca Rusia sa se opuna acestei mascarade ingrozitoare, utilizand la randul ei forta, pentru a se face inteleasa.

2008-02-22 13:12:17

Cade cum nu se poate mai prost pt Romania

Or fi rusii ortodocsi, dar pana la urma Romania este aparata tot de americani si de nato. Fara ajutorul apusului am fi azi o Cecenie.

Ar fi bine sa se ajunga in Kosovo la o intelegere care sa fie acceptata de ambele parti.

2008-02-22 13:22:56


2008-02-22 13:37:02

pentru Romeo2004

Romania de azi nu e decat o a doua Cecenie. Coruptie, mafie, hotie, criminalitate etc. Nato ne apara de bunastare probabil ca sa nu mai vorbim de UE.

2008-02-22 13:50:18

Re: O decizie absolut justa

La 2008-02-22 12:59:39, Mario a scris:

> Acum, ar fi corect ca Rusia sa
> se opuna acestei mascarade ingrozitoare, utilizand la randul ei forta,
> pentru a se face inteleasa.

Impotriva cui?

2008-02-22 13:52:42

Re: pentru Romeo2004

Si alternnativa care e? KGB? Pt. tine poate....

La 2008-02-22 13:37:02, riurik a scris:

> Romania de azi nu e decat o a doua Cecenie. Coruptie, mafie, hotie,
> criminalitate etc. Nato ne apara de bunastare probabil ca sa nu mai
> vorbim de UE.

2008-02-22 14:48:57

Re: O decizie absolut justa

Tantalauul de Putin isi face Rusia de ras cu asemenea iesiri !! Sa razi cu lacrimi: puisorul rus se da cocos in buricul Europei !... :)))
Oricum nu intelegi mare lucru din ce se intampla acolo... te-a luat valul de isterie a PRM. Dar sa te ajut:
Kosovo a fost facut cadou kosovarilor in momentul in care genocidul incurajat de sovietici a fost pus in aplicare de Milosevici in urma cu 10 ani ! In momentul in care trupele ONU ar parasi Kosovo genocidul s-ar reproduce; de unde solutia - dureroasa pt Serbia - pt un kosovo rupt de sarbi, independent. Sarbii pot multumi rusilor pt tot ce au pierdut !!!

2008-02-22 15:27:07

2008-02-22 15:36:23

2008-02-22 16:03:40

Fara violenta!

Sper ca independenta Kosovo va fii respinsa fara violenta. Evident sint sanse minime in acest sens. Dar daca se va ajunge la o noua interventie in forta impotriva serbiei, din tot raul produs, Romania ar trebui sa profite. Adica ar fii un bun motiv sa ne retragem din NATO. Si ar putea fii si un bun precedent pentru multe alte tari din UE!

2008-02-22 16:15:38

Se-ncinge circu'.

Cine dracu' a programat asta si cu ce scop, to'arashi!?

2008-02-22 16:19:25

Re: pentru Romeo2004

Mda! Cred ca aici ai dreptate...Pai asta-i scopu' lor...de peste 60 de ani.

La 2008-02-22 13:37:02, riurik a scris:

" Nato ne apara de bunastare "

2008-02-22 16:52:17

Ubi bene, ubi patria.....(pentru BUMERANG)

2008-02-22 18:00:37

Barfa zilei: Haaretz - Medvedev, succesorul lui Putin, ar fi evreu...

Anshel Pfeffer – Haaretz February 22, 2008

The Jewish community of Russia is worried over a rumor campaign by nationalist parties claiming that Dmitri Medvedev, President Vladimir Putin's handpicked successor, is Jewish.

Russian Jewish leaders declined to comment on the rumors officially, fearing to lend them credibility. Off the record, however, one said: "I pray it isn't true, because it would only make trouble, for him and for us."

Medvedev, who recently told a Russian weekly that he was baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church at age 23, has not commented on these rumors. But Russian Internet sites are full of reports about his alleged Jewish roots.

The rumors are based in part on the fact that his maternal grandfather's first name was Veniamin - similar to the Hebrew Binyamin (Benjamin) - while his family name, Shaposhnikov, is sometimes a Jewish name. But beyond that, accusing an electoral rival of being Jewish is a tactic that nationalist parties have employed in the past, both in Russia and in other former communist countries.

Nikolai Bondarik, who heads the St. Petersburg branch of the nationalist Russian Party, told the Moscow Times on Wednesday "we are categorically against him [Medvedev] because he is an ethnic Jew and does not conceal his sympathies toward Judaism." He also charged that with Medvedev in power, foreigners and Jews would plunder Russia's natural resources; "tens of thousands" of Israelis would be given key positions in bodies such as "the police, army, and secret services"; and Russia's relations with the Arab world would be destroyed.

The Russian Party, which is considered anti-Semitic, is not running in the March 2 presidential election. Due to both Putin's backing and the disqualification of several opposition candidates, Medvedev's victory in the balloting is virtually certain.

Medvedev visited the Jewish Community center in Moscow during the Hanukkah holiday in December, just three days before Putin anointed him as his preferred successor. Thus all the television reports of the new heir presumptive included shots of him surrounded by leaders of the Jewish community, with Hanukkah candles and a Torah in the background.

Jewish community leaders said that Medvedev's visit and the good will he radiated during it encouraged them to hope that his presidency will be good for the community. "Medvedev will be wonderful for the Jews," just as Putin was, declared Israeli-Russian businessman Lev Leviev, who heads the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia.

Yet off the record, several said they feared this good will could create a backlash that would strengthen anti-Semitic currents in Russia.

Asked about Medvedev's alleged Judaism, they declined comment, beyond noting that he identifies himself as a Russian Orthodox Christian.

"The irony," said one, "is that we're doing everything possible to bring Jews back to Judaism, but in this particular case, with the next president, it would be better for the Jewish community if he did not identity himself as Jewish, so as not to draw fire."


2008-02-22 18:21:23

Re: pentru Romeo2004

La 2008-02-22 13:37:02, riurik a scris:

> Romania de azi nu e decat o a doua Cecenie. Coruptie, mafie, hotie,
> criminalitate etc. Nato ne apara de bunastare probabil ca sa nu mai
> vorbim de UE.

Mda...Asta s-a vrut o amenintare varegule?
Speri sa ajungeti sa ne curarati voi coruptia cum ati curatat-o in Cecenia?
Am ales un filmulet mai bland, sa nu-i afecteze prea tare pe cei mai slabi de inima:


2008-02-22 19:31:14

Re: Barfa zilei: Haaretz - Medvedev, succesorul lui Putin, ar fi evreu...

Mikhail Yefimovich Fradkov, fostul prim-ministru rus, a avut radacini evreiesti si a fost foarte fidel tarii sale, dupa ce a demisionat in oct. 2007, fiind numit de Putin, director al Serviciilor de Informatii Externe. Si care au fost avantajele Rusiei din relatiile sale cu tarile arabe? Nici unul. "Prietenii" arabi recunosc la unison independenta statului-fantoma Kosovo si i-au sprijinit pe separatistii ceceni. Nationalistii rusi sunt cam prostuti.
Personal, nu sunt de acord cu numirea nici unui alogen intr-o functie precum cea de presedinte (prim-ministru sau ministru). Dar atunci cand omul isi arata fidelitatea fata de tara, numai in cazul acesta, nu am nimic impotriva. Sunt cazuri, f.f. rare, cand alogenii au fost capabili de un nationalism curat si sincer.

2008-02-22 19:50:31

Re: Barfa zilei: Haaretz - Medvedev, succesorul lui Putin, ar fi evreu...

La 2008-02-22 18:00:37, Zenn a scris:

> Anshel Pfeffer – Haaretz February 22, 2008
> The Jewish community of Russia is worried over a rumor campaign by
> nationalist parties claiming that Dmitri Medvedev, President Vladimir
> Putin's handpicked successor, is Jewish.
> Russian Jewish leaders declined to comment on the rumors officially,
> fearing to lend them credibility. Off the record, however, one said:
> "I pray it isn't true, because it would only make trouble, for him and
> for us."
> Medvedev, who recently told a Russian weekly that he was baptized into
> the Russian Orthodox Church at age 23, has not commented on these
> rumors. But Russian Internet sites are full of reports about his
> alleged Jewish roots.
> The rumors are based in part on the fact that his maternal
> grandfather's first name was Veniamin - similar to the Hebrew Binyamin
> (Benjamin) - while his family name, Shaposhnikov, is sometimes a
> Jewish name. But beyond that, accusing an electoral rival of being
> Jewish is a tactic that nationalist parties have employed in the past,
> both in Russia and in other former communist countries.
> Nikolai Bondarik, who heads the St. Petersburg branch of the
> nationalist Russian Party, told the Moscow Times on Wednesday "we are
> categorically against him [Medvedev] because he is an ethnic Jew and
> does not conceal his sympathies toward Judaism." He also charged that
> with Medvedev in power, foreigners and Jews would plunder Russia's
> natural resources; "tens of thousands" of Israelis would be given key
> positions in bodies such as "the police, army, and secret services";
> and Russia's relations with the Arab world would be destroyed.
> The Russian Party, which is considered anti-Semitic, is not running in
> the March 2 presidential election. Due to both Putin's backing and the
> disqualification of several opposition candidates, Medvedev's victory
> in the balloting is virtually certain.
> Medvedev visited the Jewish Community center in Moscow during the
> Hanukkah holiday in December, just three days before Putin anointed
> him as his preferred successor. Thus all the television reports of the
> new heir presumptive included shots of him surrounded by leaders of
> the Jewish community, with Hanukkah candles and a Torah in the
> background.
> Jewish community leaders said that Medvedev's visit and the good will
> he radiated during it encouraged them to hope that his presidency will
> be good for the community. "Medvedev will be wonderful for the Jews,"
> just as Putin was, declared Israeli-Russian businessman Lev Leviev,
> who heads the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia.
> Yet off the record, several said they feared this good will could
> create a backlash that would strengthen anti-Semitic currents in
> Russia.
> Asked about Medvedev's alleged Judaism, they declined comment, beyond
> noting that he identifies himself as a Russian Orthodox Christian.
> "The irony," said one, "is that we're doing everything possible to
> bring Jews back to Judaism, but in this particular case, with the next
> president, it would be better for the Jewish community if he did not
> identity himself as Jewish, so as not to draw fire."
> http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/957003.html

2008-02-22 20:03:35


Foarte bine venita revenirea lui Nastase.....bineinteles ajutat de Casa Alba....si de Comunitatea Europeana.....Basescu a inceput sa ia decizii tot mai confuze....acum este la Covasna.....sa se relacseze......dar Nastase este unicul om pe care americanii au baza....are mult mai multa scoala in diplomatie ca betivul asta de marinar.....asa ca Dumnezeu sa te intareasca Domnule NASTASE.......si nu baga in seama ce vorbeste presa.......arate-le ce faci......nu ce se vorbeste.....in fapte.....nu in vorbe.....ardeii......

2008-02-22 21:11:45

Hai sa nu exacerbam totul ...

Cati nu or mai avea radacini evreiesti (de care nu stiu nici ei !!!) si totusi sunt loiali tarilor lor ?

2008-02-22 21:15:47


La 2008-02-22 20:03:35, texanu a scris:

> Foarte bine venita revenirea lui Nastase.....bineinteles ajutat de
> Casa Alba....si de Comunitatea Europeana.....Basescu a inceput sa ia
> decizii tot mai confuze....acum este la Covasna.....sa se
> relacseze......dar Nastase este unicul om pe care americanii au
> baza....are mult mai multa scoala in diplomatie
Da, are scoala in diplomatie dar are "scoala" si in smecherie !!! Nu numai ca rimeaza dar si seamana pe alocuri ...

2008-02-22 22:10:03

Re: Barfa zilei: Haaretz - Medvedev, succesorul lui Putin, ar fi evreu...

Si care e problema ca bagi articolul in postarea despre Kosovo,te deranjeaza posibilitatea ca tarile arabe vor pierde prietenia Rusa sau ca Rusia va fi de acord cu distrugerea instalatilor nucleare in Iran.

La 2008-02-22 18:00:37, Zenn a scris:

> Anshel Pfeffer – Haaretz February 22, 2008
> The Jewish community of Russia is worried over a rumor campaign by
> nationalist parties claiming that Dmitri Medvedev, President Vladimir
> Putin's handpicked successor, is Jewish.
> Russian Jewish leaders declined to comment on the rumors officially,
> fearing to lend them credibility. Off the record, however, one said:
> "I pray it isn't true, because it would only make trouble, for him and
> for us."
> Medvedev, who recently told a Russian weekly that he was baptized into
> the Russian Orthodox Church at age 23, has not commented on these
> rumors. But Russian Internet sites are full of reports about his
> alleged Jewish roots.
> The rumors are based in part on the fact that his maternal
> grandfather's first name was Veniamin - similar to the Hebrew Binyamin
> (Benjamin) - while his family name, Shaposhnikov, is sometimes a
> Jewish name. But beyond that, accusing an electoral rival of being
> Jewish is a tactic that nationalist parties have employed in the past,
> both in Russia and in other former communist countries.
> Nikolai Bondarik, who heads the St. Petersburg branch of the
> nationalist Russian Party, told the Moscow Times on Wednesday "we are
> categorically against him [Medvedev] because he is an ethnic Jew and
> does not conceal his sympathies toward Judaism." He also charged that
> with Medvedev in power, foreigners and Jews would plunder Russia's
> natural resources; "tens of thousands" of Israelis would be given key
> positions in bodies such as "the police, army, and secret services";
> and Russia's relations with the Arab world would be destroyed.
> The Russian Party, which is considered anti-Semitic, is not running in
> the March 2 presidential election. Due to both Putin's backing and the
> disqualification of several opposition candidates, Medvedev's victory
> in the balloting is virtually certain.
> Medvedev visited the Jewish Community center in Moscow during the
> Hanukkah holiday in December, just three days before Putin anointed
> him as his preferred successor. Thus all the television reports of the
> new heir presumptive included shots of him surrounded by leaders of
> the Jewish community, with Hanukkah candles and a Torah in the
> background.
> Jewish community leaders said that Medvedev's visit and the good will
> he radiated during it encouraged them to hope that his presidency will
> be good for the community. "Medvedev will be wonderful for the Jews,"
> just as Putin was, declared Israeli-Russian businessman Lev Leviev,
> who heads the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia.
> Yet off the record, several said they feared this good will could
> create a backlash that would strengthen anti-Semitic currents in
> Russia.
> Asked about Medvedev's alleged Judaism, they declined comment, beyond
> noting that he identifies himself as a Russian Orthodox Christian.
> "The irony," said one, "is that we're doing everything possible to
> bring Jews back to Judaism, but in this particular case, with the next
> president, it would be better for the Jewish community if he did not
> identity himself as Jewish, so as not to draw fire."
> http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/957003.html

2008-02-22 23:14:53

Re: O decizie absolut justa

Orice razboi este atroce! Oamenii se omoara unii ope altii, nu poti face asta elegant sau frumos... Asa a fost si in Kosovo, unde Kosovarii nu au fost ingeri in fata diavolilor sarbi. Uitati-va la istoria lor si amintiti-va de preocuparile preferate ale albanezilor... Cat despre genocid, ciudata afirmatie. Dupa genocidul sarb si epurarea etnica pe care au facut-u sarbii, in Kosovo sarbii au devenit o mica minoritate... Nu vi se pare interesant? Si inca ceva, Noi, Romanii, nu avem nimic comun cu Rusii in chestiunea kosovara! Rusii au motivele lor de mare putere, noi urmarim indreptarea unui act injust... Unde este legatura ?!

La 2008-02-22 14:48:57, realist111 a scris:

> Tantalauul de Putin isi face Rusia de ras cu asemenea iesiri !! Sa
> razi cu lacrimi: puisorul rus se da cocos in buricul Europei !...
> :)))
> Oricum nu intelegi mare lucru din ce se intampla acolo... te-a luat
> valul de isterie a PRM. Dar sa te ajut:
> Kosovo a fost facut cadou kosovarilor in momentul in care genocidul
> incurajat de sovietici a fost pus in aplicare de Milosevici in urma cu
> 10 ani ! In momentul in care trupele ONU ar parasi Kosovo genocidul
> s-ar reproduce; de unde solutia - dureroasa pt Serbia - pt un kosovo
> rupt de sarbi, independent. Sarbii pot multumi rusilor pt tot ce au
> pierdut !!!

2008-02-22 23:55:15

Re: Intrebarea este:

Poate se intreaba evreii: de ce suntem atit de iubiti si acceptati? Ce am facut noi sa meritam aceasta reactie?

2008-02-23 00:21:42

Se apropie alegerile in Rusia - iesirea e o campanie electorala ordinara

In Rusia necesitatea de a fi respectati de toate poapoarele lumii este intens cultivata de massmedia prezidentiala.

Cultivarea Respectul fata matusca Russia justifica chiar si paradele de forta in exterior.

Fara forta si fara patriotism exasperat Rusia se va narui pentru ca prea putini oameni stapanesc un teritoriu prea mare.

Asa ca aceasta campanie electorala doar face uz de sentimentele national-patriotice si atat.

Medvedev mi se pare un molau in comparatie cu Putin. Asa ca Putin incearca sa-i creasca valoarea prin propriile declaratii.

2008-02-23 01:19:17

Ministrul britanic de externe, David Miliband, a calificat joi aceste violente ca fiind "nejustifica

Alti ipocriti ...

2008-02-23 01:19:20

Re: Rusii!

2008-02-23 02:10:30

Anglia si SUA tavaleste interesele UE si ale lumii intregi

SUA & Anglia cauta pe orce cai un conflict armat in Europa.Un conflict armat in UE,ar insemna o noua piata de desfacere pt armamentul american si englez.

2008-02-23 03:13:06

Re: Anglia si SUA tavaleste interesele UE si ale lumii intregi

Anglia si SUA tavalesc interesele Ue, pentru ca E doua , bey nea !

La 2008-02-23 02:10:30, sarkizian a scris:

> SUA & Anglia cauta pe orce cai un conflict armat in Europa.Un
> conflict armat in UE,ar insemna o noua piata de desfacere pt
> armamentul american si englez.

Ion Caramache
2008-02-23 07:55:07

Re: Anglia si SUA tavaleste interesele UE si ale lumii intregi

La 2008-02-23 03:13:06, Bongosika a scris:

> Anglia si SUA tavalesc interesele Ue, pentru ca E doua , bey nea !
> La 2008-02-23 02:10:30, sarkizian a scris:
> > SUA & Anglia cauta pe orce cai un conflict armat in Europa.Un
> > conflict armat in UE,ar insemna o noua piata de desfacere pt
> > armamentul american si englez.
> >
sarkizian = vanghelian, sau vanghelian = sanchizian? Ce ne facem daca partizianul este Mikoian, ala cu MIG-urile care se tot prabusesc peste fabrici si ogoare, peste clasa muncitoare?

2008-02-23 08:59:35

Forta militara o foloseste acum deja !

dar multi vad si putini cunosc.
Infiltrarile militarilor rusi prin Romania in Serbia a inceput deja.

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