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2008-12-23 20:59:23

Furt cu ambele maini

Acum dupa ce jaful cel mare a fost infaptuit, jaful mai mic, continua neabatut:

Pe cand pretul petrolului s-a prabusit cu peste 75%, 1 litru de combustibil scade de la 4 lei la numai 3 ?

Chiar daca consideram accizele oneroase incasate de stat, tot trebuia ca pretul unui litru de motorina sa se injumatateasca.

Un guvern cinstit, ar avea grija ca asta sa se intample - al nostru, de ce nu ?

2008-12-23 20:59:36

Regular $1.47 Gal la pompa (1 Gal=3.78 litri)

Asta este pretul la pompa in NJ azi.
Oare de ce in Romania pretul benzinei nu scade proportional cu ieftinirea pretului pe baril de pe piata mondiala?
Baniuesc ca motivul e unul singur.Asa cum romanul nu zice nimc la alegeri(adica NU MERGE LA VOT) nu zice nimic cind plateste triplu la taxa de inmatriculare nu zice nimic la cresterea pretului la gaze,electricitate, mincare, apa si toate celelalte putem deduce ca romanul e un om multumit.
Nu e total multumit pentru ca totusi are si o mica nemultumire. Toata ziua se plinge ca nu are bani.

2008-12-23 21:51:58

pretul benzinei

Pai pomenile electorale de unde crezi ca se platesc domnule . Din mult prea performanta economie romaneasca

hai sa fim seriosi. vreti lucruri ieftine puneti mana si munciti si nu mai cersiti

dezvoltati economia romaneasca nu pe cea germana sau chineza (germana era de la masini)

2008-12-23 22:36:40

Un lucru bun...

Este acela ca preturile alimentelor nu sunt si ele in cadere libera...
De fapt , "expertii " prevad , o scumpire a alimentelor de baza in '09..
Acestea sunt vesti rele ptr. maoisti , sovietici si beduini....( noile supraputeri emergente ale Lumii (sic!)...

2008-12-23 22:39:34


Putin si Ahmadinejad isi smulg parul din cap.

2008-12-23 22:50:07

Re: Furt cu ambele maini

KKanarule parca zicea-i ca nu-ti place America azi pretul unui galon este 1,39$ stai in Romania ca asta ai vrut.

La 2008-12-23 20:59:23, Eufrosin a scris:

> Acum dupa ce jaful cel mare a fost infaptuit, jaful mai mic,
> continua neabatut:
> Pe cand pretul petrolului s-a prabusit cu peste 75%, 1 litru de
> combustibil scade de la 4 lei la numai 3 ?
> Chiar daca consideram accizele oneroase incasate de stat, tot
> trebuia ca pretul unui litru de motorina sa se injumatateasca.
> Un guvern cinstit, ar avea grija ca asta sa se intample - al
> nostru, de ce nu ?

2008-12-23 22:54:22

Re: pretul benzinei

Cand vrei sa faci negot cu Romania trebue sa`platesti preturi mai mari decat in Germania ,acolo se face concurenta nemtilor nu chinezilor cine sa ridice standartul vieti cand toti vor sa devina milionari peste noapte.

La 2008-12-23 21:51:58, Virgil1968 a scris:

> Pai pomenile electorale de unde crezi ca se platesc domnule . Din mult
> prea performanta economie romaneasca
> hai sa fim seriosi. vreti lucruri ieftine puneti mana si munciti si nu
> mai cersiti
> dezvoltati economia romaneasca nu pe cea germana sau chineza (germana
> era de la masini)

2008-12-23 23:04:19


La 2008-12-23 22:39:34, roy a scris:

> Putin si Ahmadinejad isi smulg parul din cap.

Olmert va face atac de cord:
Russia Sells S-300 Anti-Aircraft Missile Defense System to Iran

Pretul petrolului se mai poate stabiliza, dar suprematia militara a Israelului fata de vecinii sai arabi va fi iremediabil afectata din cauza inarmarii generoase a Iranului. Va fi vai de capul vostru!

2008-12-24 02:01:59

Re: Minunat

Asa sa traiesti tu si intreaga ta familie si banda de criminali islamisti cum va fi vai de capul nostru,de capul tau este deja ,cand capeti crizele de schizofrenie.

La 2008-12-23 23:04:19, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2008-12-23 22:39:34, roy a scris:
> > Putin si Ahmadinejad isi smulg parul din cap.
> Olmert va face atac de cord:
> Russia Sells S-300 Anti-Aircraft Missile Defense System to Iran
> http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/124719
> Pretul petrolului se mai poate stabiliza, dar suprematia militara a
> Israelului fata de vecinii sai arabi va fi iremediabil afectata din
> cauza inarmarii generoase a Iranului. Va fi vai de capul vostru!

2008-12-24 08:06:22

Russia's economy to melt down?

The World Bank is atwitter with worry that collapsing oil prices are putting Russia's economy under "crippling pressure."

"The pressure on the current account and public finances in Russia would quickly rise to a point where the financing constraint would become so sharp that it's possible to envisage Russia's return from a creditor to international organizations to (that of) a borrower," laments World Bank chief economist Zeljko Bogetic. He goes on to say that if oil stays under $50 a barrel for a prolonged period of time, Russia's economy could suffer a "total meltdown."

And we're supposed to care -- why?

Ever since Russia became awash in oil, it's been nothing but a big pain in the backside to the West, especially the United States. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his presidential puppet, Dmitry Medvedev, have been acting just like the old communist commissars. In fact, they seem bent on restoring the glory -- as they see it -- of the old Soviet empire.

The brutal invasion of the neighboring state of Georgia sent a chilling message to all of Russia's other neighbors, including Eastern Europian nations such as Poland and the Czech Republic.

Russia seems to be reverting to the old communist axiom that "What's ours is ours and what's yours is ours too."

This aggressive posture would not be possible without Russia's oil wealth. Nor would the Putin team likely be thumbing its nose at the West at every opportunity, always siding with enemies of the West, including thwarting efforts to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power and protecting North Korea, Sudan and other rogue nations from well-deserved United Nations sanctions.

More recently Russia has been making nice with Marxist dictator Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, another oil rich country that's rapidly going bust. In a show of military bravado, Medvedev even sent a contingent of Russian warships there,

Without oil riches, such Russian arrogance wouldn't be possible. When Russia was poor, Putin was much more friendly and cooperative with the democratic industrialized nations because he needed their help to keep his economy afloat.

So we don't share the World Bank's worries that plummeting oil prices will cause a meltdown of Russia's economy. Indeed, we say bring it on.

And if the World Bank tries to bail Russia out, then we should bail out of the World Bank.

From the Monday, December 22, 2008 edition of the Augusta Chronicle

2008-12-24 08:11:04

World Bank Urges Russia to End Its Ruble Policy

By LIDIA KELLY, Wakk Street Journal, 22/12/2008

MOSCOW -- The World Bank called on Russia to abandon the ruble's managed exchange-rate policy in order to moderate capital outflow, which is set to reach at least $100 billion this year, and safeguard the country's massive monetary reserves.

Getty Images
A Russian man stands near a currency exchange point in Moscow earlier this month. Shrinking revenue, which has been falling in lockstep with the more than 70% drop in oil prices since summer, has put enormous downward pressure on the ruble.

The recommendation, the World Bank's firmest on the subject yet, capped a week of economic data making it seem more likely Russia will fall from robust growth to recession.

Zeljko Bogetic, the World Bank's lead economist for Russia, said that an average price of $30 a barrel of oil over the next two years would be ruinous for an economy that relies hugely on revenue from crude exports. Shrinking revenue, which has been falling in lockstep with the more than 70% drop in oil prices since summer, has put enormous downward pressure on the ruble, which economists consider a commodity currency. This, in turn has led Moscow to try to keep the currency from sliding and avoid widespread fears that another 1998 crash is looming.

"It's possible even to envisage Russia's return from a creditor to international organizations to a borrower," Mr. Bogetic said.

Many forecasts for Russia's economic development assume crude oil averaging $50 a barrel next year -- almost 50% more than current prices. Friday, official data showed that the ripple effect from falling oil prices has been spreading to ordinary Russians.

Consumers are holding back, dragging November retail sales down 3.4% on the month, while unemployment rose 400,000 to hit 6.6%, the highest in 18 months.

Meanwhile, monetary authorities have remained determined to defend the ruble and dip frequently into the country's amassed oil wealth. As a result, Russia's gold and foreign reserves have shrunk by more than $160 billion since August.
"We've seen the monetary reserves dwindle as a result of the central bank's policy," Mr. Bogetic said. "We also see now that the policy is increasingly less sustainable."

Since 2005, the central bank has kept the ruble's exchange rate in a tight band against a basket of 55% dollars and 45% euros. Authorities have allowed the ruble to weaken 8% since early November and more than 13% since August by gradually widening its trading band, but many economists view the currency as still 15% to 20% overpriced.

Many economic forecasts call for no growth in gross domestic product over the next couple quarters and no more than 3% for the whole year.

2008-12-24 08:23:34

Seful Statului Major Rus, generalul Nikolai Makarov: Russian army not fit for modern war


Daca vretzi sa stitzi care este reala capacitate a armatei sovietice, iata ce crede Srful Marelui Stat Major al armatei ruse:

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's war with Georgia showed that most of its senior officers are not equipped or trained to fight a modern war, Russia's top soldier said on Tuesday.

Russia easily defeated its Western-leaning neighbor and briefly occupied large parts of the country after a five-day war in August, triggered by Tbilisi's attempt to retake its rebel pro-Moscow South Ossetia region by force.

But the conflict exposed a lack of modern equipment, poor communications and other shortcomings in Moscow's Soviet-era war machine, Nikolai Makarov, chief of the general staff, said.

"To find a lieutenant-colonel, colonel or general able to lead troops with a sure hand, you had to chase down officers one by one throughout the armed forces, because those career commanders in charge of 'paper regiments and divisions' just could not resolve the tasks set," Makarov was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies.

"When they were given personnel and equipment, they simply lost their heads, while some even refused to fulfill the given tasks," Makarov told Russia's Academy of Military Sciences.

"So I have a question: 'Do we need such officers'?"

Foreign analysts and critics at home have expressed doubts Russia will be able to defeat a stronger force than Georgia, while the Defense Ministry unveiled a military reform plan aimed at creating a smaller, but better equipped and mobile army.

Russia's army inherited a largely Soviet-era military structure, in which many units are run mainly or exclusively by officers, existing mostly on paper and ready to be mobilized with reservists in case of a large-scale war.


Makarov said 83 percent of today's Russian army were numerically incomplete and only 17 percent were combat-ready.

"Of those 150 regiments in our air forces, there are only five ones permanently combat-ready and capable of fulfilling all tasks set, albeit with limited numbers -- operating just 24 aircraft instead of 36," he said.

Makarov said a similar gloomy picture was seen in the navy, where "one half of warships stands idle at anchor."

The defense ministry aims to trim the army to 1 million people in 2012 from today's 1.13 million. Makarov said some 100,000 officers would be demobilized "in the nearest time."

He said Russia would struggle to modernize 30 percent of its weapons by 2012 and up to 70 percent by 2020.

But as long as Russia's conventional forces were in a poor state, Moscow would continue to rely heavily on its formidable arsenal of strategic nuclear forces.

"We attach and will continue to attach priority significance to our strategic nuclear forces," Makarov said. "Under the cover of this shield, we must be guaranteed we will be able to implement the reform of our armed forces."

(Writing by Dmitry Solovyov; Editing by Richard Balmforth)

budulea taichii
2008-12-24 10:41:37

Re: Superb

"evreule"-rus...S-300 are si Siria. Asta nu a impiedicat aviatia israeliana (ca tot te doare capul de Olmert) sa treaca precum gasca prin apa prin apararea siriana.

2008-12-24 11:02:16

Re: Superb

2008-12-24 11:07:50

Re: Superb

budulea taichii
2008-12-24 18:26:52

Re: Superb

In linkul postat de dvs. este vorba de ultimele generatii de S-300. Exista motive puternice pentru a se crede ca Siria detine variante mai timpurii ale sistemului S-300. In definitiv nici Israelul nu are oficial arma nucleara dar toata lumea stie de ea. Cam asa e si cu S-300 a sirienilor. Reply-ul meu era la bucuria netarmurita a "evreului"-rus la faptul ca Iranul de doteaza cu S-300. Chestia asta NU va schimba balanta de putere din zona. Cu sau fara S-300 sau S-400 un atac surpriza al aviatiei israeliene va atinge macar partial obiectivele. Inversul e valabil si el. Cu sau fara Patriot un atac surpriza arab sau iranian va atinge obiectivele din Israel. Istoria ne arata ca ar avea de pierdut si unii isi altii. De castigat castiga aia care le vand rachete si iluzii ca se pot apara. E doar o cursa stupida in care au de pierdut si israelienii si tarile arabe sau Iranul.

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