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dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2009-04-21 19:44
din lirica lui Baruch Cohen


In September, 2004, the Simon Wiesenthal Center launched "Operation Last Chance" in Romania. The program offers rewards for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of war criminals complicit in the deaths of 350,000 Jews in Romania's Holocaust. Unfortunately, the country's Jewish leaders have little hope that much will come of the campaign. Anti-Semitism is still prevalent in the country. Fascist graffiti is common, and the anti-Semitic press is flourishing.

The government has dragged its feet on the issue. Since 1989, Romania has not charged a single Holocaust criminal, and hasn't yet accepted its full responsibility for the atrocities committed against the Jews during the period 1937-1944. Since the Second World War ended, successive generations of Romanians have been denied the truth about what happened: There were nearly 800,000 Jews in Romania in 1939; by the end of 1944, more than half were gone. Today, there are only about 6,000-8,000 Jews left, most of them elderly.

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-04-21 23:03
Re: din lirica lui Baruch Cohen -- Vrei sa spui: din minciunile lui Baruch Cohen!?...

La 2009-04-21 19:44:10, dorinP a scris:

> http://www.jewishtoronto.net/page.aspx?id=97223
> In September, 2004, the Simon Wiesenthal Center launched "Operation
> Last Chance" in Romania. The program offers rewards for information
> leading to the arrest and prosecution of war criminals complicit in
> the deaths of 350,000 Jews in Romania's Holocaust. Unfortunately, the
> country's Jewish leaders have little hope that much will come of the
> campaign. Anti-Semitism is still prevalent in the country. Fascist
> graffiti is common, and the anti-Semitic press is flourishing.
> The government has dragged its feet on the issue. Since 1989, Romania
> has not charged a single Holocaust criminal, and hasn't yet accepted
> its full responsibility for the atrocities committed against the Jews
> during the period 1937-1944. Since the Second World War ended,
> successive generations of Romanians have been denied the truth about
> what happened: There were nearly 800,000 Jews in Romania in 1939; by
> the end of 1944, more than half were gone. Today, there are only
> about 6,000-8,000 Jews left, most of them elderly.
> [...]

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