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  13:22, sambata, 6 iulie 2024
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iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2008-12-21 22:00
Vestea uimitoare e ca rusia a salvat zeci de milioane numai in iran

au vindut iranienilor nemaipomenitul sistem de aparare antiaeriana s300,iar in curind siriei si libanului
Mare bucurie pe sufletele evreiesti,cit de curind nu vor mai omori pe nimeni,nici ei si nici vasalii lor sua cu acolitzii nato(o adunatura spurcata de cei mai feroce criminali de razboi)

Russian arms selling? You`re pointing the accusing finger at Russia? Israel doesn`t sell arms? The U.S. doesn`t sell arms? The French, the English, and the U.S. were all involved in Israel`s nuclear program. Twenty tons of uranium `disappeared` at sea. Heavy water was provided by the French. Krytons were provided by the U.S. Be fair Roxy, all countries have the right to self defense, not just Israel. Israel`s paranoia comes from the hatred she inspired with unlawfull, hellish behavior. Don`t blame Russia, Iran, Syria, Palestinians, Hamas, Fatah, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Christians, Muslims, the U.N., the EU.... Stop the Occupation. Make Peace. Return what was taken. The Talmud says things taken from non-Jews do not have to be returned. Don`t believe it.

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