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ionion din Iganga-Uganda (...@hotmail.com, IP: 88.103.57...)
2008-09-27 13:17
McCain are mai multa dreptate , dar Obama in fine a inteles adevarul si situatia din lume.

Rusia este o pacoste.

Europeanul (...@k.ro, IP: 91.15.63...)
2008-09-27 16:54
Ioane tu interpretezi gresit lucrurile (incurci merele cu merele)

La 2008-09-27 13:17:46, ionion a scris:

> Rusia este o pacoste.

Spre doesebire de admin Bush (si McCain), Obama are dreptul moral sa critice atitudinea neacceptabila a Rusiei.



"I stood up and opposed this war, at a time when it was politically risky to do so, because I said that not only did we not know how much it was going to cost, what our exit strategy might be, how it would affect our relationships around the world and whether our intelligence was sound but also because we hadn't finished the job in Afghanistan.

"The first question is whether we should have gone into this war in the first place."

* McCain

"I think the lessons of Iraq are very clear, that you cannot have a failed strategy that will then cause you to nearly lose a conflict. Our initial military success, we went into Baghdad and everybody celebrating, and then the war was very badly mishandled."

ionion din Iganga-Uganda (...@hotmail.com, IP: 88.103.57...)
2008-09-27 17:39
McCain va fi viitorul Presedinte al USA .

acest lucru este deosebit de clar si binevenit.

cocosh din san francisco (...@pacbell.net, IP: 76.246.163...)
2008-09-28 04:42
Re: McCain are mai multa dreptate , dar Obama in fine a inteles adevarul si situatia din lume.

La 2008-09-27 13:17:46, ionion a scris:

> Rusia este o pacoste.
Chiar vorbesti serios...?????

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