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The Israeli C4I (...@kentsecurity.com, IP: 99.41.94...)
2010-01-10 21:53
Dear LILI MARLEN_english

Dear Sir / Madam,

Fortunately for Israel and the civilized world there are governmental and non-governmental bodies, both of Israel and its allies including Romania, which monitors international media and gather information about their readers. This information is collected according to "key words" existing and constantly updated in a large computerized database. Readers are located in an array information including but not only the IP address used by users when posting a comment, as you well know, and also other parameters which I will keep confidential for now.

Every second of the day and night there are operative agents of these organizations/agencies, ex. Center for Cyber Security, which are in the "field" in order to monitor individuals as you. I advise you to "watch your back" from now on where ever you are because you have crossed the "red line" in your racist statement and it seems that there is no going back on the "process" that was initiated to you. I assure you that comparing to the legal penalties, for which by the way you are eligible to be submitted based on your public statements, the punishments imposed by these agents that are after you are a joke...

My best thoughts,
C4I Corps office

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