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Prezidentiale 2009

Roman-Evreu (...@gmail.com, IP: 86.127.189...)
2009-12-07 01:04
Basescu +16 000 de voturi FARA DIASPORA ! Basescu Presedinte

we are the chanpions my friends and we'll keep on fighting to the end

Solitude din USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 134.60.48...)
2009-12-07 01:07
Re: Basescu +16 000 de voturi FARA DIASPORA ! Basescu Presedinte


Cand am spus ca luam 50.6%-50.9% nu m-a crezut nimeni...

Sobru....... (...@yahoo.com, IP: 78.97.39...)
2009-12-07 01:10
Geoana are cel putin 150 000 de voturi in fata. Sictir.

La 2009-12-07 01:04:40, Roman-Evreu a scris:

> we are the chanpions my friends and we'll keep on fighting to the end

Solitude din USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 134.60.48...)
2009-12-07 01:13
Re: Basescu +16 000 de voturi FARA DIASPORA ! Basescu Presedinte

In fata cui!?
Lui Vanghelie, cumva?

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