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Liviu2002j din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 188.25.167...)
2009-11-16 22:32
Unde E evreii care ziceA ca nu aRE nimic impotriva unui stat Palestinian ?!!!

Ba mai mult decat atat ii invinovateau pe palestinieni ca nu vor un stat al lor ! Cand teritoriul de acolo s-a chemat PALESTINA !!!

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2009-11-16 23:10
Re: Unde E evreii care ziceA ca nu aRE nimic impotriva unui stat Palestinian ?!!!

Peste tot :) Toti vor pace si 2 state.


Ministers stiffen positions toward unilateral Palestinian state

In light of Palestinian plans to declare state unilaterally and possibility of peace talks with Syria, government ministers dig in their heels. 'There is always option for Israeli response to declaration of state,' says Eli Yishai. Landau: Annex territories. Silvan Shalom: Syrians should not delude themselves – withdrawal from Golan not on table


PM: No Palestinian state without talks

Following reports of Palestinian plan to unilaterally declare statehood, prime minister plans to announce Israel rejects this notion, stress that solution lies in negotiations. Meanwhile, President Peres in South America says 'Palestinian state cannot be established without a peace agreement. It's impossible and it won't work'
La 2009-11-16 22:32:14, Liviu2002j a scris:

> Ba mai mult decat atat ii invinovateau pe palestinieni ca nu vor un
> stat al lor ! Cand teritoriul de acolo s-a chemat PALESTINA !!!

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.108.254...)
2009-11-17 07:41
Re: Toate guvernele...

israeliene au acceptat de mult creearea unui stat palestinian, vezi procesul Oslo, numai ca granitele acestui stat trebuie sa fie stabilite prin tratative cu Israelul ca sa aduca si la sfarsitul conflictului.
O declaratie unilaterala va aduce numai la perpetuarea conflictului pt ca multe probleme raman nerezolvate, de ex problema refugiatilor.

La 2009-11-16 22:32:14, Liviu2002j a scris:

> Ba mai mult decat atat ii invinovateau pe palestinieni ca nu vor un
> stat al lor ! Cand teritoriul de acolo s-a chemat PALESTINA !!!

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