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Mircea1 din NYC (...@googlemail.com, IP: 62.156.166...)
2008-05-28 01:40
Restanta de ieri pentru alamar

alamar din america (...@msn.com, IP: 208.181.21...)
2008-05-28 02:46
Re: Restanta de ieri pentru alamar

alamar din america (...@msn.com, IP: 208.181.21...)
2008-05-28 02:50
Re: Restanta de ieri pentru alamar

alamar din america (...@msn.com, IP: 208.181.21...)
2008-05-28 03:01
Re: Restanta de ieri pentru alamar

George W. Bush din White House (...@aol.com, IP: 76.172.58...)
2008-05-28 06:20
pentru alamar

Mircea1 din NYC (...@googlemail.com, IP: 62.156.166...)
2008-05-28 14:27
Re: Restanta de ieri pentru alamar

La 2008-05-28 03:01:48, alamar a scris:

> Hm!...Intotdeauna schimbam subiectul...Saudi arabia, Bush, evreii ,
> cruciadele,etc.,etc...Eu propun sa ramanem la subiectul iran....Tu ce
> crezi ?.

The Saudi government is viewing the Iraq crisis through the lens of regional balance of power considerations, looking to check Iranian power. However, Saudi public opinion (Saudi Sunnis, the vast majority of the population) views the Iraq crisis through two interrelated lenses: 1) as an American occupation of an Arab land and (for many if not most Saudis) the legitimate armed resistance to that occupation; and 2) as a sectarian conflict between overweening Iraqi Shi'a and endangered Iraqi Sunni Arabs.

We need to recall that the Salafi movement (of which al-Qaeda is but one manifestation) emerged in the atmosphere of heightened sectarian tensions of the 80's, as the new Iranian revolutionary regime and the Saudis contested for leadership of the Muslim world and Iran and Iraq fought their long and pointless war. It is certainly not in the US interest (is no body's interest) to do anything to recreate that atmosphere of regional sectarian tensions, which would give aid and comfort the radicals and their ilk.

Further readings:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salafism / http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism


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