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SpargeLL (...@mailworks.org, IP: 80.67.17...)
2008-10-30 00:44
M'da ......... Suntem in "ochiul taifunului": este liniste, iese soarele...

***Analysis and predictions:

Historically, economic crises are designed to redistribute the wealth and consolidate it in fewer hands. Therefore, the rich becomes richer and the money masters expand their grasp on the ownership of the world.

It does not take an economic genius to realize that an economy based on debt cannot survive in the long term. Despite people’s frantic consumerism, and their magical expectation that money grows on trees, the reality is that debts only lead to bankruptcies, and financial Armageddon.

However the elite and the money masters know this fact too well, therefore, just like in the 1930s’ depression, the rich always gets richer because they can afford to gobble up all of the businesses that go under for a fraction of the actual cost, hold on to it for a while, then, flood the market with it, which will lead to increase in prices and tremendous profits for them.

This phenomenon has occurred many times in recent history.

The Bush administration has single-handedly increased our national debt by over five trillion dollars, more than all past administrations combined together. Bush has apparently achieved his objective by accruing more debt than any other president in the history of this nation.

Was it done on purpose? Creating pseudo-military and low intensity conflicts lead to tremendous borrowing and justified printing of money in the name of national security, which would hyperinflate the currency and eventually destroy it.

Was the extensive borrowing with the lavish and uncontrolled spending designed specifically and deliberately to weaken the dollar and the US to the point of collapse, which will lead to the justification of change in currency?

Fear mongering and morbid forecasts are circulating everywhere predicting doom, knowing well that the stock market operates on sentiment, rumors, and manipulation not on objective measurable means.

In reality, Armageddon has always been contrived by the elite and seems to affect only the middle class. The poor usually remains untouched, and the rich becomes richer, so the middle class is always squeezed to a point of no return. Once the middle class is slowly and fully assassinated in the US, then, the globalization process becomes easier to implement and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (North America Union) will rush toward us like a knight in shining armor riding on a beautiful white horse to rescue us from our financial disasters that were deliberately created by our treasonous leaders.

Hopefully, this resurrection will occur in the spring of 2010 when the grape vines rejuvenate and flourish, and the Christ rises again to save us from our sins, and the Christian fundamentalists will all screech with reverence, vanity, and unity, “praise the lord,” “praise the Lord” it’s a miracle.

Meanwhile, the Luciferian network embodied in the neocons, the international bankers, and the global corporate CEOs/politicians will solidify further their power and their wealth, and will create more means to control the populace. The Home Land Security will become the Orwellian North American Union Ministry of Love where lies and hatred is imbued and propagated, and the Ministry of defense will become the Orwellian Ministry of peace where covert wars and assassinations will continue to be waged as a mean to subjugate and impoverish every corner of the world. ***
Rev. Richard Skaff - Journalist and author of “The Human Manifesto”

References: 1. The New York Times, Wednesday October 08, 2008. Global Market plunge ...

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