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SpargeLL (...@mailworks.org, IP: 89.248.166...)
2008-10-26 01:37
... dau rezultate


Cine este vinovatul si ce va urma, se stia din septembrie 2007:
Alan Greenspan: The Fraud By William Greider,
TheNation.com. Posted September 20, 2007.

Alan Greenspan attempts to save face in his new book by revising history.
Alan Greenspan has come back from the tomb of history to correct the record. He did not make any mistakes in his eighteen-year tenure as Federal Reserve chairman. He did not endorse the regressive Bush tax cuts of 2001 that pumped up the federal deficits and aggravated inequalities. He did not cause the housing bubble that is now in collapse. He did not ignore the stock market bubble that subsequently melted away and cost investors $6 trillion. He did not say the Iraq War is "largely about oil."

Check the record. These are all lies.

Greenspan's testimony endorsing the Bush tax cuts was extremely influential but now he wants to run away from it....

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