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Eufrosin din Romania (...@bugmenot.com, IP: 78.96.157...)
2008-07-08 13:11
Nu se potolesc

..nebunii fanatici de la Tel Aviv, pana nu starnesc un razboi nuclear care sa cuprinda intraga lume.
Au in ghearele lor guvernul si armata americana si profita din plin de asta.

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.85...)
2008-07-08 13:15
Re: Tu...

chiar nu intelegi romaneste?!

"Natiunea iraniana este o natiune de credinciosi, convinsi de necesitatea Jihadului /razboiul sfant musulman".

De ce sa asteptam , mai bine le dam peste bot acum.

La 2008-07-08 13:11:08, Eufrosin a scris:

> ..nebunii fanatici de la Tel Aviv, pana nu starnesc un razboi
> nuclear care sa cuprinda intraga lume.
> Au in ghearele lor guvernul si armata americana si profita din
> plin de asta.

amy (...@sheba.health.gov.il, IP: 192.115.66...)
2008-07-08 13:54
Re: Nu se potolesc

fiindca tu nu esti din tel aviv :) asta nu inseamna ca esti homo sapiens sau normal !!!!

La 2008-07-08 13:11:08, Eufrosin a scris:

> ..nebunii fanatici de la Tel Aviv, pana nu starnesc un razboi
> nuclear care sa cuprinda intraga lume.
> Au in ghearele lor guvernul si armata americana si profita din
> plin de asta.

Eufrosin din Romania (...@bugmenot.com, IP: 78.96.157...)
2008-07-08 15:52
Re: Nu se potolesc

Traiesc in Romania si-I multumesc lui Dumnezeu pentru asta. Dar chiar si asa ma simt amenintat , mai ales cand zionisti fanatici ajunsi generali in armata Isrealiana, fac afirmatii ca "Rachetele noastre cu capete nucleare, pot ajunge cu usurinta Roma, Berlin sau orice tara europeana."
Numai sa-l negi, ca scot citatul.
Amy, daca ati scapa de sleahta turbata care va conduce, ar fi mai bine nu numai pentru restul lumii, ci chiar pentru Israel !
Nu ti-ar place sa traiesti intr-o tara pasnica, fara amenintarea unui disperat care se auto-detoneaza, sau a rachetelor vecine ?
Faceti curatenie in guvernul vostru si va fi perfect posibil!


La 2008-07-08 13:54:54, amy a scris:

> fiindca tu nu esti din tel aviv :) asta nu inseamna ca esti homo
> sapiens sau normal !!!!
> La 2008-07-08 13:11:08, Eufrosin a scris:
> > ..nebunii fanatici de la Tel Aviv, pana nu starnesc un razboi
> > nuclear care sa cuprinda intraga lume.
> > Au in ghearele lor guvernul si armata americana si profita din
> > plin de asta.
> >
> >
> >

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.85...)
2008-07-08 16:13
Re: Nu se potolesc

Da, scoate-l,sa vad si eu cine sunt generalii astia ...
Si dupa aia du-te la "http://cssas.unap.ro/ro/pdf_studii/mss_2001.pdf"...

La 2008-07-08 15:52:10, Eufrosin a scris:

> Dar chiar si asa ma simt amenintat , mai ales cand zionisti
> fanatici ajunsi generali in armata Isrealiana, fac afirmatii ca
> "Rachetele noastre cu capete nucleare, pot ajunge cu usurinta Roma,
> Berlin sau orice tara europeana."
Numai sa-l negi, ca scot citatul.

Eufrosin din Romania (...@bugmenot.com, IP: 78.96.157...)
2008-07-08 16:32
Re: Nu se potolesc

Asa, Martin Van Creveld este un profesor si analist militar Israelian, nu general cum am crezut initial; Declaratia ramane, iar atitudinea sa este impartasita de multi in guvernul Israelului:

(IAP News) -- An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and other Europeans.

Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday, Professor Martin Van Creveld said Israel had the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons.

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force."

Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, pointed out that "collective deportation" was Israel's only meaningful strategy towards the Palestinian people.

"The Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive for this (the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and the right time. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were of the opinion that this would be the best solution, two months ago it was 33 per cent, and now, according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44 percent."

Creveld said he was sure that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wanted to deport the Palestinians.

"I think it's quite possible that he wants to do that. He wants to escalate the conflict. He knows that nothing else we do will succeed."

Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rogue state if it carried out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld quoted former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."

Creveld argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a rogue state.

"Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before Israel goes under."

La 2008-07-08 16:13:35, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Da, scoate-l,sa vad si eu cine sunt generalii astia ...
> Si dupa aia du-te la
> "http://cssas.unap.ro/ro/pdf_studii/mss_2001.pdf"...
> La 2008-07-08 15:52:10, Eufrosin a scris:
> > Dar chiar si asa ma simt amenintat , mai ales cand zionisti
> > fanatici ajunsi generali in armata Isrealiana, fac afirmatii ca
> > "Rachetele noastre cu capete nucleare, pot ajunge cu usurinta Roma,
> > Berlin sau orice tara europeana."
> Numai sa-l negi, ca scot citatul.
> >

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.85...)
2008-07-08 20:19
Re: Nu se potolesc

Ei, e mare diferenta intre un profesor si un general, e o persoana privata si poate zice ce vrea. N-ai prea nimerit-o cu el , aici ai un articol scris de el si mare surpriza, scrie ca lumea poate sa traiasca si cu un Iran nuclear.


La 2008-07-08 16:32:52, Eufrosin a scris:

> Asa, Martin Van Creveld este un profesor si analist militar Israelian,
> nu general cum am crezut initial; Declaratia ramane, iar atitudinea sa
> este impartasita de multi in guvernul Israelului:
> (IAP News) -- An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that
> Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans
> and other Europeans.
> Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday,
> Professor Martin Van Creveld said Israel had the capability of hitting
> most European capitals with nuclear weapons.
> "We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch
> them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European
> capitals are targets of our air force."
> Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in
> Jerusalem, pointed out that "collective deportation" was Israel's only
> meaningful strategy towards the Palestinian people.
> "The Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive for
> this (the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and
> the right time. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were
> of the opinion that this would be the best solution, two months ago it
> was 33 per cent, and now, according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44
> percent."
> Creveld said he was sure that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
> wanted to deport the Palestinians.
> "I think it's quite possible that he wants to do that. He wants to
> escalate the conflict. He knows that nothing else we do will
> succeed."
> Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rogue state if it
> carried out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld
> quoted former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said "Israel
> must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
> Creveld argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a rogue
> state.
> "Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but
> rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world
> down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before
> Israel goes under."
> La 2008-07-08 16:13:35, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > Da, scoate-l,sa vad si eu cine sunt generalii astia ...
> > Si dupa aia du-te la
> > "http://cssas.unap.ro/ro/pdf_studii/mss_2001.pdf"...
> >
> > La 2008-07-08 15:52:10, Eufrosin a scris:
> >
> > > Dar chiar si asa ma simt amenintat , mai ales cand zionisti
> > > fanatici ajunsi generali in armata Isrealiana, fac afirmatii ca
> > > "Rachetele noastre cu capete nucleare, pot ajunge cu usurinta Roma,
> > > Berlin sau orice tara europeana."
> > Numai sa-l negi, ca scot citatul.
> > >
> >

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 213.8.118...)
2008-07-09 10:45
Re: Minciunile lui Islamic Association for Palestine distribuite de Eufrosin

IAP News este Islamic Association for Palestine, creata de Hamas

Nici o agentzie in afara de acesti mincinosi nu il citeaza pe profesorul van Crefeld, pentru ca pur si simplu profesorul nu a spus asa ceva.

Si eu pot sa inventez RI News (Roy International News) cu o stire care spune ca Eufrosin din Romania este un criminal care planuieste distrugerea Occidentului, inclusiv Israelul.

Pun stirea pe Internet si apoi astept ca useful idiots sa o propage mai departe.

La 2008-07-08 16:32:52, Eufrosin a scris:

> Asa, Martin Van Creveld este un profesor si analist militar Israelian,
> nu general cum am crezut initial; Declaratia ramane, iar atitudinea sa
> este impartasita de multi in guvernul Israelului:
> (IAP News) -- An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that
> Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans
> and other Europeans.
> Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday,
> Professor Martin Van Creveld said Israel had the capability of hitting
> most European capitals with nuclear weapons.
> "We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch
> them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European
> capitals are targets of our air force."
> Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in
> Jerusalem, pointed out that "collective deportation" was Israel's only
> meaningful strategy towards the Palestinian people.
> "The Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive for
> this (the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and
> the right time. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were
> of the opinion that this would be the best solution, two months ago it
> was 33 per cent, and now, according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44
> percent."
> Creveld said he was sure that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
> wanted to deport the Palestinians.
> "I think it's quite possible that he wants to do that. He wants to
> escalate the conflict. He knows that nothing else we do will
> succeed."
> Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rogue state if it
> carried out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld
> quoted former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said "Israel
> must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."
> Creveld argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a rogue
> state.
> "Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but
> rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world
> down with us. And I can assure you that that this will happen before
> Israel goes under."
> La 2008-07-08 16:13:35, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > Da, scoate-l,sa vad si eu cine sunt generalii astia ...
> > Si dupa aia du-te la
> > "http://cssas.unap.ro/ro/pdf_studii/mss_2001.pdf"...
> >
> > La 2008-07-08 15:52:10, Eufrosin a scris:
> >
> > > Dar chiar si asa ma simt amenintat , mai ales cand zionisti
> > > fanatici ajunsi generali in armata Isrealiana, fac afirmatii ca
> > > "Rachetele noastre cu capete nucleare, pot ajunge cu usurinta Roma,
> > > Berlin sau orice tara europeana."
> > Numai sa-l negi, ca scot citatul.
> > >
> >

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