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dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 74.15.138...)
2009-12-27 15:59
De Craciun, toata suflarea crestina sarbatoreste Nasterea lui Cristos

Sa revenim la subiect.


Rabbis versus Christmas: Religious rivalry in Jerusalem benefits no one
By Morten Berthelsen

On the streets of Jerusalem, the religious war on Christmas is on. Last week, the "Lobby for Jewish Values" started handing out fliers condemning the holiday and inciting the public to boycott restaurants and hotels that sell or put up Christmas trees and other "foolish" Christian symbols.

Backed by rabbis, and with the self-righteous air of the American Christian right, lobby chairman Ofer Cohen told the Israeli media that he had considered publishing a list of businesses bold enough to put up Christmas decorations, call for a boycott against them, and - with a little help from Jerusalem Rabbinate - revoke the kashrut certificates of said hotels and restaurants.

According to the Israeli media, the fliers distributed by the Lobby for Jewish Values contain the following call to arms:

"The people of Israel have given their soul over the years in order to maintain the values of the Torah of Israel and the Jewish identity. You should also continue to follow this path of the Jewish people's tradition and not give in to the clownish atmosphere of the end of the civil year. And certainly not help those businesses that sell or put up the foolish symbols of Christianity."

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.64.176...)
2009-12-27 18:13
si care e ghisheftu tau ... sa mentionezi aceasta non-stire ..., taman acum de sarbatori ???

precum spune TITLUL ...
"Religious rivalry in Jerusalem benefits no one ...", asa ca nu prea da nimeni atentie la acest mare "war".

Deci, care este ghisheftu tau ... sa mentionezi aceasta non-stire ..., taman acum de sarbatori ???

La 2009-12-27 15:59:15, dorinP a scris:

> Sa revenim la subiect.
> http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1135512.html
> Rabbis versus Christmas: Religious rivalry in Jerusalem benefits no
> one
> By Morten Berthelsen

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 93.172.147...)
2009-12-27 21:24
Re: De Craciun, toata suflarea crestina sarbatoreste Nasterea lui Cristos

Pe de alta parte prostule, stirea demonstreaza ca este libertate totala si ca hoteluri si restaurante (si adaug eu, si pravalii) afiseaza pomi de Craciun, brazi etc) evreiesti, adica este libertate a cultulelor si a minoritatzilor, nu ca la Chisinau unde o javra de popa a condus o turma de imbecili ca sa dea jos o Menora.


La 2009-12-27 15:59:15, dorinP a scris:

> Sa revenim la subiect.
> http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1135512.html
> Rabbis versus Christmas: Religious rivalry in Jerusalem benefits no
> one
> By Morten Berthelsen
> On the streets of Jerusalem, the religious war on Christmas is on.
> Last week, the "Lobby for Jewish Values" started handing out fliers
> condemning the holiday and inciting the public to boycott restaurants
> and hotels that sell or put up Christmas trees and other "foolish"
> Christian symbols.
> Backed by rabbis, and with the self-righteous air of the American
> Christian right, lobby chairman Ofer Cohen told the Israeli media
> that he had considered publishing a list of businesses bold enough to
> put up Christmas decorations, call for a boycott against them, and -
> with a little help from Jerusalem Rabbinate - revoke the kashrut
> certificates of said hotels and restaurants.
> According to the Israeli media, the fliers distributed by the Lobby
> for Jewish Values contain the following call to arms:
> "The people of Israel have given their soul over the years in order to
> maintain the values of the Torah of Israel and the Jewish identity.
> You should also continue to follow this path of the Jewish people's
> tradition and not give in to the clownish atmosphere of the end of
> the civil year. And certainly not help those businesses that sell or
> put up the foolish symbols of Christianity."
> [...]

Sobru....... (...@yahoo.com, IP: 78.97.39...)
2009-12-27 21:47
Re: si care e ghisheftu tau ... sa mentionezi aceasta non-stire ..., taman acum de sarbatori ???

Nu trebuia doar s-o dea jos, trebuia sa se si cace pe menora voastra cu toti enoriasii si sa-i dea foc. Sobolanii dreacu.

Ereticul din Bucuresti (...@k.ro, IP: 86.107.240...)
2009-12-27 23:08
@ Roy

Expresiile de genul "foolish symbols of Christianity", " javra de popa" sau "turma de imbecili" genereaza si contrareactii, perfect justificate de "ochi pentru ochi, dinte pentru dinte" ...

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 93.172.147...)
2009-12-27 23:44
Re: @ Roy

1) Vezi ca m-am referit la unul si nu la totzi.

2) Itzi recomand sa dai dovada de acelasi simtz de critica si sa discutzi problema si cu aia din tabara ta. De obicei mi se pare ca esti cam tacut cand il auzi pe Sobru si altzii ca el.

La 2009-12-27 23:08:03, Ereticul a scris:

> Expresiile de genul "foolish symbols of Christianity", " javra de
> popa" sau "turma de imbecili" genereaza si contrareactii, perfect
> justificate de "ochi pentru ochi, dinte pentru dinte" ...

Sobru....... (...@yahoo.com, IP: 78.97.39...)
2009-12-28 03:12
Re: @ Roy

Bai scarbosenie jidoveasca, noi doar va raspundem. Ia dispareti voi d-aici si-ai sa vezi ce liniste se face, parazitu dreacu.

akimottte din Canada (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.201.203...)
2009-12-28 05:15
Re: De Craciun, toata suflarea crestina sarbatoreste Nasterea lui Cristos...Roy

Jegule jegos, acum 2-3 ani ...la Winnipeg sau Calgary .... citiva jidani d'ai tai au manifestat ca-i deranjeaza bradul de Craciun , ca-i streseaza .....ca-i umple da spume .....
Bradul a fost dat jos ..... multi maramoi in adiMistratie, poate...
Doar pentru citeva ore.....pentru ca multimea s-a revoltat si a aflat de unde vine interdictia ... si a fost repus la locul lui.
Ce era la gura lor cred ca-ti inchipui.....toata lumea era-n delir sa va imbratiseze si sa va pupe !
Asa ca lasa vrajeala ta searbada si fara sens ..... lumea va cunoaste si va ''iubeste'' ca atare.

La 2009-12-27 21:24:02, roy a scris:

> Pe de alta parte prostule, stirea demonstreaza ca este libertate
> totala si ca hoteluri si restaurante (si adaug eu, si pravalii)
> afiseaza pomi de Craciun, brazi etc) evreiesti, adica este libertate
> a cultulelor si a minoritatzilor, nu ca la Chisinau unde o javra de
> popa a condus o turma de imbecili ca sa dea jos o Menora.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La 2009-12-27 15:59:15, dorinP a scris:
> > Sa revenim la subiect.
> >
> > http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1135512.html
> >
> > Rabbis versus Christmas: Religious rivalry in Jerusalem benefits no
> > one
> > By Morten Berthelsen
> >
> > On the streets of Jerusalem, the religious war on Christmas is on.
> > Last week, the "Lobby for Jewish Values" started handing out fliers
> > condemning the holiday and inciting the public to boycott restaurants
> > and hotels that sell or put up Christmas trees and other "foolish"
> > Christian symbols.
> >
> > Backed by rabbis, and with the self-righteous air of the American
> > Christian right, lobby chairman Ofer Cohen told the Israeli media
> > that he had considered publishing a list of businesses bold enough to
> > put up Christmas decorations, call for a boycott against them, and -
> > with a little help from Jerusalem Rabbinate - revoke the kashrut
> > certificates of said hotels and restaurants.
> >
> > According to the Israeli media, the fliers distributed by the Lobby
> > for Jewish Values contain the following call to arms:
> >
> > "The people of Israel have given their soul over the years in order to
> > maintain the values of the Torah of Israel and the Jewish identity.
> > You should also continue to follow this path of the Jewish people's
> > tradition and not give in to the clownish atmosphere of the end of
> > the civil year. And certainly not help those businesses that sell or
> > put up the foolish symbols of Christianity."
> > [...]
> >

akimottte din Canada (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.201.203...)
2009-12-28 05:24
Re: si care e ghisheftu tau ... sa mentionezi aceasta non-stire ..., taman acum de sarbatori ???

La multi ani Zmeke !
Imi pare sincer rau ca te zgirie centura pa siliconoaiele alea .....
Nu dispera....unii vor asta.....

La 2009-12-27 18:13:42, Seherezada a scris:

> precum spune TITLUL ...
> "Religious rivalry in Jerusalem benefits no one ...", asa ca nu prea
> da nimeni atentie la acest mare "war".
> Deci, care este ghisheftu tau ... sa mentionezi aceasta non-stire ...,
> taman acum de sarbatori ???
> La 2009-12-27 15:59:15, dorinP a scris:
> > Sa revenim la subiect.
> >
> > http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1135512.html
> >
> > Rabbis versus Christmas: Religious rivalry in Jerusalem benefits no
> > one
> > By Morten Berthelsen
> >

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