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Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.67.196...)
2008-09-03 13:40
What a work of art and nature is Marilyn Monroe !!!

Magnetismul ei asupra americanilor (si nu numai) s-a manifestat din plin si in timpul vietii ... si dupa moartea ei, continuind si azi (zic eu ...)

Un critic de filme (R.Ebert) remarca
ca ... desi M.M. nu avea <<... a great singing voice, but was as good as Frank Sinatra at selling the lyrics.>>

Iata cit de fermecat este criticul insusi, de interpretarea lui M.M. a cintecelului din filmul ``Some Like It Hot``:
<<The situation is as basic as it can be: a pretty girl standing in front of an orchestra and singing a song.
Monroe and Wilder turn it into one of the most mesmerizing and blatantly sexual scenes in the movies.
She wears that clinging, see-through dress, gauze covering the upper slopes of her breasts, the neckline scooping to a censor`s eyebrow north of trouble.

Wilder places her in the center of a round spotlight that does not simply illuminate her from the waist up, as an ordinary spotlight would, but toys with her like a surrogate neckline, dipping and clinging as Monroe moves her body higher and lower in the light with teasing precision.
It is a striptease in which nudity would have been superfluous.

All the time she seems unaware of the effect, singing the song innocently, as if she thinks it`s the literal truth.
To experience that scene is to understand why no other actor, male or female, has more sexual chemistry with the camera than Monroe.>>

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CALUGARU din Manastire (...@yahoo.com, IP: 63.99.16...)
2008-09-03 14:11
Re: What a work of art and nature is Marilyn Monroe !!!

La 2008-09-03 13:40:14, Seherezada a scris:

Magnetismul ei asupra americanilor (si nu numai) s-a manifestat din plin si in timpul vietii ... si dupa moartea ei, continuind si azi (zic eu ...)


Aiurea. Daca s-ar da pe piata filmul porno pe care l-a facut si lumea ar vedea-o in "actiune", misterul s-ar spulbera si s-ar intoarce cu turul la ea. Asa e viata : poti sa-ti doresti cea mai cea femeie din univers; o data ce-ai avut-o, te intorci plictisit cu curul la ea si frumusetea ei se topeste in somnul masculului satisfacut. Voua de asta nu va plac barbatii : va "suge", va leapada de toata taina, or voi ?, numai din tainic traiti. Cest la vie ! Sa-ti spuna si lil daca nu-i adevarat.

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