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evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.49...)
2007-01-31 12:43
Pregatiti-va, Bush nu va parasi Casa Alba fara sa atace Iranul!


US accuses allies of dragging their feet over Iran
Tom Baldwin in Washington and Richard Beeston

Divisions are emerging in the West’s united front towards Iran with fears being voiced over the aggressive military posture adopted by America, while European allies are accused by the US of dragging their feet.

A diplomatic source in Wash-ington toldThe Times: “It is difficult to imagine Bush and Cheney leaving office without resolving the Iranian issue, if necessary, by force.”

Although the prospect of “precipitate action” by the US is discounted widely, some Western governments are said to be alarmed at events spiral-ling out of control.

Last week Mr Bush authorised US troops to “kill or capture” Iranians found operating inside Iraq’s borders. This week he reiterated that the US “will respond firmly” if Iran continues to interfere in Iraq. He emphasised that did not necessarily mean that he was planning to “invade Iran” and that the US is still pursuing a negotiated settlement through the United Nations to eliminate Tehran’s suspected nuclear weapons programme.

But there are fears that the tough new US approach, which included the arrest this month of five Iranian officials in the Iraqi city of Irbil, could trigger a new confrontation.

Reza Zakeri, the director of strategic studies in the Iranian President’s office, has said that Tehran may retaliate by capturing American soldiers.

“Abducting a US soldier in uniform is less expensive than buying a low-quality product made in China,” he said. “It would not be difficult to capture blond men with blue eyes wearing a military uniform. It would just be necessary to open a wallet and be generous.”

US Administration officials have expressed frustration with countries such as Britain, France, Germany and Spain whom they accuse of failing to isolate Iran financially. EU governments have provided the regime with billions of dollars in loan guarantees in recent years and have been slow to act against Iranian banks accused by the US of funding terrorism or financing missile programmes.

“Most European governments, particularly the UK, have no problem with stepping up pressure on Tehran,” said one diplomat yesterday. “But the US does appear to be on a shorter fuse than the rest of us. They want it all now.”

US intelligence believes that Iran has supplied charges, used by insurgents in roadside bombs to penetrate the thickest American and British armour. They have also distributed rockets, rocket-propelled grenades and ammunition as well as providing guerrilla training to Iraqi militias.

Zen din New York (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2007-01-31 19:40
Re: Pregatiti-va, Bush nu va parasi Casa Alba fara sa atace Iranul!

La 2007-01-31 12:43:16, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

"Pregatiti-va, Bush nu va parasi Casa Alba fara sa atace Iranul!"

Mai bine v-ati pregati voi cu un nou val de bunkere. In toate directiile.
De fapt in spre Liban, nu-i nevoie, ca va cotonogesc aia de nu v-a vadeti cu toate bunkerele voastre, cum au facut-o asta vara.

cronnos din din tinutul alb (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.109.89...)
2007-01-31 19:42
Re: Pregatiti-va, Bush nu va parasi Casa Alba fara sa atace Iranul!

La 2007-01-31 12:43:16, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-2575797,00.html
> US accuses allies of dragging their feet over Iran
> Tom Baldwin in Washington and Richard Beeston
> Divisions are emerging in the West’s united front towards Iran
> with fears being voiced over the aggressive military posture adopted
> by America, while European allies are accused by the US of dragging
> their feet.
> A diplomatic source in Wash-ington toldThe Times: “It is
> difficult to imagine Bush and Cheney leaving office without resolving
> the Iranian issue, if necessary, by force.”
> Although the prospect of “precipitate action” by the US is
> discounted widely, some Western governments are said to be alarmed at
> events spiral-ling out of control.
> Last week Mr Bush authorised US troops to “kill or
> capture” Iranians found operating inside Iraq’s borders.
> This week he reiterated that the US “will respond firmly”
> if Iran continues to interfere in Iraq. He emphasised that did not
> necessarily mean that he was planning to “invade Iran” and
> that the US is still pursuing a negotiated settlement through the
> United Nations to eliminate Tehran’s suspected nuclear weapons
> programme.
> But there are fears that the tough new US approach, which included the
> arrest this month of five Iranian officials in the Iraqi city of
> Irbil, could trigger a new confrontation.
> Reza Zakeri, the director of strategic studies in the Iranian
> President’s office, has said that Tehran may retaliate by
> capturing American soldiers.
> “Abducting a US soldier in uniform is less expensive than buying
> a low-quality product made in China,” he said. “It would
> not be difficult to capture blond men with blue eyes wearing a
> military uniform. It would just be necessary to open a wallet and be
> generous.”
> US Administration officials have expressed frustration with countries
> such as Britain, France, Germany and Spain whom they accuse of failing
> to isolate Iran financially. EU governments have provided the regime
> with billions of dollars in loan guarantees in recent years and have
> been slow to act against Iranian banks accused by the US of funding
> terrorism or financing missile programmes.
> “Most European governments, particularly the UK, have no problem
> with stepping up pressure on Tehran,” said one diplomat
> yesterday. “But the US does appear to be on a shorter fuse than
> the rest of us. They want it all now.”
> US intelligence believes that Iran has supplied charges, used by
> insurgents in roadside bombs to penetrate the thickest American and
> British armour. They have also distributed rockets, rocket-propelled
> grenades and ammunition as well as providing guerrilla training to
> Iraqi militias.
Si esti mandru nevoie mare de asta,nu-i asa!Sa moara altii pentru voi,manipulatori ce sunteti.V-ati gasit prostul la casa d'alba,faceti ce vreti cu el.Poate ii si spuneti licuriciului nebun ca Iranul nu-i Irak,tara fara aparare,fara armament greu,aviatie,marina.Si ca populatie e de cateva ori mai mare decat Irak-ul.Si ca in timp ce amerlocii mor ca tampitii pe coclaurile altora,tovarasa USA s-ar putea trezi cu niste vizite neasteptate de la unchiul Putin ori,de ce nu chinezi.Nu-i asa ca deja jubilezi,monstru terorist ce esti.

Nikon din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.69.45...)
2007-01-31 21:18
Re: Pregatiti-va, Bush nu va parasi Casa Alba fara sa atace Iranul!/kronnos

La 2007-01-31 19:42:16, cronnos a scris:

> La 2007-01-31 12:43:16, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-2575797,00.html
> >
> > US accuses allies of dragging their feet over Iran
> > Tom Baldwin in Washington and Richard Beeston
> >
> > Divisions are emerging in the West’s united front towards Iran
> > with fears being voiced over the aggressive military posture adopted
> > by America, while European allies are accused by the US of dragging
> > their feet.
> >
> > A diplomatic source in Wash-ington toldThe Times: “It is
> > difficult to imagine Bush and Cheney leaving office without resolving
> > the Iranian issue, if necessary, by force.”
> >
> > Although the prospect of “precipitate action” by the US is
> > discounted widely, some Western governments are said to be alarmed at
> > events spiral-ling out of control.
> >
> > Last week Mr Bush authorised US troops to “kill or
> > capture” Iranians found operating inside Iraq’s borders.
> > This week he reiterated that the US “will respond firmly”
> > if Iran continues to interfere in Iraq. He emphasised that did not
> > necessarily mean that he was planning to “invade Iran” and
> > that the US is still pursuing a negotiated settlement through the
> > United Nations to eliminate Tehran’s suspected nuclear weapons
> > programme.
> >
> > But there are fears that the tough new US approach, which included the
> > arrest this month of five Iranian officials in the Iraqi city of
> > Irbil, could trigger a new confrontation.
> >
> > Reza Zakeri, the director of strategic studies in the Iranian
> > President’s office, has said that Tehran may retaliate by
> > capturing American soldiers.
> >
> > “Abducting a US soldier in uniform is less expensive than buying
> > a low-quality product made in China,” he said. “It would
> > not be difficult to capture blond men with blue eyes wearing a
> > military uniform. It would just be necessary to open a wallet and be
> > generous.”
> >
> > US Administration officials have expressed frustration with countries
> > such as Britain, France, Germany and Spain whom they accuse of failing
> > to isolate Iran financially. EU governments have provided the regime
> > with billions of dollars in loan guarantees in recent years and have
> > been slow to act against Iranian banks accused by the US of funding
> > terrorism or financing missile programmes.
> >
> > “Most European governments, particularly the UK, have no problem
> > with stepping up pressure on Tehran,” said one diplomat
> > yesterday. “But the US does appear to be on a shorter fuse than
> > the rest of us. They want it all now.”
> >
> > US intelligence believes that Iran has supplied charges, used by
> > insurgents in roadside bombs to penetrate the thickest American and
> > British armour. They have also distributed rockets, rocket-propelled
> > grenades and ammunition as well as providing guerrilla training to
> > Iraqi militias.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Si esti mandru nevoie mare de asta,nu-i asa!Sa moara altii pentru
> voi,manipulatori ce sunteti.V-ati gasit prostul la casa d'alba,faceti
> ce vreti cu el.Poate ii si spuneti licuriciului nebun ca Iranul nu-i
> Irak,tara fara aparare,fara armament greu,aviatie,marina.Si ca
> populatie e de cateva ori mai mare decat Irak-ul.Si ca in timp ce
> amerlocii mor ca tampitii pe coclaurile altora,tovarasa USA s-ar putea
> trezi cu niste vizite neasteptate de la unchiul Putin ori,de ce nu
> chinezi.Nu-i asa ca deja jubilezi,monstru terorist ce esti.

Spune sincer si la obiect mai Kronnosaurule ca sa stim cu totii,pe cine preferi sa conduca lumea?
Islamul,Rusii sau Chinezii?
Cine t-a salvat de comunism si ti-a adus in casa libertatea de a comunica cu noi.
Ce preferi o viata mai ideala s-au intoarcerea la vremurile comunismului s-au a unei lumi religioase fanatice?????
Unde va e mintea fratiloro?
Cata inconstienta si ilogica..........
De vreti asa ....asa o sa fie......curand si cui o sa te vaiti??????

cronnos din din tinutul alb (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.109.89...)
2007-01-31 22:09
Re: Pregatiti-va, Bush nu va parasi Casa Alba fara sa atace Iranul!

La 2007-01-31 12:43:16, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-2575797,00.html
> US accuses allies of dragging their feet over Iran
> Tom Baldwin in Washington and Richard Beeston
> Divisions are emerging in the West’s united front towards Iran
> with fears being voiced over the aggressive military posture adopted
> by America, while European allies are accused by the US of dragging
> their feet.
> A diplomatic source in Wash-ington toldThe Times: “It is
> difficult to imagine Bush and Cheney leaving office without resolving
> the Iranian issue, if necessary, by force.”
> Although the prospect of “precipitate action” by the US is
> discounted widely, some Western governments are said to be alarmed at
> events spiral-ling out of control.
> Last week Mr Bush authorised US troops to “kill or
> capture” Iranians found operating inside Iraq’s borders.
> This week he reiterated that the US “will respond firmly”
> if Iran continues to interfere in Iraq. He emphasised that did not
> necessarily mean that he was planning to “invade Iran” and
> that the US is still pursuing a negotiated settlement through the
> United Nations to eliminate Tehran’s suspected nuclear weapons
> programme.
> But there are fears that the tough new US approach, which included the
> arrest this month of five Iranian officials in the Iraqi city of
> Irbil, could trigger a new confrontation.
> Reza Zakeri, the director of strategic studies in the Iranian
> President’s office, has said that Tehran may retaliate by
> capturing American soldiers.
> “Abducting a US soldier in uniform is less expensive than buying
> a low-quality product made in China,” he said. “It would
> not be difficult to capture blond men with blue eyes wearing a
> military uniform. It would just be necessary to open a wallet and be
> generous.”
> US Administration officials have expressed frustration with countries
> such as Britain, France, Germany and Spain whom they accuse of failing
> to isolate Iran financially. EU governments have provided the regime
> with billions of dollars in loan guarantees in recent years and have
> been slow to act against Iranian banks accused by the US of funding
> terrorism or financing missile programmes.
> “Most European governments, particularly the UK, have no problem
> with stepping up pressure on Tehran,” said one diplomat
> yesterday. “But the US does appear to be on a shorter fuse than
> the rest of us. They want it all now.”
> US intelligence believes that Iran has supplied charges, used by
> insurgents in roadside bombs to penetrate the thickest American and
> British armour. They have also distributed rockets, rocket-propelled
> grenades and ammunition as well as providing guerrilla training to
> Iraqi militias.
> pai tocmai din cauza logicii,nu cred ca cineva trebuie sa-si asume pozitia de zbir,si ceilalti sa asculte resemnati comenziile unora ori altora.Aplaudacii comunistiilor au ajuns aplaudacii americaniilor.Daca americanii nu-si bagau coada in EU(orbeste ca de obicei)nu se punea problema comunismului.Razboiul i-a salvat pe americani,le-a reinvigorat industrie,ca nu-si mai reveneau dupa"marea depresie".Iar nazismul era pe duca oricum.Americanilor nici nu le-or trecut prin cap sa ajute tarile europene.Ei au vazut in asta o oportunitate de a ocupa alte teritorii.Nu au avut salbaticia rusiilor.E adevarat.Dar nici nemtii.Oricum,esti odios tovarase.Nu constient.Nu ne-a salvat nimeni de nici un comunism,a fost o evolutie fireasca,toate regimurile opresive,mai devreme ori mai tarziu se prabusesc.Au existat astfel de regimuri de cand lumea.Americanii nu sunt in stare sa mentina ordinea intr-o tara precum Irak,tara fara forte armate.Practic niste civili combatanti ii tin la respect pe bravii super antrenatii soldatei.Si asta la nivelul unor simple gasti de cartier.Crezi ca rusii nu-si rad in barba acuma.Uita-te la miscariile lui Putin.Inca speri ca americanii te vor apara in caz de nevoie?!Putin le pasa de tine daca nu esti deloc interesant pentru ei.
Eu nu prefer pe nimeni sa ma conduca pe mine,atata timp cat imi tin capul pe umeri,ma conduc singur.Tu ai vre-un handicap cumva,de iti trebuie ajutor!

Oriana din http://www.ziualibera.blogspot.com/ (...@hotmail.it, IP: 62.101.126...)
2007-01-31 22:23
ma conduc singur


La 2007-01-31 22:09:56, cronnos a scris:

> Eu nu prefer pe nimeni sa ma conduca pe mine,atata timp cat imi tin
> capul pe umeri,ma conduc singur.Tu ai vre-un handicap cumva,de iti
> trebuie ajutor!

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