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Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 141.76.45...)
2008-09-19 22:13
hahaha, mare branza ... ia vezi insa ce a ajuns SUA :)) comunistii :))

Cica free market :)), doar cand merge, altfel trecem la socialism. Ce sa-i faci, daca pui la conducere timp de 8 ani incapabili ca Bush Jr. :))


Markets have soared late this week on the news that Superman (aka Henry Paulson) will once again fly into the heat of battle and snatch victory from the jaws of sure defeat. According to Paulson, the federal government is busily crafting a taxpayer funded scheme to absorb all of the bad mortgage debt and make Wall Street whole again. The idea of course is to put an end to the annoying financial crisis so we can get back to the serious business of overconsumption and debt accumulation.

What is even more ironic is the sudden departure from the stance that taxpayer dollars not be used to conduct further bailouts. After the Fannie/Freddie mess we were assured that officials were very much against using taxpayer money for further actions. Yet less than two weeks later, we are now being told that hundreds of billions of taxpayer money will now be needed to fix the crisis. I cannot honestly believe that Paulson would have said what he said 10 days ago if he knew he was going to have to retract it that quickly.

This indicates that they have no idea what is going on. They are not proactive; they are reactive. This time they want it all. Full authority to buy all bad debt. They want this to be the last one. The biggest, best, and final bailout. The complete nationalization of the banking and financial system here in the US . I wonder if they plan on using taxpayer money to make good on all the bad debt that was sold overseas? Paulson's estimate on the amount needed is off by at least a magnitude of 10. He knows he cannot go into a press conference and pledge trillions in taxpayer money to this problem. The Dollar sold off as it was – almost before the words were out of his mouth.

In short, this has been a tragic week for capitalism and the free market in the United States . The idea that we'll have capitalism when things go well and socialism when things go poorly is reprehensible. The US government and media has lambasted foreigners when they nationalize companies, natural resources, or infrastructure. Yet our government will do it on an even grander scale and the media looks the other way. There needs to be outrage, not cheerleading. There needs to be accountability, not bailouts. The system needs to be allowed to purge, not to continue the binge.


spaiu' (...@k.ro, IP: 93.122.239...)
2008-09-20 17:36
Re: hahaha, mare branza ... ia vezi insa ce a ajuns SUA :)) comunistii :))

La 2008-09-19 22:13:00, Arcturus a scris:

> Cica free market :)), doar cand merge, altfel trecem la socialism. Ce
> sa-i faci, daca pui la conducere timp de 8 ani incapabili ca Bush Jr.
> :))
> Markets have soared late this week on the news that Superman (aka
> Henry Paulson) will once again fly into the heat of battle and snatch
> victory from the jaws of sure defeat. According to Paulson, the
> federal government is busily crafting a taxpayer funded scheme to
> absorb all of the bad mortgage debt and make Wall Street whole again.
> The idea of course is to put an end to the annoying financial crisis
> so we can get back to the serious business of overconsumption and
> debt accumulation.
> What is even more ironic is the sudden departure from the stance that
> taxpayer dollars not be used to conduct further bailouts. After the
> Fannie/Freddie mess we were assured that officials were very much
> against using taxpayer money for further actions. Yet less than two
> weeks later, we are now being told that hundreds of billions of
> taxpayer money will now be needed to fix the crisis. I cannot
> honestly believe that Paulson would have said what he said 10 days
> ago if he knew he was going to have to retract it that quickly.
> This indicates that they have no idea what is going on. They are not
> proactive; they are reactive. This time they want it all. Full
> authority to buy all bad debt. They want this to be the last one. The
> biggest, best, and final bailout. The complete nationalization of the
> banking and financial system here in the US . I wonder if they plan
> on using taxpayer money to make good on all the bad debt that was
> sold overseas? Paulson's estimate on the amount needed is off by at
> least a magnitude of 10. He knows he cannot go into a press
> conference and pledge trillions in taxpayer money to this problem.
> The Dollar sold off as it was – almost before the words were
> out of his mouth.
> In short, this has been a tragic week for capitalism and the free
> market in the United States . The idea that we'll have capitalism
> when things go well and socialism when things go poorly is
> reprehensible. The US government and media has lambasted foreigners
> when they nationalize companies, natural resources, or
> infrastructure. Yet our government will do it on an even grander
> scale and the media looks the other way. There needs to be outrage,
> not cheerleading. There needs to be accountability, not bailouts. The
> system needs to be allowed to purge, not to continue the binge.
> http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=6357
PENIBIL!!!!!!!!! Licuriciul incepe sa devina buburuza...sau dalmatian, ma rog! Se pare ca au nevoie de ceva cadre de nadejde din activistii cu experienta. Le dam, ca la noi sunt prea multi de-astia. Desi, nu stiu in ce limba se vor intelege, ca astia nu cunosc nici romana...

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