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George Dumitrescu (...@bigpond.net.au, IP: 58.161.208...)
2009-01-06 11:04
citate ce demonstreaza fatza de canalie a jidanului

The Warsaw Ghetto during the Jewish Holocaust holds special significance to the European Jews. It was a place of oppression and the pathway to the ultimate death of thousands of their population that has become symbolic with their struggle for recognition. Yet what they are failing to acknowledge as their descendants press forward with their own brand of Jewish and Zionist idealism is the parallel set of conditions that they are now imposing on the Arab people of Palestine.
The Nazis rounded up the Jews of Poland and quartered them in a small area of Warsaw, building a barricade around the perimeter to prevent them leaving. So too have the Israelis through conflict and force pushed many of the Arab inhabitants out of Israel into an enclave that now has a population density of 4,200 people per sq. km which is 14 times that of the surrounding area of Israel which has 360 people per sq. km.
The Nazis deprived the ghetto inhabitants of food and essential supplies. So too has the Israeli government stopped the flow of goods to the 1.4 million inhabitants of Gaza by limiting the convoys of supplies to a mere trickle.
The Nazis reduced the average calorie intake of the Jewish inhabitants of the ghetto to 241 calories per day. So too have the Israelis reduced the calorie intake of the Palestinians in Gaza. According to a UN report, it is presently at 61 percent of the average daily requirements.
The Nazis restricted public utilities such as water and electricity. So too has the Israeli government.
The Nazis restricted the inhabitants from adequate health care. Israelis restrict the health care in Gaza by limiting the medical supplies in or the treatment of cases that need to be done outside.
The Jewish inhabitants through the ZZB and the ZOB resisted the oppression by the Nazis albeit too late and their rebellion was brutally crushed without concern for who was in the way. So too have the Palestinians of Gaza through their own resistance organizations, in particular Hamas, rebelled against their oppressors and so too do the Israelis use all means available to crush the rebellion without concern for who is in the way or who they maim or kill in doing so.
The Nazis destroyed the structure of the ghetto leveling it to the ground in a broad quest to rout the resistance to their oppression. Israelis indiscriminately level buildings and the infrastructure in Gaza in a quest to rout out the resistance to their oppression. The Nazis assigned the Jewish people to a lesser status of all their inhabitants depriving them of their rights as citizens and even as humans. Israel assigns the refugees held in Gaza less status than is given to the Jews worldwide and deprives the Palestinians of their rights to return to their former lands

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
2009-01-06 14:29
Re: Cat de prost esti...

au declarat evreii in Warsaw Ghetto ca Germania nu are drept la existenta ca stat in Europa?

Le-au dat germanii alegerea - "purtati-va frumos, nu trageti rachete, ca va

Ai vazut evreii in Ghetto cum ii vezi pe suporterii Hamas aici?


La 2009-01-06 11:04:18, George Dumitrescu a scris:

> The Warsaw Ghetto during the Jewish Holocaust holds special
> significance to the European Jews. It was a place of oppression and
> the pathway to the ultimate death of thousands of their population
> that has become symbolic with their struggle for recognition. Yet
> what they are failing to acknowledge as their descendants press
> forward with their own brand of Jewish and Zionist idealism is the
> parallel set of conditions that they are now imposing on the Arab
> people of Palestine.
> The Nazis rounded up the Jews of Poland and quartered them in a small
> area of Warsaw, building a barricade around the perimeter to prevent
> them leaving. So too have the Israelis through conflict and force
> pushed many of the Arab inhabitants out of Israel into an enclave
> that now has a population density of 4,200 people per sq. km which is
> 14 times that of the surrounding area of Israel which has 360 people
> per sq. km.
> The Nazis deprived the ghetto inhabitants of food and essential
> supplies. So too has the Israeli government stopped the flow of goods
> to the 1.4 million inhabitants of Gaza by limiting the convoys of
> supplies to a mere trickle.
> The Nazis reduced the average calorie intake of the Jewish inhabitants
> of the ghetto to 241 calories per day. So too have the Israelis
> reduced the calorie intake of the Palestinians in Gaza. According to
> a UN report, it is presently at 61 percent of the average daily
> requirements.
> The Nazis restricted public utilities such as water and electricity.
> So too has the Israeli government.
> The Nazis restricted the inhabitants from adequate health care.
> Israelis restrict the health care in Gaza by limiting the medical
> supplies in or the treatment of cases that need to be done outside.
> The Jewish inhabitants through the ZZB and the ZOB resisted the
> oppression by the Nazis albeit too late and their rebellion was
> brutally crushed without concern for who was in the way. So too have
> the Palestinians of Gaza through their own resistance organizations,
> in particular Hamas, rebelled against their oppressors and so too do
> the Israelis use all means available to crush the rebellion without
> concern for who is in the way or who they maim or kill in doing so.
> The Nazis destroyed the structure of the ghetto leveling it to the
> ground in a broad quest to rout the resistance to their oppression.
> Israelis indiscriminately level buildings and the infrastructure in
> Gaza in a quest to rout out the resistance to their oppression. The
> Nazis assigned the Jewish people to a lesser status of all their
> inhabitants depriving them of their rights as citizens and even as
> humans. Israel assigns the refugees held in Gaza less status than is
> given to the Jews worldwide and deprives the Palestinians of their
> rights to return to their former lands

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