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dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 76.69.240...)
2009-12-20 15:41
Stire dubioasa

Ziaristi care nu-si fac treaba, injuraturi ca de obicei pe forum din cauza unor surse anonime.
Cititi articolul de mai jos, stirea este de sambata, 19 decembrie.

Iraq denies Iranian oilfield incursion
Security sources in southeastern Maysan province, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Iranian troops made their way onto the Fakka oilfield area, on the Iraqi side of the border, then withdrew after several hours.

Iraq's deputy interior minister, Ahmed Ali al-Khafaji, says no incursion took place.

"This news in not true. This field is disputed and now it is neglected by both sides," he said.

"There was no storming of the field. It's empty. It's abandoned. It is exactly on the border between Iraq and Iran."

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