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Zenn din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2008-05-16 18:26
Can another Bin Laden tape be in the making?

As Rita Katz folds S.I.T.E. Institute and opens S.I.T.E. Intelligence Group, a reader asks: can we expect more pronouncements soon from Bin Laden and his cohorts in the global terror campaign?

From a Reader – May 16, 2008

Ha, ha, ha, this is hilarious. Everyone's favorite Mossad mole and agit prop creator, Rita Katz, has folded her S.I.T.E. Institute, moved to a new location, and renamed the operation.

However, apparently the new organization and the Mossad propaganda front, MEMRI have the same IP address!!! With all the money they have, this is the best the Israelis can do? Are you kidding me?

Jesus, I thought the Mossad were supposed to be good at what they did. Can you say tradecraft, anyone?


(article from Greg Bacon's blog)
"Rita Katz folds S.I.T.E. Institute and opens SITE Intelligence Group.
Can another Bin Laden tape be in the making?

From the now deceased web page: S.I.T.E. Institute

After several years of public service, the S.I.T.E. Institute, a non- profit organization, has ceased its operations. Its assets have been sold and the proceeds transferred to other non-profit organizations consistent with the educational and charitable mission of the S.I.T.E. Institute.

Some of the activities formerly conducted by the S.I.T.E. Institute will now be carried out by the S.I.T.E. Intelligence Group, a for-profit entity.

To learn more about the S.I.T.E. Intelligence Group, please visit www.siteintelgroup.org.

Whatsamatter, there, Rita Babe? All those doctored up "Bin Laden" videos catch up to your old S.I.T.E. Institute to the point that a name change was needed to keep attention away from your past antics?

And why did you scrub away pertinent info from your new web page? Or did you lose your STAFF of ONE, Josh Devon and just don't have the time for those tedious details?

BTW, Rita dear, it looks like everyone's fav war monger and war criminal at large, GW Bush, is having a little trouble pushing thru his latest "Endless War for Peace" bill thru the US Congress. Guess it's time to dig up--figuratively and literally--Bin Laden and produce one of your videos in which the dead guy threatens us infidels.

Pssst. Here's a hint: This time, don't use an actor faking the dead BL that has recently dyed his beard. Devout Muslim men DON'T use hair dyes.

Gotta keep this "War on Terror" narrative on script, dear, so this time, be a bit more discreet in choosing actors from MOSSAD's central casting. And the next time you just happen to "discover" the latest AQ/BL tape, try and be a bit more discreet in announcing the release of the tape.

After all, when you best out the world's intelligence agencies on a regular basis in "finding" these tapes, people tend to be a bit suspicious.

P.S. One more suggestion: It might make your latest incarnation of S.I.T.E. more believable if the IP address wasn't the same as another MOSSAD asset, MEMRI. See, you both have the same IP address.

Checking with Whois one can easily find IP addresses, so having the same IP number as another MOSSAD asset, well, let's say that some might find that a bit more convenient than necessary.

Kudos to your move to a new location, away from the hustle and bustle of D.C.

An added bonus of being located in Fort George G. Meade, Maryland means your only 30 minutes away from the world's largest spy agency, the National Security Agency.

But, you probably knew that when you moved S.I.T.E.

With that said, here's hoping you and your MOSSAD buddies the best in your future aL-Qeada and Bin Laden video productions.

Oooh, and BTW, say hi to everyone's favorite "Jewish Jihadist" for me, Adam Pearlman."

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