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2008-11-13 00:37:41

Ce chestie !

2008-11-13 03:11:47

De ce la New-York si nu la Jerusalim?

Acolo se intalnesc 3 dintre cele mai importante religii ale omenirii. La New-York ar fi doar una Ochiul & Compasul si unde cele 3 religii sunt doar sucursale subordonate, cu case de cult cu tot. Salutari de la GORMOGON, d-le Tesu.

2008-11-13 06:11:25

problema e ca religia musulmana ar trebui sa fie in centrul atentiei,

in mijloc,inconjurata de celelalte mari religii fiindca ea la ora asta,e in conflict cu toate si cu fiecare de parca acestea ar atenta la viata oamenilor de religie musulmana oriunde se gasesc,in timp ce ea insasi e prima care omoara oameni din celelalate religii,inclusiv din ea,in numele lui alah sau mohamed,sau al vre'unui potentat terestru,fanatic,scopul fiind posibilitatea convietuirii dintre oameni,pacea de fapt,pe care nu o au musulmanii,simtindu'se in pericol,spun ei!! cind traiesc in acelasi spatiu,de multe ori chiar fugind din tarile de origine,de ce oare?!,cu alti oameni de alte religii!!??!!

2008-11-13 07:31:28

Re: Ce chestie !

2008-11-13 08:24:53

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz din 8/11..."!

2008-11-13 11:23:02

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz din 8/11..."!

2008-11-13 12:00:13

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz.." 2

2008-11-13 14:25:29

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz.." 2

2008-11-13 14:41:48

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz.." 2

2008-11-13 15:33:58

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz din.." 3

2008-11-13 20:06:59

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz din 8/11..."!

"The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market. I think that we should be eternally vigilant, against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe and believe to be fraught with death."
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

Legile "liberticide" cum le caracterizeaza Mircea, sint facute sa protejeze adevarul sau sa protejeze din punct de vedere emotiv anumite grupuri etnice?

Daca Mircea ar fi sustinut ceea ce Robert Jan van Pelt afirma in ce categorie l-ati fi incadrat?

Auschwitz expert: Blueprints found in Berlin not of death camp

Prof. Robert Jan van Pelt, a internationally acknowledged expert on the planning and construction of Auschwitz, said that based on what he had seen on the Internet, there seemed to be nothing new about the documents. He was one of several scholars who expressed doubts about the significance of the Bild story.

Van Pelt, an architectural historian, said that copies of the plans of the stages of the camp's construction were also in the archive of the Polish National Museum at Auschwitz and in an archive in Moscow. He said that the source of the new copies was unclear since, according to Bild, the plans were found in an apartment in Berlin, whereas copies that were in the SS offices in Berlin were destroyed by Allied bombing in 1944. Van Pelt said he also doubted the authenticity of the signature of the SS chief, Heinrich Himmler, since such a high-ranking officer would not have signed such plans, and none of the copies he had ever seen bore such a signature.
Van Pelt also said the words "gas chamber" on one of the drawings meant a room in which disinfection of clothing was done by means of gas, and that the sketch is not of an extermination camp established in 1942, but rather of earlier plans for a huge concentration camp in which a force of 130,000 slave laborers was intended to work.

Van Pelt suggested the plans might be fakes, motivated by the lucrative market in Nazi memorabilia and documents.

2008-11-13 20:13:56

Re: De ce la New-York si nu la Jerusalim?

La 2008-11-13 03:11:47, Gormogon a scris:

> Acolo se intalnesc 3 dintre cele mai importante religii ale omenirii.
> La New-York ar fi doar una Ochiul & Compasul si unde cele 3 religii
> sunt doar sucursale subordonate, cu case de cult cu tot. Salutari de
> la GORMOGON, d-le Tesu.

ochiul si compasul?D-le Gormogon, esti de-a binelea Gogoman.Adica crestinismul,Iudaismul si islamismul care combat "ochiul si compasul" sunt subordonatele Francmasoneriei?Esti diliu complect!!!

2008-11-13 20:14:39

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz din.." 3

Tocmai cind va multumeam la rindu-mi atit pt politete cit si pt pt participarea la dialog am citi si postarea urmatoarea in care discern semne discrete dar ferme de enervare. Deduc si ca poate fi inceputul pantei alunecoase de la o disputa de idei la o disputa personala; iar pt extinderea discutiei la vederile marelui F nu am urma de motivatie, dimpotriva sa-l tina "Dumnezeu (Iahve)" cit mai departe de noi, de orice natie am fi, numai bine si dvs.

2008-11-13 20:26:54

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz din.." 3

La 2008-11-13 20:14:39, gefiltefisch a scris:

> Tocmai cind va multumeam la rindu-mi atit pt politete cit si pt pt
> participarea la dialog am citi si postarea urmatoarea in care
> discern semne discrete dar ferme de enervare. Deduc si ca poate fi
> inceputul pantei alunecoase de la o disputa de idei la o disputa
> personala; iar pt extinderea discutiei la vederile marelui F nu am
> urma de motivatie, dimpotriva sa-l tina "Dumnezeu (Iahve)" cit mai
> departe de noi, de orice natie am fi, numai bine si dvs.

Vorbe de bun simt, si va asigur ca nu este nimic personal. Am apreciat dialogul cu dvs. si nu as dori nici eu "o panta alunecoasa".

Va urez numai bine, dvs. si celor dragi dvs.

2008-11-13 20:59:57

Re: RE: off topic, pentru cei care au participat la forumul "...planurile Auschwitz din 8/11..."!

La 2008-11-13 20:06:59, dorinP a scris:

> Daca Mircea ar fi sustinut ceea ce Robert Jan van Pelt afirma in ce
> categorie l-ati fi incadrat?
> Auschwitz expert: Blueprints found in Berlin not of death camp
> http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1035958.html
> [...]
> Prof. Robert Jan van Pelt, a internationally acknowledged expert on
> the planning and construction of Auschwitz, said that based on what
> he had seen on the Internet, there seemed to be nothing new about the
> documents. He was one of several scholars who expressed doubts about
> the significance of the Bild story.
Istoricul Robert Jan van Pelt nu neaga existenta camerelor de gazare in cadrul lagarelor de exterminare, ....
el doar atentioneaza asupra pericolului de a publica documente care nu au fost cercetate suficient ...,

fiindca astfel de articole sint prezentate ca trofee de jubilare de catre negationisti ...

<<Van Pelt expressed dismay that the Bild`s claim of a new discovery had been picked up by newspapers around the world.
``Everyone is repeating the same nonsense, and the deniers are having great fun because it shows how people are gullible,`` he told JTA.>>

In acelasi timp Van Pelt a declarat ca daca initialele vor fi dovedite a fi ale lui Himmler, <<...``If these were the initials of Himmler, that would be very interesting,`` van Pelt agreed. But ``it is completely and utterly incomprehensible`` that the director of the national archive would open his mouth on something so sensitive without having consulted the literature.>>

Faptul ca au existat camere de gazare NU TREBUIE dovedit.
Este stiut ca parte din proiectul nazist de exterminare in intregime a poporului evreu, o constituia si necesitatea de a sterge urmele acestei crime infame ....

Asa cum nu au reusit distrugerea neamului evreu, asa nu au reusit nici sa-si stearga urmele crimei, ... exista documente si marturii ale victimelor, ale contemporanilor, ale eliberatorilor, si chiar ale criminalilor ...

care constituie o dovada de netagaduit a infamiei naziste.

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