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Zen din New York (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2007-10-22 20:13
Bre, da' cum mai minte Ziua...

"11.000 de rachete tintesc Israelul" - Unde-o fi versiunea asta? Asa face Ziua traducerile? Titluri bombastice, dar neadevarate. Ma-ntreb de unde se inspira?...La traduceri...:)))

Independent Online South Africa – October 20, 2007

Iran warned on Saturday it would fire off 11 000 rockets at enemy bases within the space of a minute if the United States launched military action against the Islamic republic.

"In the first minute of an invasion by the enemy, 11 000 rockets and cannons would be fired at enemy bases," said a brigadier general in the elite Revolutionary Guards, Mahmoud Chaharbaghi.


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