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dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2009-10-13 20:16
arwil, please advise. Ex de "fisierele voastre naziste si din alte fituici!"

Esti amabil sa ma luminezi daca Jerusalem Post este un ziar nazist, legionar sau islamo fascist? N-as vrea sa cad in pacat si sa continui sa-l citesc daca arwil cel mare, cel mai ales dintre alesi decreteaza ca Jerusalem Post este este un ziar anti semit sau anti sionist

Daca este un ziar pe linie, cum le permiti sa publice astfel de articole? Cred ca ar fi cazul sa iei masuri, tu si toata echipa care te bordeaza.

numai bine

Rattling the Cage: Our exclusive right to self-defense

This is the Israeli notion of a fair deal: We're entitled to do whatever the hell we want to the Palestinians because, by definition, whatever we do to them is self-defense. They, however, are not entitled to lift a finger against us because, by definition, whatever they do to us is terrorism.

That's the way it's always been, that's the way it was in Operation Cast Lead.

AND THERE are no limits on our right to self-defense. There is no such thing as "disproportionate." We can blockade Gaza, we can answer Kassams with F-16s and Apaches, we can take 100 eyes for an eye.

We can deliberately destroy thousands of Gazan homes, the Gazan parliament, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior, courthouses, the only Gazan flour plant, the main poultry farm, a sewage treatment plant, water wells and God knows what else.


After all, we're acting in self-defense. By definition.

And what right do the Palestinians have to defend themselves against this?


Why? Because we're better than them. Because we're a democracy and they're a bunch of Islamo-fascists. Because ours is a culture of life and theirs is a culture of death. Because they're out to destroy us and all we are saying is give peace a chance.

One look at the ruins of Gaza ought to make that plain enough.

Here is our idea of the "laws of war": When Israeli bulldozers rolled across the border into Gazan villages and flattened house after house so Hamas wouldn't have them for cover after the IDF pulled out, that was self-defense. But if a Palestinian boy who'd lived in one of those houses threw a stone at one of the bulldozers, that was terrorism.

The Goldstones of the world call this hypocrisy, a double standard. How dare they! Around here, we call it moral clarity.

contraevreu-rus (...@aol.com, IP: 67.197.18...)
2009-10-13 20:25
Re: arwil, please advise. Ex de "fisierele voastre naziste si din alte fituici!"

POTZ sami spui si mie data exacta cand a fost publicat articolul pe care il citezi,nu am timp sa caut siteul.

La 2009-10-13 20:16:13, dorinP a scris:

> Esti amabil sa ma luminezi daca Jerusalem Post este un ziar nazist,
> legionar sau islamo fascist? N-as vrea sa cad in pacat si sa continui
> sa-l citesc daca arwil cel mare, cel mai ales dintre alesi decreteaza
> ca Jerusalem Post este este un ziar anti semit sau anti sionist
> Daca este un ziar pe linie, cum le permiti sa publice astfel de
> articole? Cred ca ar fi cazul sa iei masuri, tu si toata echipa care
> te bordeaza.
> numai bine
> Rattling the Cage: Our exclusive right to self-defense
> http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1254861893834&pagename=JPArticle%2FShowFull
> [...]
> This is the Israeli notion of a fair deal: We're entitled to do
> whatever the hell we want to the Palestinians because, by definition,
> whatever we do to them is self-defense. They, however, are not
> entitled to lift a finger against us because, by definition, whatever
> they do to us is terrorism.
> That's the way it's always been, that's the way it was in Operation
> Cast Lead.
> AND THERE are no limits on our right to self-defense. There is no such
> thing as "disproportionate." We can blockade Gaza, we can answer
> Kassams with F-16s and Apaches, we can take 100 eyes for an eye.
> We can deliberately destroy thousands of Gazan homes, the Gazan
> parliament, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior,
> courthouses, the only Gazan flour plant, the main poultry farm, a
> sewage treatment plant, water wells and God knows what else.
> Deliberately.
> After all, we're acting in self-defense. By definition.
> And what right do the Palestinians have to defend themselves against
> this?
> None.
> Why? Because we're better than them. Because we're a democracy and
> they're a bunch of Islamo-fascists. Because ours is a culture of life
> and theirs is a culture of death. Because they're out to destroy us
> and all we are saying is give peace a chance.
> One look at the ruins of Gaza ought to make that plain enough.
> Here is our idea of the "laws of war": When Israeli bulldozers rolled
> across the border into Gazan villages and flattened house after house
> so Hamas wouldn't have them for cover after the IDF pulled out, that
> was self-defense. But if a Palestinian boy who'd lived in one of
> those houses threw a stone at one of the bulldozers, that was
> terrorism.
> The Goldstones of the world call this hypocrisy, a double standard.
> How dare they! Around here, we call it moral clarity.

MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.233.232...)
2009-10-13 20:29
Re: arwil, please advise. Ex de "fisierele voastre naziste si din alte fituici!"

La 2009-10-13 20:25:17, contraevreu-rus a scris:

> POTZ sami spui si mie data exacta cand a fost publicat articolul pe
> care il citezi,nu am timp sa caut siteul.

7 octombrie 2009


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