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YOGHINUL din Toronto (...@hotmail.com, IP: 193.231.19...)
2008-09-03 10:34
Inteligenta politicienilor

The Katha Upanishad describes the path to enlightenment as narrow—as narrow as a razor’s edge. It says that to traverse the path, one’s intelligence needs to be fully awake.

How I calculated in my book only 1 in 1300 has the 'intelligence fully awake' and 98% of population are at animal level. People need time to evolve, around 5000 years.

Because 98% of population are electing politicians, presidents...the 'intelligence fully awake' is not an issue for them.

CALUGARU din Manastire (...@yahoo.com, IP: 63.99.16...)
2008-09-03 17:11
Re: Inteligenta politicienilor

La 2008-09-03 10:34:13, YOGHINUL a scris:

Because 98% of population are electing politicians, presidents...the 'intelligence fully awake' is not an issue for them.


Asta ai ciordit-o de la Lewis Black !

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