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Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 141.76.45...)
2007-09-27 21:09
run mr. Bush, run!

Tot mai multe aspecte privind razboiul din Irak se clarifica. Impeach? War crimes tribunal?


"El Pais published a transcript of the conversation between George W. Bush, Jose Maria Aznar of Spain, and Condoleeza Rice held at Crawford before the Iraq War. Bush is typically bullheaded, impatient, conspiratorial, bullying, arrogant, ill-informed and way over-optimistic. The transcript shows the true colors of the man-- a sort of thuggish, ignorant Mafia don-- who destroyed the United States and destroyed Iraq.

At one point Aznar prophetically says, "The thing that worries me is your optimism."

The transcript, it seems to me, provides a whole rack of smoking guns that could be a basis for impeaching George W. Bush. The transcript shows that Bush consciously intended to go to war without a United Nations Security Council resolution. The United Nations Charter, to which the United States is a treaty signatory (so that it has the force of American law), forbids any nation to launch an aggressive war on another country. The only two legal mechanisms for war are either that it came in response to a direct attack or that the attacker gained a UNSC authorization. The transcript shows Bush actively plotting to sidestep the UNSC if he could not, gangster-like, threaten its members into compliance."

katty1 din Suedia (...@yahoo.se, IP: 83.254.193...)
2007-09-27 21:51
Re: run mr. Bush, run!

La 2007-09-27 21:09:27, Arcturus a scris:

> Tot mai multe aspecte privind razboiul din Irak se clarifica. Impeach?
> War crimes tribunal?
> http://www.juancole.com/2007/09/transcript-reveals-impeachable-offenses.html
> "El Pais published a transcript of the conversation between George W.
> Bush, Jose Maria Aznar of Spain, and Condoleeza Rice held at Crawford
> before the Iraq War. Bush is typically bullheaded, impatient,
> conspiratorial, bullying, arrogant, ill-informed and way
> over-optimistic. The transcript shows the true colors of the man-- a
> sort of thuggish, ignorant Mafia don-- who destroyed the United States
> and destroyed Iraq.
> At one point Aznar prophetically says, "The thing that worries me is
> your optimism."
> The transcript, it seems to me, provides a whole rack of smoking guns
> that could be a basis for impeaching George W. Bush. The transcript
> shows that Bush consciously intended to go to war without a United
> Nations Security Council resolution. The United Nations Charter, to
> which the United States is a treaty signatory (so that it has the
> force of American law), forbids any nation to launch an aggressive war
> on another country. The only two legal mechanisms for war are either
> that it came in response to a direct attack or that the attacker
> gained a UNSC authorization. The transcript shows Bush actively
> plotting to sidestep the UNSC if he could not, gangster-like, threaten
> its members into compliance."

Dar pe asta ati auzit-o?



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