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FB din Romania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 67.71.110...)
2009-09-17 14:53
Jumate din cultura clasica

e germana .De -abaia au asteptat americanii ,evreii sa-i prinda cu ceva in ofside si le-au aruncat in curte toata mizeria.Nu mai vorbesc de tehnica si altecele .Nu ajungeau veci pururi americanii pe luna fara nemti .Si nici rusii in cosmos .
Au fost lagare de munca .A fost dur ,cine a putut munci a supravietuit ,cine nu a sfarsit .D ,zeu sa ne ierte pe toti pentru rautatile noastre !

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.108.254...)
2009-09-17 14:57
Re: Jumate din cultura clasica

Here is a description of the gas chambers in "Bath and Disinfection" Building Number One (barrack #41) at Majdanek, quoted from a guidebook which I purchased at the Visitor's Center:

"The gas chambers were built of ceramic brick, covered with a ferro-concrete roof, and provided with a cement floor. The installation comprised three chambers: a large one (10 m x 5.5 m x 2 m) and two smaller ones (4.80 m x 3.60 x 2 m) as well as a cabin for the SS man who pumped doses of gas from steel cylinders into the chambers and watched through a small grated window (25 x 15 cm), the behavior of the victims. Two chambers, the large one and the southern smaller one, were equipped with devices for the use of carbon monoxide (CO). In the smaller one, there was a metal pipe, 40 mm in diameter, running along the walls above the floor. The gas got into the chamber through holes in the pipe. Cyclone B was poured into a special opening in the concrete roof."

"The large chamber also had a metal pipe, 25 mm in diameter, fastened to one of the walls above the floor. As in the smaller chamber, the carbon monoxide from a steel cylinder got in through this pipe. In addition, there were two openings in the western wall, through which hot air (120 degrees C) was blown in by a ventilator from a stove placed on the outside of the chamber, which alone killed the victims and, at the same time, intensified the action of Cyclone B, since the lethal effect of the gas increased at a temperature of over 27 degrees C. The other small chamber, on the southern side, had only an opening in the roof to pour in Cyclone B. The massive metal doors to the chambers were air-tight, fastened by two bolts and iron bars."

La 2009-09-17 14:53:29, FB a scris:

> e germana .De -abaia au asteptat americanii ,evreii sa-i prinda cu
> ceva in ofside si le-au aruncat in curte toata mizeria.Nu mai vorbesc
> de tehnica si altecele .Nu ajungeau veci pururi americanii pe luna
> fara nemti .Si nici rusii in cosmos .
> Au fost lagare de munca .A fost dur ,cine a putut munci a supravietuit
> ,cine nu a sfarsit .D ,zeu sa ne ierte pe toti pentru rautatile
> noastre !

MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.233.232...)
2009-09-17 19:05

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