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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 71.183.1...)
2008-01-21 16:02
Hello-amerlocul- multumestei lui Bush

TOKYO - Asian and European stock markets plunged Monday following declines on Wall Street last week amid investor pessimism over the U.S. government's stimulus plan to prevent a recession.

India's benchmark stock index tumbled 7.4 percent, while Hong Kong's blue-chip Hang Seng index plummeted 5.5 percent to 23,818.86, its biggest percentage drop since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Investors dumped shares because they were skeptical that an economic stimulus plan President Bush announced Friday would shore up the economy, which has been battered by housing and credit problems. The plan, which requires approval by Congress, calls for about $145 billion worth of tax relief to encourage consumer spending.

Vezi ca cu 800 de dolarin potzi sa-ti cumperi palton si ceva mici daca stii de unde sa-i cumperi ! Americanule cu drept de vot !

Mos Grigore din Chicago (...@worldnet.att.net, IP: 68.165.63...)
2008-01-21 17:50
E foarte bine BA Tantalaule............acu' e de cumparat.....

si cu raportul asta Euro/$ am facut malai frumos din EU. Sint cam 18% investit in EU. Asa ca stai jos PRICEPUTULEEEEEEEEE.............

La 2008-01-21 16:02:25, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> TOKYO - Asian and European stock markets plunged Monday following
> declines on Wall Street last week amid investor pessimism over the
> U.S. government's stimulus plan to prevent a recession.
> India's benchmark stock index tumbled 7.4 percent, while Hong Kong's
> blue-chip Hang Seng index plummeted 5.5 percent to 23,818.86, its
> biggest percentage drop since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
> Investors dumped shares because they were skeptical that an economic
> stimulus plan President Bush announced Friday would shore up the
> economy, which has been battered by housing and credit problems. The
> plan, which requires approval by Congress, calls for about $145
> billion worth of tax relief to encourage consumer spending.
> Vezi ca cu 800 de dolarin potzi sa-ti cumperi palton si ceva mici daca
> stii de unde sa-i cumperi ! Americanule cu drept de vot !

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 71.183.22...)
2008-01-21 19:31
Re: E foarte bine BA Tantalaule............acu' e de cumparat.....

Cum tuuuuu, ameloc decis ai investit in "iuropa" si euro ? Asta este un act antiamerican si tradator ! Tu faci jocul islamo-fascistilor !

La 2008-01-21 17:50:12, Mos Grigore a scris:

> si cu raportul asta Euro/$ am facut malai frumos din EU. Sint cam 18%
> investit in EU. Asa ca stai jos PRICEPUTULEEEEEEEEE.............
> La 2008-01-21 16:02:25, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:
> > TOKYO - Asian and European stock markets plunged Monday following
> > declines on Wall Street last week amid investor pessimism over the
> > U.S. government's stimulus plan to prevent a recession.
> >
> > India's benchmark stock index tumbled 7.4 percent, while Hong Kong's
> > blue-chip Hang Seng index plummeted 5.5 percent to 23,818.86, its
> > biggest percentage drop since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
> >
> > Investors dumped shares because they were skeptical that an economic
> > stimulus plan President Bush announced Friday would shore up the
> > economy, which has been battered by housing and credit problems. The
> > plan, which requires approval by Congress, calls for about $145
> > billion worth of tax relief to encourage consumer spending.
> >
> > Vezi ca cu 800 de dolarin potzi sa-ti cumperi palton si ceva mici daca
> > stii de unde sa-i cumperi ! Americanule cu drept de vot !
> >
> >

Hello din lumea larga (...@verizon.net, IP: 71.242.220...)
2008-01-21 20:07
Re: Hello-amerlocul- multumestei lui Bush/ cocoshel si ala care spune ca e sobru

La 2008-01-21 16:02:25, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

bey prostovanilor, voi nu vedeti ca cind USA tuseste restul lumii face gripa ieuro o sa ajunga la lada de gunoi, mai devreme sau mai tirziu.
cocoshel, vezi ca in NY sint toate scumpe, te mai tine basanau'? de betivanul de sobru nu mai zic nimic ca o simte pe pielea lui deja, se da rau ca nu ii mai ajung banii de bautura!

> TOKYO - Asian and European stock markets plunged Monday following
> declines on Wall Street last week amid investor pessimism over the
> U.S. government's stimulus plan to prevent a recession.
> India's benchmark stock index tumbled 7.4 percent, while Hong Kong's
> blue-chip Hang Seng index plummeted 5.5 percent to 23,818.86, its
> biggest percentage drop since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
> Investors dumped shares because they were skeptical that an economic
> stimulus plan President Bush announced Friday would shore up the
> economy, which has been battered by housing and credit problems. The
> plan, which requires approval by Congress, calls for about $145
> billion worth of tax relief to encourage consumer spending.
> Vezi ca cu 800 de dolarin potzi sa-ti cumperi palton si ceva mici daca
> stii de unde sa-i cumperi ! Americanule cu drept de vot !

Sobru. (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.137.241...)
2008-01-21 20:20
Re: Hello-amerlocul- multumestei lui Bush

Deocamdata restul lumii tuseste in timp ce SUA intra in coma. Mai stai oleaca.

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