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Machiavelli din Italia (...@aol.com, IP: 75.31.16...)
2007-05-21 01:55
Demiterea Presedintelui dupa Modelul American

Propunere de Amendament la Constitutie pentru Demiterea din Functie a Presedintelui

Procedura de demitere a presedintelui, inspirat dupa modelul american, consta din organizarea unui tribunal condus de judecatorul sef al Curtii Constitutionale, avocat al apararii presedintelui, procuror al acuzarii din partea senatorilor, si jurati (in america acestia nu participa la demiterea presedintelui) care sunt poporul informat in timpul procesului prin televiziune si alte mass-media.


1)Presedintele poate fi demis din functie pentru savarsirea unor fapte grave prin care incalca prevederile Constitutiei.

2)Camera Deputatilor va fi singura care va avea puterea de a pune sub acuzare Presedintele.

3)Camera Deputatilor va redacta o lista a capetele de acuzare si va specifica fiecare acuzare adusa Presedintelui si faptele pe care se bazeaza aceasta.

4)Lista capetelor de acuzare, dupa ce a fost aprobata de mai mult de jumatate din membri prezenti la vot in Camerei Deputatilor, se va inainta Senatului.

5)Senatul este singurul care va avea puterea de a organiza un tribunal pentru a judeca demiterea din functie a Presedintelui.

6)Judecatorul Sef a Curtii Constitutionale va prezida tribunalul.

7)Procesul de demitere va dura cel mult 14 zile calendaristice. Presedintele poate numi avocati pentru apararea sa si Senatorii pot numi avocati pentru acuzarea Presedintelui.

8)Daca mai mult de doua treimi din numarul de Senatori prezenti la vot vor sustine demiterea Presedintelui, atunci se organizeaza un referendum la 21 de zile calendaristice de la terminarea procesului.

9)Orice propaganda electorala se va suspenda pe o durata de 21 de zile calendaristice de la terminarea procesului.

10)Presedintele va fi demis daca mai mult de jumatate din alegatorii prezenti la vot vor raspunde negativ la intrebarea: <<Il vreti pe ...(prenumele si numele presedintelui)...Presedinte?>>.

11)Toata activitatea din Camera Deputatilor si din Senat legata de demiterea din functie a Presedintelui va fi difuzata prin mass-media fara intrerupere, de la inceput pana la sfarsit. Activitatea tribunalului va fi oprita atunci cand difuzarea se va intrerupe.
Constitutia SUA
Art.I Sec. 2 The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Art. I Sec.3 The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
Art. II Sec.4. The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Dictionar: Impeach- Transitive Verb
[Anglo-French empecher, from Old French empeechier to hinder, from Late Latin impedicare to fetter, from Latin in- + pedica fetter, from ped- pes foot]
1 : to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal (as the U.S. Senate) with misconduct in office. Impeachment is the first step in removing an officer from office. The president, vice president, and other federal officers (as judges) may be impeached by the House of Representatives. (Members of Congress themselves are not removed by being impeached and tried, but rather are expelled by a two-thirds majority vote in the member's house.) The House draws up articles of impeachment that itemize the charges and their factual bases. The articles of impeachment, once approved by a simple majority of the House members, are then submitted to the Senate, thereby impeaching the officer. The Senate then holds a trial, at the conclusion of which each member votes for or against conviction on each article of impeachment. Two-thirds of the Senate members present must vote in favor of conviction. Once convicted, the officer can be removed from office. Although the Constitution specifies that an officer is to be impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, impeachment can also occur for misconduct that is not necessarily criminal (as violation of the Constitution). Because impeachment is the first step taken to remove an officer from office impeach is often used in general contexts to refer to the removal itself, but that is not its specific legal meaning. An officer generally cannot be impeached for acts done prior to taking office.

Andrei1232000 din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 141.85.66...)
2007-05-21 08:24
Re: Demiterea Presedintelui dupa Modelul American

Foarte corect si intreaga Constitutie trebuie redactata ca o procedura de fabricatie, cu precizie si data unor ingineri sa o studieze. Poate a auzit cineva si de proceduri bazate pe "What if?".

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