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tray din us (...@comcast.net, IP: 67.173.104...)
2008-04-02 23:54
avem destui maidanezi .

Aceia din hala ne mai trbuiau..

CONU (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.189.212...)
2008-04-03 13:31
Apropoo de "Anarhia" nu numai de la Marea Neagra ! SOROS o "coace" iar !

Atentie MARE la stirile de ULTIMA ORA din media internationala referitor la CREATORUL actualei Crize Economice si Financiare: GEORGE SOROS !

Culmea nesimtiri pe-acest individ, dupa ce a fortat cresterea pretului la minerale cu peste 650% in ultimi 3 ani,.... acum ne mai transmite si ce va urma :

"Billionaire investor George Soros says the current financial crisis is the worst since the Great Depression and says worse is on the way. He said the Federal Reserve now has little room to lower US interest rates from their current 2.25%.

Soros also predicted that while stocks are likely to rebound from recent falls, they will crash further this year. 'We had a good bottom, but this will probably not prove to be the final bottom,' he said. "


Cit despre masurile de-a se regula speculatiile Hedge-Fundurilor , Soros are de comentat:

"Soros notes that regulation is not the key, as it can only ever respond after the fact. Authorities need to point their gaze toward the next issue that will arise, CDS and mortgage defaults. Soros suggests that credit default swap contracts could be submitted through a clearing house or exchange with a sound capital structure. For mortgages the bankruptcy laws could be adjusted to allow for mortgage terms to be modified."

ATENTIE MARE .... Domnilor si Doamnelor.... In ultimii trei,patru ani v-am avertizat referitor la miscarile acestui Soros, marturie puteti gasii in arhiva Ziua la comentariile facute de CONU.

Atentie Mare,...Soros ne-o coace iar,...de data aceasta ne-a pregatit ceva global, la scara incalculabila !

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