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iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-01-04 20:04
macelarul a trecut din aer la sol,sper sa le vina timpul sa intre cu totzii,ca sobolanii

si la subsol
Inloc sa se ocupe numai de camatarie,ca le intra trilioane pe luna, numai de la guvernele pe care le domina din "lumea libera",stau ca macelarii la pinda sa vada pe care il mai strivesc,nu le-a ajuns yugo,afganul,irakul,ossetia,pakistan,siria,iranul,etc,etc(asta numai in ultimii7-8 ani)

It was Israel, not Hamas, who broke the six-month peace truce

By Charles E. Carlson — MP3

The White House’s press release is exactly the same as the Zionist Israel position, blaming the victims. It is imperative that we know why. Here is the official Israeli line, directly from Washington:

“It was “completely unacceptable” for Hamas, which controls Gaza, to launch attacks on Israel after a truce lasting several months, said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council. “These people are nothing but thugs, so Israel is going to defend its people against terrorists like Hamas that indiscriminately kill their own people.”

The reason the US Administration parrots Zionist Israel’s story is that there is a common agenda that calls for more war in the Middle East. As we have written for some years, ours is a war-based economy, and Israel plays a large part in it because the USA’s targeted enemy is Islam.

War, to those who direct our course from above and beyond presidential politics, is not about religion, but is a vehicle to force economic growth where there is now stagnation. Broader, bigger and more permanent wars is a part or the “Dilution Solution” planned to save our economy, much as World War II was thought by many to be a planned solution to the “Great Depression.”

We Hold These Truths opposes this policy, which will end only when citizens demand it.

The USA, also, uses Israel to further the war agenda. Israeli politicians willingly play their part in the US war schemes, that necessitates many secret meetings between the two. Israeli citizens will eventually be blamed for wars in the Middle East and could one day become the victims.

Zionist politicians have their own political reasons for the unreasonable brutality which has been discussed in the Arab press. Israel wants to regain political control over the Philistines, so to their way of thinking, Hamas must go. This writer uses the biblical “Philistine” in place of the popular “Palestinian” to emphasize that Arabs are the historic occupants of the land, and they presently do not even have a state. Paradoxically, they are like the unarmed David, a stateless people wondering in the land of the Philistines, but with the slingshot, versus Israel, the militarist Goliath. (more…)

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