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evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
2009-01-04 10:51
Zenn, Sobru, Ho-kus-ai, asta va asteapta...

Kuwaiti Islamist: Homosexuals Should Be Tortured in Public Squares


George Dumitrescu (...@bigpond.net.au, IP: 58.161.208...)
2009-01-04 10:56
Re: Zenn, Sobru, Ho-kus-ai, asta va asteapta...

La 2009-01-04 10:51:49, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Kuwaiti Islamist: Homosexuals Should Be Tortured in Public Squares
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7nSwRAUo7M&feature=related
> 99% of homosexuals are filthy jews so i agree :)

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
2009-01-04 11:07
Re: Animalule, asta o sa-ti fie sfarsitul......


La 2009-01-04 10:56:14, George Dumitrescu a scris:

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7nSwRAUo7M&feature=related
> > 99% of homosexuals are filthy jews so i agree :)

Hokusai san din Kyoto (...@gmail.com, IP: 94.52.184...)
2009-01-04 14:27
Re: Zenn, Sobru, Ho-kus-ai, asta va asteapta.../ :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

La 2009-01-04 10:56:14, George Dumitrescu a scris:

> La 2009-01-04 10:51:49, evreu mandru din israel a scris:
> > Kuwaiti Islamist: Homosexuals Should Be Tortured in Public Squares
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7nSwRAUo7M&feature=related
> > 99% of homosexuals are filthy jews so i agree :)

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