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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 71.167.81...)
2009-01-03 20:12
Israeluli ii este frica de Obama!



AS WORLD leaders and international organizations rush to rescue Hamas, Israel faces complex battlefield challenges - while fearing a stab in the back from the incoming Obama administration.

Israel's leaders are asking themselves two questions: Is the cost of sending sufficient ground forces into Gaza just too high? And, upon his inauguration on Jan. 20, will President Obama undercut Israel's counterterror offensive before its goals have been reached?

Israel can deal with self-aggrandizing busybodies, such as French President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose irresponsible attempts to force a cease-fire upon Israel benefit only Hamas. (Carla, can't you give that guy something to do?) But Israel would be hard pressed to fight on without American support.

As government leaders and generals in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv weigh the question of whether or not to send tanks into Gaza's streets, they hear the clock ticking. A major ground incursion would take time. Would Israel Defense Forces soldiers find themselves fighting on political quicksand?

Despite the frankly anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish reporting of this conflict in the global media, Israel's military performance not only has been technically superb, but has been as humane as possible under such difficult circumstances.

From earlier briefings in Israel, I know the IDF takes an almost absurd degree of care in its targeting. The questioning doesn't stop with "Is that the right building?" it then asks, "What should be our angle of attack to ensure any rubble falls into the street, not atop the primary school next door?" (Hamas consistently embeds terror facilities among innocent civilians.)

Hitting a terrorist hideout in an apartment building, for example, an F-16 would be armed with the smallest warhead that could do the job. If the terrorists are tucked into rooms on the fourth floor, targeting officers evaluate which window the guided missile should go through to kill the terrorists, while minimizing harm to civilians living below.

Any military veteran can tell that the Israelis are taking enormous care to spare civilians. Given the number of airstrikes thus far and the hundreds of tons of bombs dropped, it remains remarkable that so few innocents have been injured in such a dense urban environment.

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 85.250.35...)
2009-01-03 20:57
Re: Iar faci pe analistul de doi bani? Ofensiva terestra a inceput chiar acum.

La 2009-01-03 20:12:42, Giuseppe Cocos a scris:

> AS WORLD leaders and international organizations rush to rescue Hamas,
> Israel faces complex battlefield challenges - while fearing a stab in
> the back from the incoming Obama administration.
> Israel's leaders are asking themselves two questions: Is the cost of
> sending sufficient ground forces into Gaza just too high? And, upon
> his inauguration on Jan. 20, will President Obama undercut Israel's
> counterterror offensive before its goals have been reached?
> Israel can deal with self-aggrandizing busybodies, such as French
> President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose irresponsible attempts to force a
> cease-fire upon Israel benefit only Hamas. (Carla, can't you give
> that guy something to do?) But Israel would be hard pressed to fight
> on without American support.
> As government leaders and generals in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv weigh the
> question of whether or not to send tanks into Gaza's streets, they
> hear the clock ticking. A major ground incursion would take time.
> Would Israel Defense Forces soldiers find themselves fighting on
> political quicksand?
> Despite the frankly anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish reporting of this
> conflict in the global media, Israel's military performance not only
> has been technically superb, but has been as humane as possible under
> such difficult circumstances.
> From earlier briefings in Israel, I know the IDF takes an almost
> absurd degree of care in its targeting. The questioning doesn't stop
> with "Is that the right building?" it then asks, "What should be our
> angle of attack to ensure any rubble falls into the street, not atop
> the primary school next door?" (Hamas consistently embeds terror
> facilities among innocent civilians.)
> Hitting a terrorist hideout in an apartment building, for example, an
> F-16 would be armed with the smallest warhead that could do the job.
> If the terrorists are tucked into rooms on the fourth floor,
> targeting officers evaluate which window the guided missile should go
> through to kill the terrorists, while minimizing harm to civilians
> living below.
> Any military veteran can tell that the Israelis are taking enormous
> care to spare civilians. Given the number of airstrikes thus far and
> the hundreds of tons of bombs dropped, it remains remarkable that so
> few innocents have been injured in such a dense urban environment.

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