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Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-02 17:47
Gaza death toll reaches 417

Thu, 01 Jan 2009 15:51:20 GMT

Another 20 people have been killed in the Israeli blitz on Gaza, bringing the Palestinian death toll to 417 since Saturday.

On Thursday, the Israeli military forces hit over 20 targets in the Gaza Strip as part of an all-out war which has been launched against the costal enclave since early Saturday.

The attacks have so far left 2,000 people wounded. Women and children have been among the victims, UN officials said.

Earlier on Thursday, Nizar Rayan, a senior Hamas leader was also killed along with nine other people, including his wife and three children in their home in the north of Gaza.


logofatul de taina (...@home.ro, IP: 65.215.98...)
2009-01-02 18:20
Numa' 417?

Zenn din Gringostan (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2009-01-02 18:38
Re: Numa' 417?

Stimabile, se pare ca dumneata n-ai sesizat inca "tinta" IDF-ului. Mai studiaza...

La 2009-01-02 18:20:14, logofatul de taina a scris:

Da cati oameni are Hamasu asta... vad ca IDFu n-are tinta

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