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Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.29.11...)
2008-12-29 18:05
Ou sont les neiges d'antant?

(ma refer la zapezile teroristilor). Unde sunt indignarile, rezolutiile ONU? In afara de Rusia si rusii de pe acest forum, aproape nimeni nu mai condamna Israelul pentru exercitarea dreptului suveran de a se apara. Sigur ca lumea deplange suferintele (autoimpuse) ale cetatenilor din Gaza, dar vremurile se schimba incet, incet.

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2008-12-29 18:36
Re: Ou sont les neiges d'antant?

La 2008-12-29 18:05:07, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> (ma refer la zapezile teroristilor). Unde sunt indignarile,
> rezolutiile ONU? In afara de Rusia si rusii de pe acest forum,
> aproape nimeni nu mai condamna Israelul pentru exercitarea dreptului
> suveran de a se apara. Sigur ca lumea deplange suferintele
> (autoimpuse) ale cetatenilor din Gaza, dar vremurile se schimba
> incet, incet.

UN Security Council calls for immediate halt to Gaza violence

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed deep alarm at the violence and bloodshed in Gaza and condemned Israel's excessive use of force leading to the death and injury of civilians.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement denouncing the violence and calling on both sides to show restraint.

"China expresses serious concern about the escalation of the tense situation in Gaza, denounces actions that cause injuries and deaths to ordinary people, opposes the use of military force in resolving disputes, appeals to related parties to exercise maximum restraint and to settle differences through dialogue," Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang in a statement posted on the ministry's website.

A spokesman for French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for an end to the violence, saying Sarkozy "demands an immediate stop to the firing of rockets on Israel and to the Israeli bombings in Gaza and calls for all parties to use restraint."

The spokesman for European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana criticized the escalation of fighting in the Gaza Strip and called for both sides to call a ceasefire, saying "We are very concerned at the events in Gaza. We call for an immediate ceasefire and urge everybody to exert maximum restraint."


Numai tari precum SUA, UK si Germania (ultima din pura obligatie morala), inca mai sustin ceea ce se cheama "dreptul legitim " al Israelului de a se "apara".

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 65.92.4...)
2008-12-29 18:41
Re: Ou sont les neiges d'antant?

Cred ca te inseli. Ultima fraza din articolul de mai jos nu te pune pe ginduri?

He stated that “the time has come to take firm action if the UN does not want to be rightly accused of complicity by omission.”


Security Council calls on Israel, Palestinians to end violence immediately

UN human rights chief Navi Pillay also called on Israel to lift the air, sea and ground blockade imposed on Gaza, while voicing her grave concern about the escalating violence there and the enormous loss of life.

“While condemning the rocket attacks by Hamas that led to the death of one Israeli civilian, she also strongly condemned Israel''s disproportionate use of force resulting in the reported death of more than 270, a large number of which were civilians, and the wounding of over 600 persons,” according to a news release issued today by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Ms. Pillay called on Israel''s leaders to uphold the principles of international humanitarian law, especially those relating to proportionality in the use of military force and the prevention of collective punishment and the targeting of civilians.

Likewise, UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories Richard Falk said the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza represent “severe and massive violations” of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions.

“Certainly the rocket attacks against civilian targets in Israel are unlawful,” he noted in a statement. “But that illegality does not give rise to any Israeli right, neither as the Occupying Power nor as a sovereign State, to violate international humanitarian law and commit war crimes or crimes against humanity in its response.”

General Assembly President Miguel D''Escoto, in a statement issued last night, said that “the behaviour by Israel in bombarding Gaza is simply the commission of wanton aggression by a very powerful State against a territory that [it] illegally occupies.”

He stated that “the time has come to take firm action if the UN does not want to be rightly accused of complicity by omission.”

La 2008-12-29 18:05:07, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> (ma refer la zapezile teroristilor). Unde sunt indignarile,
> rezolutiile ONU? In afara de Rusia si rusii de pe acest forum,
> aproape nimeni nu mai condamna Israelul pentru exercitarea dreptului
> suveran de a se apara. Sigur ca lumea deplange suferintele
> (autoimpuse) ale cetatenilor din Gaza, dar vremurile se schimba
> incet, incet.

Roxana (...@free.fr, IP: 82.238.120...)
2008-12-29 18:50
Re: Ou sont les neiges d'antant? / suferintele autoimpuse ati spus ?

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.29.11...)
2008-12-29 19:25
Re: Ou sont les neiges d'antant?

Vom vedea care va fi acea "actiune ferma". Daca acea "actiune" se va referi si la teroristi va fi un bun inceput. La 2008-12-29 18:41:54, dorinP a scris:

> Cred ca te inseli. Ultima fraza din articolul de mai jos nu te pune pe
> ginduri?
> He stated that “the time has come to take firm action if the UN
> does not want to be rightly accused of complicity by
> omission.”
> http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=29427&Cr=Palestin&Cr1=
> Security Council calls on Israel, Palestinians to end violence
> immediately
> [...]
> UN human rights chief Navi Pillay also called on Israel to lift the
> air, sea and ground blockade imposed on Gaza, while voicing her grave
> concern about the escalating violence there and the enormous loss of
> life.
> “While condemning the rocket attacks by Hamas that led to the
> death of one Israeli civilian, she also strongly condemned Israel''s
> disproportionate use of force resulting in the reported death of more
> than 270, a large number of which were civilians, and the wounding of
> over 600 persons,” according to a news release issued today by
> the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
> Ms. Pillay called on Israel''s leaders to uphold the principles of
> international humanitarian law, especially those relating to
> proportionality in the use of military force and the prevention of
> collective punishment and the targeting of civilians.
> Likewise, UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied
> Palestinian territories Richard Falk said the Israeli airstrikes on
> Gaza represent “severe and massive violations” of
> international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions.
> “Certainly the rocket attacks against civilian targets in Israel
> are unlawful,” he noted in a statement. “But that
> illegality does not give rise to any Israeli right, neither as the
> Occupying Power nor as a sovereign State, to violate international
> humanitarian law and commit war crimes or crimes against humanity in
> its response.”
> General Assembly President Miguel D''Escoto, in a statement issued
> last night, said that “the behaviour by Israel in bombarding
> Gaza is simply the commission of wanton aggression by a very powerful
> State against a territory that [it] illegally occupies.”
> He stated that “the time has come to take firm action if the UN
> does not want to be rightly accused of complicity by
> omission.”
> La 2008-12-29 18:05:07, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> > (ma refer la zapezile teroristilor). Unde sunt indignarile,
> > rezolutiile ONU? In afara de Rusia si rusii de pe acest forum,
> > aproape nimeni nu mai condamna Israelul pentru exercitarea dreptului
> > suveran de a se apara. Sigur ca lumea deplange suferintele
> > (autoimpuse) ale cetatenilor din Gaza, dar vremurile se schimba
> > incet, incet.
> >

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 65.92.4...)
2008-12-29 19:31
Re: Ou sont les neiges d'antant?

La 2008-12-29 19:25:16, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> Vom vedea care va fi acea "actiune ferma". Daca acea "actiune" se va
> referi si la teroristi va fi un bun inceput. La 2008-12-29 18:41:54,

De acord cu tine. Putina obiectivitate n-ar strica de ambele parti. De curiozitate, ai fi de acord ca trupe internationale sub egida ONU sau alese de comun acord sa "vegheze" la normalizarea relatiilor dintre palestinieni si israelieni?

> dorinP a scris:
> > Cred ca te inseli. Ultima fraza din articolul de mai jos nu te pune pe
> > ginduri?
> >
> > He stated that “the time has come to take firm action if the UN
> > does not want to be rightly accused of complicity by
> > omission.”
> >
> > http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=29427&Cr=Palestin&Cr1=
> >
> > Security Council calls on Israel, Palestinians to end violence
> > immediately
> >
> > [...]
> > UN human rights chief Navi Pillay also called on Israel to lift the
> > air, sea and ground blockade imposed on Gaza, while voicing her grave
> > concern about the escalating violence there and the enormous loss of
> > life.
> >
> > “While condemning the rocket attacks by Hamas that led to the
> > death of one Israeli civilian, she also strongly condemned Israel''s
> > disproportionate use of force resulting in the reported death of more
> > than 270, a large number of which were civilians, and the wounding of
> > over 600 persons,” according to a news release issued today by
> > the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
> >
> > Ms. Pillay called on Israel''s leaders to uphold the principles of
> > international humanitarian law, especially those relating to
> > proportionality in the use of military force and the prevention of
> > collective punishment and the targeting of civilians.
> >
> > Likewise, UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied
> > Palestinian territories Richard Falk said the Israeli airstrikes on
> > Gaza represent “severe and massive violations” of
> > international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions.
> >
> > “Certainly the rocket attacks against civilian targets in Israel
> > are unlawful,” he noted in a statement. “But that
> > illegality does not give rise to any Israeli right, neither as the
> > Occupying Power nor as a sovereign State, to violate international
> > humanitarian law and commit war crimes or crimes against humanity in
> > its response.”
> >
> > General Assembly President Miguel D''Escoto, in a statement issued
> > last night, said that “the behaviour by Israel in bombarding
> > Gaza is simply the commission of wanton aggression by a very powerful
> > State against a territory that [it] illegally occupies.”
> >
> > He stated that “the time has come to take firm action if the UN
> > does not want to be rightly accused of complicity by
> > omission.”
> >
> >
> > La 2008-12-29 18:05:07, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> >
> > > (ma refer la zapezile teroristilor). Unde sunt indignarile,
> > > rezolutiile ONU? In afara de Rusia si rusii de pe acest forum,
> > > aproape nimeni nu mai condamna Israelul pentru exercitarea dreptului
> > > suveran de a se apara. Sigur ca lumea deplange suferintele
> > > (autoimpuse) ale cetatenilor din Gaza, dar vremurile se schimba
> > > incet, incet.
> > >
> >
> >

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.29.11...)
2008-12-29 19:33
Re: Ou sont les neiges d'antant? / suferintele autoimpuse ati spus ? Da

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.29.11...)
2008-12-29 19:42
Re: Ou sont les neiges d'antant? Cum sa "vegheze"?

Trupele ONU din Darfur, de exemplu nu pot opri pe fanaticii musulmani de a-i casapi pe ceilalti:

"KHARTOUM (AFP) — Darfur ends 2008 more dangerous than ever with a much vaunted UN mission unable to protect civilians and a possible war crimes indictment against Sudan's president casting a pall over 2009.

Huge hopes 12 months ago that the United Nations could bring some measure of stability to the western Sudanese region by assuming control of peacekeeping have been largely disappointed as the mission struggles to find its footing.

"Genocide continues" was the blunt if controversial verdict this month from International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who is seeking an arrest warrant against President Omar al-Beshir over the six-year conflict."

La 2008-12-29 19:31:27, dorinP a scris:

> La 2008-12-29 19:25:16, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> > Vom vedea care va fi acea "actiune ferma". Daca acea "actiune" se va
> > referi si la teroristi va fi un bun inceput. La 2008-12-29 18:41:54,
> De acord cu tine. Putina obiectivitate n-ar strica de ambele parti. De
> curiozitate, ai fi de acord ca trupe internationale sub egida ONU sau
> alese de comun acord sa "vegheze" la normalizarea relatiilor dintre
> palestinieni si israelieni?

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.29.11...)
2008-12-29 19:56
Re: Ou sont les neiges d'antant? Cum sa "vegheze"? P.S.

Sa ne amintim ca si inainte de ultimul razboi din Liban, erau acolo trupe ONU care "vegheau". Asta nu i-a impiedicat pe teroristii Hezbolah sa arunce cu rachete si sa rapeasca soldati israelieni de pe partea israeliana a frontierei. La 2008-12-29 19:42:34, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> Trupele ONU din Darfur, de exemplu nu pot opri pe fanaticii musulmani
> de a-i casapi pe ceilalti:
> "KHARTOUM (AFP) — Darfur ends 2008 more dangerous than ever with
> a much vaunted UN mission unable to protect civilians and a possible
> war crimes indictment against Sudan's president casting a pall over
> 2009.
> Huge hopes 12 months ago that the United Nations could bring some
> measure of stability to the western Sudanese region by assuming
> control of peacekeeping have been largely disappointed as the mission
> struggles to find its footing.
> "Genocide continues" was the blunt if controversial verdict this month
> from International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who
> is seeking an arrest warrant against President Omar al-Beshir over
> the six-year conflict."
> La 2008-12-29 19:31:27, dorinP a scris:
> > La 2008-12-29 19:25:16, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> >
> > > Vom vedea care va fi acea "actiune ferma". Daca acea "actiune" se va
> > > referi si la teroristi va fi un bun inceput. La 2008-12-29 18:41:54,
> >
> > De acord cu tine. Putina obiectivitate n-ar strica de ambele parti. De
> > curiozitate, ai fi de acord ca trupe internationale sub egida ONU sau
> > alese de comun acord sa "vegheze" la normalizarea relatiilor dintre
> > palestinieni si israelieni?
> >
> >

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