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MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.233.232...)
2008-12-21 15:04

Let the information on this web page be your guide to converting those pesky ingrate Jews and turning them into good little messianics that you can parade in front of your church. Remember; there are points given for your works of conversion on our web page will help you win those points!


1. Use many "Yiddish" words in your conversation. Use Tush, Knishes, Mishpuchah,Rugalah, Bupkes, Mishugah,BaPitzed, Gonif, Schmuck, Chutzpah, Goyim, and Pippick. Approach your Jew by saying, " Hi Mishugah, How's your Pippick"

2. Never say Jew when addressing a Jewish person. Always say Kike or Hymie. Jews love these Yiddish sayings.

3. Never say Jesus Christ, but say Yeshua HaMashiach. This impresses Jewish people by your knowledge of Hebrew. After all, you may know as much Hebrew as they do!

4. Make it clear that "Gentile" and "Christian" are not the same. After all the Christians who pushed Jews into the gas chambers were not gentle.

5. Explain that not everybody that goes to church is really a Christian. Most of these people just want to show off their Sunday Clothes and listen to the preacher tell them that they really aren't Christians..

6. When you talk about other Christians (Goyim) call them "Shicksah" (for Woman) and "Shagitz" (for Man).

7. Explain that true Christians, such as yourself, do not kill Jews, but love to kidnap them and brainwash them.

8. Pick on a poor lonely Jews, or waylay confused teenagers. Refrain from too much talk concerning Spiritual Matters. Every third sentence should be enough.

9. Jews are agents of the devil (even if they are not aware of it themselves). Look for evidence of the devil such as horns, pointed tails, sharp noses, or basic intelligence. You must clearly demonstrate that you have none of these.

10. After you have become frendly to your Jew. You must feed them some pork or shell fish. This will make them into Sinners. Explain to them that they must be washed in the BLOOD of the Lamb to absolve them of this Sin. Most Jews would rather use Soap.

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.3...)
2008-12-21 15:23
atita polologhie ... si tot n-ai spus esentialul: mishugah = un aiurit lipsit de sens

observ ca doresti sa candidezi la onorabilul titlu ...

La 2008-12-21 15:04:05, MirceaS a scris:

> 9. Jews are agents of the devil (even if they are not aware of it
> themselves). Look for evidence of the devil such as horns, pointed
> tails, sharp noses, or basic intelligence. You must clearly
> demonstrate that you have none of these.

MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.226.121...)
2008-12-21 16:13
Re: atita polologhie ... si tot n-ai spus esentialul: mishugah = un aiurit lipsit de sens

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.3...)
2008-12-21 16:43
Re: atita polologhie ... si tot n-ai spus esentialul: mishugah = un aiurit lipsit de sens

b.d. din israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.65.215...)
2008-12-21 17:47
Re: atita polologhie ... si tot n-ai spus esentialul: mishugah = un aiurit lipsit de sens

Smekerezada din Amintiri (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.3...)
2008-12-21 17:54
Re: atita polologhie ... si tot n-ai spus esentialul: mishugah = un aiurit lipsit de sens

La 2008-12-21 17:47:32, b.d. a scris:

> ''mishugah'' in Yddish, vine de la ebraicul ''meshuga'', care
> inseamna...Nebun...
da, dar eu am spus-o cu alte cuvinte ..., ca sa precizez aiureala si lipsa de sens, ...

ca altminteri unii nebuni sint geniali si simpatici ..., ca noi, de-o pilda !!!

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.87...)
2008-12-21 17:56
Re: atita polologhie ... si tot n-ai spus esentialul: mishugah = un aiurit lipsit de sens

b.d. din israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.65.215...)
2008-12-21 18:01
Re: atita polologhie ... si tot n-ai spus esentialul: mishugah = un aiurit lipsit de sens

La 2008-12-21 17:54:44, Smekerezada a scris:

> La 2008-12-21 17:47:32, b.d. a scris:
> > ''mishugah'' in Yddish, vine de la ebraicul ''meshuga'', care
> > inseamna...Nebun...
> >
> ----------
> da, dar eu am spus-o cu alte cuvinte ..., ca sa precizez aiureala si
> lipsa de sens, ...
> ca altminteri unii nebuni sint geniali si simpatici ..., ca noi, de-o
> pilda !!!
oh, dar bineinteles ! ...ma gandeam zilele trecute, cand o sa aiba si
forumul asta in Imn ?...

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 89.139.44...)
2008-12-21 18:51
Re: atita polologhie ... si tot n-ai spus esentialul: mishugah = un aiurit lipsit de sens

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