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Tudor190 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 198.28.128...)
2008-12-01 16:20
Seful ISI ales de...CIA

Nimic nou sub soare, cam lung, dar sa ne reamintim:

"Historically, the CIA has played an unofficial role in the appointment of the director of Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI).

In September, Washington pressured Islamabad, using the "war on terrorism" as a pretext to fire the ISI chief Lieutenant General Nadeem Taj.

"Washington is understood to be exerting intense pressure on Pakistan to remove ISI boss Nadeem Taj and two of his deputies because of the key agency's alleged "double-dealing" with the militants.( Daily Times, September 30, 2008

President Asif Ali Zardari had meetings in New York in late September with CIA Director Michael Hayden. (The Australian, September 29, 2008), Barely a few days later, a new US approved ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha was appointed by the Chief of the Army, General Kayani, on behalf of Washington.

In this regard, the pressures exerted by the Bush administration contributed to blocking a parliamentary initiative led by the PPP government to put the country's intelligence services (ISI) under civilian authority, namely under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Interior.

In other words, Washington exerts more control over the ISI than the duly elected civilian government of Pakistan.

The US is currently violating Pakistan territorial sovereignty through the routine bombing of villages in the tribal areas and the North West Frontier Province. These operations are carried out using the "war on terrorism" as a pretext. While the Pakistani government has "officially" accused the US of waging aerial bombardments on its territory, Pakistan's military (including the ISI) has "unofficially" endorsed the air strikes.

In this regard, the timely appointment of Lt. General Ahmed Shuja Pasha to the helm of the ISI was intended to ensure continuity in US "counter-terrorism" operations in Pakistan. Prior to his appointment as ISI chief, Lt. General Ahmed Shuja Pasha was responsible, in close consultation with the US and NATO, for carrying out targeted attacks allegedly against the Taliban and Al Qaeda by the Pakistani military in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP).

Upon his appointment, Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha implemented a major reshuffle within the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), replacing several of the ISI regional commanders. ( Daily Times, September 30, 2008). In late October, he was in Washington, at CIA headquarters at Langley and at the Pentagon, to meet his US military and intelligence counterparts:

"Pakistan is publicly complaining about U.S. air strikes. But the country's new chief of intelligence, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha, visited Washington last week for talks with America's top military and spy chiefs, and everyone seemed to come away smiling." (David Ignatieff, A Quiet Deal With Pakistan, Washington Post, November 4, 2008, emphasis added). "

PS Nici la noi situatia SRI, SIE etc nu-i mai buna. Dar parca si in acest ziar era citat cineva ce spunea ca STATUL ROMAN NU MAI EXISTA.

XL5 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 193.231.107...)
2008-12-01 17:16
Re: Seful ISI ales de...CIA

La 2008-12-01 16:20:42, Tudor190 a scris:

> Nimic nou sub soare, cam lung, dar sa ne reamintim:
> "Historically, the CIA has played an unofficial role in the
> appointment of the director of Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence
> (ISI).
> In September, Washington pressured Islamabad, using the "war on
> terrorism" as a pretext to fire the ISI chief Lieutenant General
> Nadeem Taj.

> "Washington is understood to be exerting intense pressure on Pakistan
> to remove ISI boss Nadeem Taj and two of his deputies because of the
> key agency's alleged "double-dealing" with the militants.( Daily
> Times, September 30, 2008
> President Asif Ali Zardari had meetings in New York in late September
> with CIA Director Michael Hayden. (The Australian, September 29,
> 2008), Barely a few days later, a new US approved ISI chief
> Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha was appointed by the Chief of
> the Army, General Kayani, on behalf of Washington.
> In this regard, the pressures exerted by the Bush administration
> contributed to blocking a parliamentary initiative led by the PPP
> government to put the country's intelligence services (ISI) under
> civilian authority, namely under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of
> Interior.
> In other words, Washington exerts more control over the ISI than the
> duly elected civilian government of Pakistan.
> The US is currently violating Pakistan territorial sovereignty through
> the routine bombing of villages in the tribal areas and the North West
> Frontier Province. These operations are carried out using the "war on
> terrorism" as a pretext. While the Pakistani government has
> "officially" accused the US of waging aerial bombardments on its
> territory, Pakistan's military (including the ISI) has
> "unofficially" endorsed the air strikes.
> In this regard, the timely appointment of Lt. General Ahmed Shuja
> Pasha to the helm of the ISI was intended to ensure continuity in US
> "counter-terrorism" operations in Pakistan. Prior to his appointment
> as ISI chief, Lt. General Ahmed Shuja Pasha was responsible, in close
> consultation with the US and NATO, for carrying out targeted attacks
> allegedly against the Taliban and Al Qaeda by the Pakistani military
> in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and the North-West
> Frontier Province (NWFP).
> Upon his appointment, Lt Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha implemented a major
> reshuffle within the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), replacing
> several of the ISI regional commanders. ( Daily Times, September 30,
> 2008). In late October, he was in Washington, at CIA headquarters at
> Langley and at the Pentagon, to meet his US military and intelligence
> counterparts:
> "Pakistan is publicly complaining about U.S. air strikes. But the
> country's new chief of intelligence, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha,
> visited Washington last week for talks with America's top military
> and spy chiefs, and everyone seemed to come away smiling." (David
> Ignatieff, A Quiet Deal With Pakistan, Washington Post, November 4,
> 2008, emphasis added). "
> PS Nici la noi situatia SRI, SIE etc nu-i mai buna. Dar parca si in
> acest ziar era citat cineva ce spunea ca STATUL ROMAN NU MAI EXISTA.
D-le Tudor , ISI , serviciile secrete pakistaneze sint un cuib de vipere ! Sint stat in stat si puterea politica trebuie sa conduca cu acordul lor sau sa nu conduca ! In timpul razboiului din Afganistan , ajutoarele furnizate de SUA ( CIA si Departamentul de Stat aveau 2 programe independente de ajutorare a mijahedinilor afgani ) se facea prin intermediul ISI ( conditie pusa de dictatorul Ziau Haq ) si nu direct de catre americani . Astfel se face ca majoritatea ajutoarelor au ajuns la factiunile fundamentaliste pashtune agreate de ISI ( in special la Gulbutin Hekmatiar ) si prea putine la cele moderate ( cum ar fi Ahmed Shah Massoud , " Leul din valea Panshir " , cel mai brav si eficient luptator afgan , cu care americanii au intretinut bune relatii ) . Mare parte din ajutoare au ajuns chiar si la luptatorii islamisti din Kshmir , stirnid protestele si furia americanilor ! Dupa caderea regimului prorus si dupa anii de lupte civile , ISI ii introduc pe scena afgana pe talibani ( formati in madrassele pakistaneze si inarmati de ISI ) . Pakistanul spera ca folosindu-se de talibani sa controleze Afganistanul . Dar talibanii aveau alte planuri ! In prezent SUA sint frustrate ca ISI nu participa cu toata inima la capturarea liderilor AQ ce traiesc in Pakistan ( in special in Waziristan ) . Multi dintre membrii ISI sint simpatizanti ai talibanilor si chiar ai lui OBL !

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