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laur din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 203.166.220...)
2009-12-23 09:25
ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fhurer

ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fhurer sau poate ca nu inca , altfel spus :

Cine ni’s azi liberalii ?

Mai Alamare, pai ia defineste tu o doctrina ca sa vedem daca putem pune noi amandoi de un partid eventual si liberal..

Eu propun ca doctrina sa cuprinda si storcirea ta in bataie daaa sunt dispus sa faca compromisuri temporare in aceasta directzie cu conditzia ca aceste compromisurile sa fie reciproce

TEORETIC LIBERALIMUL CICA ARE O DOCTRINA, cica de vre-o cateva sute de ani S-AU SCRIS CARTZI PE ACESTA TEMA cartzi din care cei care au auzit de ele pot sa copy& paste ceiltzi chinuindu-se in van sa reinventeze roata.

Acuma tot liberalism se chema si ceea ce propune Krugman si ceea ce propune PM-ul actual al Suediei si ceea ce-a facut Koizuni

teoria pe net o potzi lua in forma concentrata de aici http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism

acu eu stiu ca tu preferi http://www.conservapedia.com/Examples_of_Bias_in_Wikipedia (da pana un alta aici nu suntem la FOX asa ca dementza bashinoasa nu are monopol la microfon )

In esentza sa "Liberalism comes in many forms. According to John N. Gray, the essence of liberalism is toleration of different beliefs and of different ideas as to what constitutes a good life.[6]"


"Varieties of liberalism
The impact of liberalism on the modern world is profound. The ideas of individual liberty, personal dignity, free expression, religious tolerance, private property, universal human rights, transparency of government, limitations on government power, popular sovereignty, national self-determination, privacy, "enlightened" and "rational" policy, the rule of law, respect for science, fundamental equality, a free market economy, and free trade were all radical notions some 250 years ago. Liberal democracy, in its typical form of multiparty political pluralism, has spread to much of the world. Today all of these ideals are accepted as the goals of policy in most nations, even where there is a wide gap between what governments say and what they do. Not only liberal parties honor these principles, but social democrats, conservatives, and Christian Democrats at least pay lip service to them as well. Most debate is within a liberal framework. This has led to the word "liberal" being used in many different ways."

Dupa cate vezi in esenta lor LIBERALI SUNT TOTZI CU 2 EXCEPTZII , nazistii si comunistii . Adica in Romania de azi bashinoso - vadimistii

Aia cu Zeus in sus , Zeus in jos, sus patria jos mafia , moarte mogulilor care nui se opun si restul adeptzilor solutziilor de mana de fier, intr-un cuvant antiparlamentaristii cu spumemle turbarii la gura de ieri de azi si de maine.

Si stii ce-i culmea ca ein Volk, ein Reich , ein Fhurer se potriveste la fel de bine pe fapte si Germaniei lui Hitler si CCCP-ului lui Stalin si din ce in ce mai mult gastii lui Basescu.

Restul ..... restul sunt cu totzii liberali .

acuma eu stiu ca "Liberal parties : Today the word "liberalism" is used differently in different countries. (See Liberalism worldwide.) One of the greatest contrasts is between the usage in the United States and usage in the rest of the world, most sharply in Continental Europe.[74]

In the US, liberalism is usually understood to refer to social liberalism, as contrasted with conservatism. American liberals endorse regulation for business, a limited social welfare state, and support broad racial, ethnic, sexual and religious tolerance, and thus more readily embrace Pluralism, and affirmative action. In Europe, on the other hand, liberalism is characterized by beliefs in free trade and limited government; it is not only contrasted with conservatism and Christian Democracy, but also with socialism and social democracy. In some countries, European liberals share common positions with Christian Democrats."

Observi ca diavolul sta in detalii si atat liberalii americani cat si cei europeni tind spre controlul statului asupra ACELUIASI PROCENT DIN ECONOMIE.

Americanii ii zic "a limited social welfare state" europenii ii zic "limiting the social welfare state" daaaa cred ca si tu sesizezi asemanarea.

In USA asta insema crestera influentei statului iar in Europa asta insemna scaderea influentzie statului dar scopul final dupa cum putem constata amandoi e ACLASI PROCENT DE CONTROL AL STATULUI IN ECONOMIE ceea ce insemna ca la limita amandoua curentele tind sper acelsi obiectiv final.

Si sa cu uitam ca "There is always a disconnect between philosophical ideals and political realities. Also, opponents of any belief are apt to describe that belief in different terms from those used by adherents. "

Dupa parerea mea LIBERALA este o socitate care bazandu-se de domnia statului de drept creaza sanse reale de mobilitate social pentru toate paturile sociale, sanse a caror realitate poate fi masurate statistic .
O sansa exista si e reala daca e luata si folosita, realitate ei se poate masure statsitic prin procentul celor ce o fructifica .

Daca sansele sunt reale atunci si mobilitatea sociala este reala si rezonabil de echitabil distribuita si deci atunci sociatatea e liberala. O sociatate staritificata rigid nu are cum sa fie liberala. O sociate de EBA,. Poponetz si de Honorius Prgoana nu are cum sa fie liberala dupa cum liberala nu are cum sa fie o societate unde nomenclaturisti nu pot sa ajunga decat fii de nomencalaturisti oricat de nazista , comunista sau aristocratica ar fi idelorgia oficiala a partidului-stat de la momentul respectiv.

DUPA MINE CEA MAI JUSTA DEFINITZIE A LIBERALISMULUI ESTE : "Liberalism wagers that a state ... can be strong but constrained – strong because constrained ... Rights to education and other requirements for human development and security aim to advance equal opportunity and personal dignity and to promote a creative and productive society. To guarantee those rights, liberals have supported a wider social and economic role for the state, counterbalanced by more robust guarantees of civil liberties and a wider social system of checks and balances anchored in an independent press and pluralistic society." - Paul Starr[96]
Iar daca pentru asta trebuie sa crestem taxele sau sa ne aliem temporar cu social democratzii in lupta impotriva autoritarismului totalitar bashinist asa sa fie.

Vigilante (...@yahoo.com, IP: 91.201.218...)
2009-12-23 10:50
Re: ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fhurer

Laure, hai ca ne-ai dat pe spate ! Cel mai liberal dintre liberalii lumii ! Tu esti ala ! Iar daca, pentru crezul tau, trebuie sa-l pupi in cur pe Iliescu si sa te faci frate cu criminalii care au devalizat Romania, so be it ! Ca nici voi nu sunteti chiar straini de multe "inginerii financiare" ( vezi cazul Sterling , de ex...), iar daca cineva indrazneste sa se aminteasca de "micile voastre potlogarii" si sa vrea sa dea o directie mai normala tarii asteia e "autoritar" si "dictator". Vai, scuzati deranjul !.....am uitat ca vorbesc cu un LIBERAL neaos.....

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