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Zenn din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 24.189.153...)
2007-12-29 20:07
Bhutto No Ghandi

Made For TV Martyrdom

By Judith Moriarty

Why does anybody think the information on B. Bhutto, assassinated yesterday, is anymore truthful than anything presented in the major media? It's too bad she's dead - but it was her own doing - lap dog that she was to Washington - meeting with CFR - and falling (or maybe threatened?) for their plans for her. Musharref is a dud - he is about two things: staying alive and staying in power. Little wonder...this prick of a dictator sure lives in style on the BILLIONS that we've poured into Pakistan. Little wonder that there's NO money here at home with the BILLIONS that Washington is showering the whole mid-east with.

Don't lionize Bhutto - she is NOT what the media is presenting (latest distraction)...an aristocrat who cares for the poor of Pakistan. Hardly. She did ZERO for them during her two terms as Prime Minister - where she lived in a $50 million dollar mansion. Ms. Bhutto comes from a very wealthy Pakistani family (feudal landlord) . She went to Radcliff - Harvard - Oxford.

The officials in Pakistan (including Prime Minister) live high on the hog amidst such dire poverty! Ms. Bhutto lived in a $50 million dollar mansion, talking about the poor. As Prime Minister she did zero. Just a fact - she's who the media has created her to be for this MOMENT in time - and people are buying it. All a distraction.


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