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endevour (...@gmail.com, IP: 93.122.135...)
2009-12-02 23:00
We have to eliminate the terrible racism of nowadays societies (The Ghettos)

The nowadays societies are full of racism and hatred... First we speak of the terrible racism of natural selection, the most fearful doctor Mengele of our times: people are condemned to diseases with no cure today and premature death at 80 yrs(because of the lack of power of actual medicine): oldness, diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, blindness ... Because the high-tech procedures are not applied: genetics, genetic manipulation, energetic surgery and medicine, biolaser in treatment of scars, nanobotics...
We speak also of racism of segregation in poor and rich people, with no middle class, the segregation of poor and rich countries (Romania is a Ghetto in the most advanced degree), the segregation in races... People are condemned to poorness, lack of high-tech and lack of normal life, short life-span...
These darkest and segregated societies should vanish away... People must be freed of thrall of nowadays societies! The walls of Ghettos should disappear!

laur din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 203.166.220...)
2009-12-03 04:18
the politics is the science of organizing the hate, that sometime fall into organized hate

Politica e stiiintza organizarii urii care unorei decade in ura organizata .

Si dintodeauna ea s-a rezumat la lupta dintre have si have not's.

Asa ca vorba lui temerea lui Stoica ca riscam sa devenim nu o tzara ci o populatzi ee ronata

Populatzie suntem demult, bandustanul Romania a oficializat demult deznatzionalizarea , azi riscam se devenim o PLANTATZIE nici macar o populatzie .

CALUGARU din Manastire (...@yahoo.com, IP: 99.17.38...)
2009-12-03 06:01
Re: We have to eliminate the terrible racism of nowadays societies (The Ghettos)

La 2009-12-02 23:00:38, endevour a scris:

The walls of Ghettos should disappear!


Ba, tu esti sanatoasa la cap ? Care walls, ma ? Peste 4 milioane de romani traiesc inafara tarii, muncind in occident. Tu esti sanatoasa la cap, domnule ? restul timpeniilor pe care le-ai scris intr-o engleza de balta nici macar nu are sensul sa le raspunzi. Bati cimpii ca un titirez facut dintro roata de ceasornic de pe vremea lu tata mare !

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