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YOGHINUL din Toronto (...@hotmail.com, IP: 193.231.19...)
2008-10-23 11:16

Looks like President Kim Jong Il is ill.
To prove my 98% low level people theory I propose that the new president of North Korea to be a frog and people will accept it. Low level peole are lower than the animals.
Because of the 98% a dictator can create a country of prostitutes(informers). In Romania at revolution(1989) officers killed people for 2 pounds of oranges. Today in Romania the prostitutes are running the country, they say they are the patriots; everybody here will become a prostitute a fridge, for a paid vacation…
Those who are talking about prostitututes don’t get a job like me.

Prostitution is a proof that 98% are at animal level; each prostitute has a price, that’s why governments spend a lot of money on prostitution.

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