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YOGHINUL din Toronto (...@hotmail.com, IP: 193.231.19...)
2008-10-20 10:41
98% Day

Election Day: I say is the ‘98% Day’ when low level people(98% of population) has the power to put in charge average politicians who create stagnant societies. Low level people are like the animals, they look only for food and asylum.

spaiu' (...@k.ro, IP: 89.136.16...)
2008-10-20 20:44
Re: 98% Day

La 2008-10-20 10:41:40, YOGHINUL a scris:

> Election Day: I say is the ‘98% Day’ when low level
> people(98% of population) has the power to put in charge average
> politicians who create stagnant societies. Low level people are like
> the animals, they look only for food and asylum.
Vrei adica sa ne spui ca ai habar de piramida lui Maslow?
Tu, un elevat spiritual?

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