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JMJ din rasarit (...@comcast.net, IP: 209.6.150...)
2008-10-18 21:47
Fara Inchizitie si diviziunea bisericii s-ar fi putut face ZBORURI FARA CARBUNI, PETROL,NUCLEAR

Budapestanul scrie:"Oricum impropiu, "meg marad" ramane.PE de alta parte Bravo
> monarhiei, la 1870 baga cale ferata, cand Romania lui Hohentzollern
> abia se nastea. adica: ca de obicei:). "
Unii sfinti catolici faceau deja zboruri fara avioane – levitatie in extaz - cu mult inainte, dar Inchizitia -diviziunea Bisericii intre ortodocsi si protestanti – au preferat miscarea cu incetinitorul, adica scoaterea carbunilor si caile ferate, dupa cum se cramponeaza si acum lumea de fac razboaie pt petrol.
SAN GIUSEPPE da COPERTINO, desi a invatat cu mare greutate sa devina preot, se ridica in aer deasupra multimii sau in biserica, inca din 1630. De-aia a si fost numit sfantul patron al aviatiei, astronautilor, persoanelor cu handicap, si studentilor slabi ce au de trecut teste.
Scrie in Wikipedia ca iubindu-l pe Dumnezeu, Giuseppe a construit un altar unde spunea ROZARIUL. El studia intens o portiune de material si se ruga ca acela sa-i cada la test. Odata s-a intamplat sa-i puna singura intrebare la care stia raspunsul.
Stiu ca e posibil pt ca si eu dupa ce am dat acatist pt 40 de zile la preot pt a intra la facultate, mi-a picat la scris subiectul pe care il stiam cel mai bine.
Din cate inteleg din biografia lui, ca si altor sfinti, rugaciunile rozariului i-a ajutat sa intre in uniune cu Iisus si Sf.Fecioara Maria, astfel ca se ridica in aer numai la auzul numelor Lor, sau cand vedea Crucifixul si statuia Maicii Domnului. El a avut de suferit la scoala pt ca era “absent mental”, adica era visator sau predispus la meditatie in Cristos. Fusese poreclit “Gura casca” pt ca privea fix in spatiu.
Inchizitia in loc sa invete din astea si sa le recomande si altora pt dezvoltarea spirituala si obtinerea harurilor levitatiei, ei au persecutat astfel de preoti sau calugari, interzicandu-le sa mai faca slujbe sau sa aiba contact cu oamenii – cum au facut si cu PADRE PIO la inceputul secolului trecut, sau cum cred ca l-au facut si pe Fr. Patrick Peyton sa nu mai adune multimile din America sau Europa la rosary Crusades, vazand ca castiga prea mare popularitate.
Giuseppe a suferit in copilarie de ulcere dureroase, dar a fost vindecat complet dupa ce un calugar l-a uns cu ulei de la candela aprinsa in fata icoanei Doamnei Noastre a Gratiei. Tot asa am vazut in filmul despre Brother Andre', din Canada, prin anii '40, ca vindeca bolnavii ce veneau la el pe cand era portar la rectorat, cu ulei de la candela Sf. Iosif. Dupa un timp, preotii i-au interzis sa mai primeasca bolnavii acolo ca se temeau de boli, si a trebuit sa-i intalneasca in statia de tramvai.
De-aia lumea mai simpla nu mai asteapta aprobarile oficialitatilor sa mearga la aparitiile Sf. Fecioare Maria, unde stiu ca-si gasesc vindecarea. Lumea in suferinta n-are timp de asteptare, iar capii bisericilor isi iau prea mult timp de verificare, in loc sa fie primii care sa recunoasca Aparitiile Sfinte. SPERANTA DE MAI BINE E NUMAI LA SF. FECIOARA CARE NE CONDUCE LA FIUL IISUS.
Saint Joseph of Cupertino (Italian: San Giuseppe da Copertino), (June 17, 1603 – September 18, 1663) is an Italian saint. He was said to have been remarkably unclever, but prone to miraculous levitation and intense ecstatic visions that left him gaping.[1] In turn, he is recognized as the patron saint of air travelers, aviators, astronauts, people with a mental handicap, test takers, and weak students. He was canonized in the year 1767.
On October 4, 1630, the town of Cupertino held a procession on the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi. Joseph was assisting in the procession when he suddenly soared into the sky, where he remained hovering over the crowd. When he descended and realized what had happened, he became so embarrassed that he fled to his mother's house and hid. This was the first of many flights, which soon earned him the nickname "The Flying Saint."
Joseph's life changed dramatically after this incident. His flights continued and came with increasing frequency. His superiors, alarmed at his lack of control, forbade him from community exercises, believing he would cause too great a distraction for the friary. For the fact was, Joseph could not contain himself. On hearing the names of Jesus or Mary, the singing of hymns, during the feast of St. Francis, or while praying at Mass, he would go into dazed state and soar into the air, remaining there until a superior commanded him under obedience to revive.
Joseph's most famous flight allegedly occurred during a papal audience before Pope Urban VIII. When he bent down to kiss the Pope's feet, he was suddenly filled with reverence for Christ's Vicar on earth, and was lifted up into the air. Only when the Minister General of the Order, who was part of the audience, ordered him down was Joseph able to return to the floor.
Joseph gave off a sweet odor smell because he was pure. Joseph could also smell the bad odor of a sinful person. When they would come, sometimes he would tell them that they stink and that they should go wash themselves. By this, he meant for them to go to confession.
[edit] Other miracles
Among other paranormal events associated with Joseph is said to have possessed the gift of healing. Legend holds he once cured a girl who was suffering from a severe case of measles. Another story holds that an entire community suffering from a drought asked Joseph to pray for rain, which he did with success.
He also dedicated himself to improving the spiritual lives of his fellow friars
What strikes us immediately is that his miracles kept drawing such crowds that not only was he up before the Inquisition, but his desperate Superiors sent him from convent to convent. Once the Inquisition removed him to a Capuchin friary, where he was kept in strict enclosure and forbidden even to write or receive letters—to his own bewilderment: 'Must I go to prison, then?' he said. Yet, at Assisi, the duke of Brunswick and Hanover, after visiting him, abjured Lutheranism and became a Catholic; Urban VIII, having seen him in ecstasy, said that should Joseph die first, he himself would give evidence of what he had seen. Most important, Prosper Lambertini did his best, as Promotor Fidei ('Devil's Advocate'), to discredit him, yet afterwards (as Benedict XIV) published the decree of Joseph's beatification in 1753 and, in his classical work on Beatification, alluded to the 'eye-witnesses of unchallengeable integrity' who witnessed to Joseph's 'upliftings from the ground and prolonged flights'.

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