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Eufrosin din Romania (...@bugmenot.com, IP: 89.137.6...)
2009-11-12 14:02
Atentat la sanatatea fetelor

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 70.52.47...)
2009-11-12 15:02
Re: Atentat la sanatatea fetelor

Tudor190 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 198.28.128...)
2009-11-12 16:01
Re: Atentat la sanatatea fetelor

La 2009-11-12 15:02:37, dorinP a scris:

> In paranteza fie spus, acum exista material suficient pentru un
> studiu serios. S-a facut oare?

Nu mai fiti naivi! A fost o decizie politica faptul ca microorganismele (microbii) sint declarati patogeni. Toata treaba a fost sustinuta de fundatia Rockefeller-Carneige inca de la inceputul secolului.
1. Pe saitul fundatiei Rockefeller este mentionat faptul ca si Universitatile de Medicina si Farmacie din Bucuresti si Cluj au primit bani la acea vreme pentru catedrele de infectioase (n-am verificat daca pentru infintarea lor).
RF endows a second and third school of public health in the U.S. at Harvard University and the University of Michigan, and launches an ambitious plan to circle the globe with schools. Spending more than $25 million over the next two decades, RF helps establish schools in Prague, Warsaw, London, Toronto, Copenhagen, Budapest, Oslo, Belgrade, Zagreb, Madrid, Cluj (Romania), Ankara, Sofia, Rome, Tokyo, Athens, Bucharest, Stockholm, Calcutta, Manila and São Paulo. The total contribution to schools of public health amounts to $357 million in current dollars." (1)

2. Cel ce-a infintat Institutul Cantacuzino (pt cei nu stiu acesta se ocupa cu fabricarea de vaccinuri etc si diagnosticare) a fost scolit de acelasi fundatii inainte:
"Piatra de temelie a Institutului Cantacuzino a fost pusa in 1921, iar in 1923, rand pe rand, au inceput sa se mute si sa se aranjeze laboratoarele in cladirea terminata.

La sfarsitul anului 1923 Ionescu Mihaesti primeste o bursa pentru un an in Statele Unite, unde viziteaza laboratoarele Rockefeller, apoi lucreaza la Universitatea John Hopkins din Baltimore, Universitatea Columbia din New York si apoi face un stagiu la Harvard Medical School din Boston. In prima parte a anului 1925 face un stagiu la Institutul Lister din Londra.
Finisarea instalarii tuturor laboratoarelor noului institut s-a desavarsit odata cu revenirea in tara a prof. C. Ionescu-Mihaesti. In cateva zile din vara anului 1925 a fost desemnata de catre el mobila ce revenea fiecarei camere de laborator, s-a instalat mobila, s-au facut instalatiile necesare." (2)

> In Canada se preconizeaza inlocuirea testului Pap cu testul HPV care
> se pare ca este mult mai sensibil, rapid si ieftin. Testul Pap ar
> urma sa se faca numai daca testul HPV se reveleaza pozitiv.

Din lac in put. Testul Pap (dupa un roman Dr G.Papanicolaou) este un test direct ce detecteaza modificari morfologice. Desigur acestea n-au nimic in comun cu asa zisul virus HPV niciodata demonstrat ca exista.
Testul HPV este din seria PCR, test ce nu este recomandat nici macar de inventatorul insusi. In citeva cuvinte se iau secvente de ADN si sint inmultite (acul din carul cu fin devine carul cu ace). Acestea se compara, proabil automat, cu secvente din presupsul virus. Daca se gaseste ceva asemanator inseamna test pozitiv. Problema abia acum apare: SECVENTELE DE ADN DE LA PRESUPUSII VIRUSI VIN DE LA OMS CARE LA RINDUL EI LE PRIMESTE DE LA CDC CE ESTE DIRECT CONTROLAT DE PENTAGON SI SINT SECRETE!

(1) http://www.rockfound.org/about_us/history/1920_1929.shtml
(2) http://www.cantacuzino.ro/ro/Istoric/personalitati.htm#CIM

Tudor190 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 198.28.128...)
2009-11-12 16:27
Re: Atentat la sanatatea fetelor (erata)

La 2009-11-12 16:01:26, Tudor190 a scris:

> Din lac in put. Testul Pap
Inventator nerecunoscut Aurel Babes fiul lui Victor Babes. Pe wikipedia zic astia ca Babes a publicat inaintea lui Papanicolau dar acesta din urma nu se crede ca a citit articolul publicat de Babes intr-o publicatie Bucuresteana.

Tudor190 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 198.28.128...)
2009-11-12 16:36
Re: Atentat la sanatatea fetelor

La 2009-11-12 14:02:02, Eufrosin a scris:

> Dr. Harper si-a inceput remarcile cu observatia ca 70 % din infectiile
> HPV se vindeca singure pana intr-un an. Pana la doi ani, procentajul
> creste la 90 %. Din cele 10 % care raman, numai jumatate vor
> contracta cancer cervical, ceea ce face vaccinul inutil.

O observatie corecta daca scoatem afara asa zisul virus HPV.
Multi se intreaba ce punem in loc daca scoatem afara virusul. Poate aceste extrase din munca doctorului Ryke Geerd Hamer ajuta:

"If less tissue is required to assist the conflict resolution, the organ or tissue responds to the related conflict with cell-meltdown.

For example: if, in nature, a female has a sexual conflict of not being able to mate, the tissue layer that lines the cervix (the pathway to the uterus) ulcerates. The biological significance of the tissue loss is to widen the cervix so that when mating finally takes place, more sperm can reach the uterus, which enhances the chance of conception. For human females this mating-conflict can be experienced as sexual rejection, sexual frustration, sexual abuse, and so forth."

All organs and tissues controlled from the OLD BRAIN (brainstem and cerebellum), such as the colon, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, or the breast glands, always generate cell proliferation (tumor growth) during the conflict-active phase
All organs and tissues controlled from the CEREBRUM (cerebral medulla and cerebral cortex), such as the bones, lymph nodes, cervix, ovaries, testicles, or the epidermis of the skin, always generate tissue loss."

After the related conflict has been resolved, OLD BRAIN-controlled tumors that developed during the conflict-active phase and are now no longer needed (e.g., lung tumors, colon tumors, prostate tumors), are decomposed with the help of fungi or TB-bacteria. If the microbes are not available, the tumor stays in place and encapsulates without further cell division.
Conversely, CEREBRUM-controlled tissue loss, that occurred during the ca-phase, is now replenished and refilled with new cells. This repair process takes place during the first part of the healing phase (pcl-phase A). Here we find cervical cancer (cell-meltdown during the ca-phase), ovarian cancer, testicular cancer, intra-ductal breast cancer, bronchial cancer, or lymphoma. During the second part of the healing phase (pcl-phase B), the tumors slowly degrade. Standard medicine misinterprets these in realty curative tumors as malignant cancerous growths (see Article "The Nature of Tumors"). "

"Symptoms of the [healing] -phase, such as swelling (edema), inflammation, pus, discharge (potentially mixed with blood), "infections", fever, and pain, are an indication that a NATURAL HEALING PROCESS is taking place."

"The duration and the severity of the healing symptoms are determined by the intensity and length of the preceding conflict-active phase. Conflict relapses that continuously interrupt the healing phase, prolong the healing process.
Chemo or radiation treatments brutally disrupt the natural healing of cancers. Since our organism is inherently programmed to heal, the body will continue to try finishing the repair process as soon as the treatment is over. The "cancer recurrence" is usually followed by even more aggressive treatment protocols! "

"Since "Official Medicine" fails to recognize the two-phase pattern of every "disease", doctors either see a stressed out patient with a growing tumor (ca-phase), missing that there is a healing phase ahead, or they see a patient with fever, "infection", inflammation, discharge, headaches or other pain (pcl-phase), not realizing that these are in fact healing symptoms of a preceding conflict-active phase. "


Eufrosin din Romania (...@bugmenot.com, IP: 89.137.6...)
2009-11-12 17:30
Re: Atentat la sanatatea fetelor

Ai dreptate - n-am mai facut-o din comoditate. Am tradus materialul, linkul se afla pe blogul meu, la acest articol. (Bomba in lumea medicala).

La 2009-11-12 15:02:37, dorinP a scris:

> Eufrosine, cind publici astfel de informatii este preferabil sa dai si
> un link catre sursa originala. Parerea mea.

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