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Musata din Galati (...@yahoo.com, IP: 92.80.168...)
2009-07-02 16:42
De ce ?

fiindca stie ca SUA nu-l mai sustin ca presedinte la alegerile din toamna.

Maresalul_ (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.204.169...)
2009-07-02 17:12
Re: De ce ?

daa tu de unde stii ca SUA nu-l mai sustin ????
La 2009-07-02 16:42:15, Musata a scris:

> fiindca stie ca SUA nu-l mai sustin ca presedinte la alegerile din
> toamna.

Mihaela T. Cartis din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 92.86.201...)
2009-07-02 18:09
Re: De ce ?

La 2009-07-02 16:42:15, Musata a scris:

> fiindca stie ca SUA nu-l mai sustin ca presedinte la alegerile din
> toamna.
O democratie autentica cum este (sunt) SUA nu se implica in alegerile prezidentiale ale unui stat independent cum este Romania.
Admitand ca totusi ar face-o, de ce nu l-ar mai sustine pe Traian Basescu la alegerile din toamna?
SUA "a (au) lasat" un criminal ca Iliescu sa fie presedinte 3 mandate si un impotent ca Emil Constantinescu intre ele, pentru alternanta la guvernare, de ce "nu l-ar lasa" in continuare presedinte pe Traian Basescu, atata vreme cat alegerile prezindentiale nu mai coincid cu cele parlamentare, iar la cele parlamentare se va realiza cu certitudine alternanta la guvernare?

iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-07-03 02:36

Va place de besitul ca merge exact pe mina voastra de jovrei si cind va face jocul e cel mai demohrat,cum era ieltzin si poporul murea de foame;iar fie vorba intre noi,de cind SU(L)A e pe miinile voastre jovrite s-a ales praful de ea si de lume

The banks and multinationals may eventually merge together and then merge with the one world government, who will make sure almost no small businesses are left to bypass their system. Probably almost the only ones selling will be multinationals, controlled by the one world government. Therefore everyone will be forced to rely on a monopoly, which will have complete control over everyone.

In countries with above average costs and wages it is better to reduce costs because wage rises increase costs, inflation, interest rates, small business bankruptcies and unemployment. Exports are reduced. Wage rises take money away from small businesses, pensioners, unpaid volunteers and carers who often work hard for no pay. Although trade unions are correct in some ways, they still support destructive and selfish policies that cause unemployment, destroy the poor and destroy the economy.

Instead of enabling small businesses to produce products much cheaper, the government imports identical products to those produced locally. The importing of foreign imports from multinationals is destroying local producers and giving more power to the conspirators. This is also spreading disease.
Competition and free trade is an advantage for the wealthy and powerful. There is a deception that we need serious competition to have fun, keep prices down have a large variety of goods and services. However, the opposite is happening and powerful corrupt companies with redundant products are taking advantage of and destroying honest innovators and small businesses with good products and services. As a result good products are becoming suppressed. This is resulting in a smaller variety of and poorer quality goods and services.
Deregulation enables multinationals to get products much cheaper than small businesses, at the poor primary producers expense.
Multinationals raise prices higher than the small businesses did before they were annihilated.
God's way is a rightfully regulated fair go for everyone where everyone is well off.
Competition encourages many outlets to sell the same things, which causes confusion to shoppers.
If one succeeds in a career or enterprise to make money, they prevent someone else from succeeding under such a competitive environment of limited opportunities.
Serious competition means over training, lust for worldly success, money or medals. There can be pride if you win and distraction from doing God's will. Anger, disappointment, envy, regret and resentment may result when you lose.

Many of the conspirators' products are deliberately made not to last so that customers will be distracted with problems and buy more products or parts. Multinationals suppress inventions and discoveries so that the world is forced to rely on their redundant, wasteful, costly and addictive products that bring them great profit.
Only approximately 0.1% of inventors make a living from their inventions. Patents cost money and expire. Little support for inventors means almost all revolutionary inventions including free energy devices and natural medical cures have been suppressed.
The conspirators control the price of energy and essential products and services despite the fact that there are much more efficient but suppressed methods available.

Such a plan means it is logical that the system does not support people without power or money who have good ideas and the potential to make the world a better place. Doing so would mean a transfer of wealth and power away from the conspirators and into the hands of those who wish to do Good.

Increasing numbers of people are controlled by the government, as they are forced to rely on welfare.

Consumption taxes will only hurt the poor, increase costs and destroy small businesses. There are too many taxes. The cost of complying with and enforcing taxation is therefore a major problem which is draining the economy.

International laws appear good, but are deceptively introduced to give the powerful more power.
If countries don't accept a condition, they are given sanctions or their leaders are brought down.
Peace agreements and common ties between countries have some benefit, but give the world a false sense of security and tie countries together ready for a one world government.
Disarmament gives more power to the powerful and less arms for citizens to resist them.
The goal of the world government is to remove the weapons of honest citizens, so that they can more easily persecute and exterminate anyone who resists their control.

Foreign aid is mostly only transferred into the hands of the rich and powerful to gain more power and exploit the poor.

The stock market is overvalued and rigged. People are deceived into investing in banks and multinationals. A crash will give the citizens' property to the powerful.
Boom and bust cycles, market fluctuations and stock market crashes are deliberately caused so that people lose money to the conspirators.

Christmas and Easter have lost their true meaning. Unnecessary spending helps the powerful.

UFO's are probably man made craft which may be used to fool the world into accepting the One World Government. They are secretly hidden and tested at military bases.

Banks create money from nothing and demand it back, together with unnecessarily high interest.
They encourage waste of money so that they can profit from the interest.
The conspirators deliberately create problems such as wars, market depressions and other crises. This is so that they can control, confuse and distract people, and also benefit from the interest on the money that they lend to fund and then stop these crises. Also it is so that the world will accept their solutions, which are really only steps towards their plan and more of their control.
Sources give strong proof that the conspirators have funded both sides of most of the wars in the last 200 years, including the world wars.

2009-07-02 18:09:28, Mihaela T. Cartis a scris:

> La 2009-07-02 16:42:15, Musata a scris:
> > fiindca stie ca SUA nu-l mai sustin ca presedinte la alegerile din
> > toamna.
> >
> O democratie autentica cum este (sunt) SUA nu se implica in alegerile
> prezidentiale ale unui stat independent cum este Romania.
> Admitand ca totusi ar face-o, de ce nu l-ar mai sustine pe Traian
> Basescu la alegerile din toamna?
> SUA "a (au) lasat" un criminal ca Iliescu sa fie presedinte 3 mandate
> si un impotent ca Emil Constantinescu intre ele, pentru alternanta la
> guvernare, de ce "nu l-ar lasa" in continuare presedinte pe Traian
> Basescu, atata vreme cat alegerile prezindentiale nu mai coincid cu
> cele parlamentare, iar la cele parlamentare se va realiza cu
> certitudine alternanta la guvernare?

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