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Razboi in Caucaz

valentin vasilescu din bucuresti (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 89.38.206...)
2008-08-19 20:02
Parca Vadim zicea ca a vazut niste negrii mititei luptind in Osetia. I-or fi chemat pe fratii lor.

Pe americani degeaba ii intrebi, la ei functioneaza cenzura:
Ca doar n-are sa repete asta :
"Georgian and U.S. troops started a joint military exercise Tuesday amid growing tensions between the ex-Soviet republic and Russia, a Georgian defense ministry official said. About 1,200 U.S. servicemen and 800 Georgians will train for three weeks at the Vaziani military base near the Georgian capital, Tbilisi ( ministry spokesman Mindiya Arabuli ). He said the drills were planned months ago and are not related to recent tensions over two separatist Georgian regions that are backed by Moscow. VAZIANI TRAINING BASE, Georgia (July 12, 2008) -- Marines are used to training in foreign climates, preparing themselves for any situation, but for one group of grunts, the training will not only be for their unit but also for a new ally in the war on terrorism.Marines from 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, left Cleveland July 10, for the Country of Georgia to continue training and assist in Operation Immediate Response in which American forces will help train the Georgian Armed Forces. "Our primary hope," said Lt. Col. Minter Ralston IV, Inspector-Instructor, 3/25, "is to establish a strong bond with the Georgian army, train them proficiently and work in a safe training environment all while having a good cultural exchange." This exercise is part of what Marine Forces Europe refers to as a Theater Security Cooperation, which puts countries together to make Marines and other services more proficient and familiar with each other's operations, stated Ralston.
Also Tuesday, the Russian Defense Ministry started a military exercise in the nearby North Caucasus region. Ministry spokesman Yuri Ivanov said the drill had "nothing to do" with the Georgian-U.S. maneuvers.

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