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Atanasie Popescu din Isanti, Minnesota, SUA (...@aol.com, IP: 64.12.117...)
2009-10-28 20:39
Si daca ar fi adevarat ca a evitat o varsare inutila de sange?

Se dau tot felul de informatii (probabil adevarate) despre activitatea Premierului Putin in cadrul KGB. Oare nu ar fi util (eventual prin amabilitatea Dlui Vladimir Alexe) sa aflam si despre evenimente picante privind activitatea fostului Presedinte Bush senior in cadrul CIA, pe cand era Directorul ei General?

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2009-10-28 23:15
Re: Si daca ar fi adevarat ca a evitat o varsare inutila de sange?

La 2009-10-28 20:39:17, Atanasie Popescu a scris:

> Se dau tot felul de informatii (probabil adevarate) despre activitatea
> Premierului Putin in cadrul KGB. Oare nu ar fi util (eventual prin
> amabilitatea Dlui Vladimir Alexe) sa aflam si despre evenimente
> picante privind activitatea fostului Presedinte Bush senior in cadrul
> CIA, pe cand era Directorul ei General?

Afli ce te intereseaza aici:
Bush Senior Early CIA Ties Revealed

The Mafia, the CIA and Bush Sr.

Si articolul acesta imi pare tare interesant:
"George H. W. Bush becomes director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). During his tenure, Bush helps provide training for the Saudi royal family's palace guard, cementing a relationship that proves critical to the Bush family's fortunes. Bush also privatizes various CIA assets, with Bath considered one of the beneficiaries because of his involvement in the aircraft business. Bath will later tell a business associate he works for the CIA and was recruited by Bush Sr.
Jim Bath is alleged to be the link between the Bin Laden and Bush families.
Salem Bin Laden, older brother to future al Qaeda leader Osama, enters into a trust agreement with Jim Bath, whereby Bath will act as the bin Laden family's representative in North America, investing money in various business ventures. Bath also becomes the business representative of Khalid bin Mahfouz, a member of Saudi Arabia's most powerful banking family and owners of the National Commercial Bank, the principal bank of the Saudi royal family.
Charles W. "Bil" White, a former Annapolis graduate and US Navy pilot, graduates from Harvard's business school. He is then introduced to Jim Bath who is looking for someone to manage his real estate company. Bath hires White as his partner. Money from the bin Laden and bin Mahfouz families is invested in Bath's real estate company. Among other things, Bath buys the Saudis an airport, office and apartment buildings, and invests in Texas banks. Eventually, Salem Bin Laden and Khalid bin Mahfouz buy an enormous mansion in River Oaks, Houston's most affluent neighborhood.
George W. Bush starts up an oil company in Texas called Arbusto 78. Bath will invest money from Salem bin Laden and Khalid bin Mahfouz in this new company. Bill White is told by Bath that more than $1-million of the Saudis' money was pumped into Bush's venture.
The Carter administration, through the CIA, begins to fund the fledgling mujahadeen in Afghanistan - six months before the Soviet invasion - in the hopes of drawing the USSR into its own Vietnam.
George H.W. Bush runs for the presidential nomination of the Republican Party, but loses to Ronald Reagan. He becomes Reagan's running mate and eventual vice-president."


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